good firsts?

I don't know much about cigar smoking for sorry for the misused terms... What are good cigars to start off with? and what about the shapes? or types? Do different lengths or widths taste better or worse?
Any input would be much appreciated as I'm looking to put in an order within the next few days.

So since I love cameroons, doesn't mean that you will. And since I have a preference for Robustos, doesn't mean you will.
For you, that will mean you will have to try things to see what you like and what you don't like. Keeping notes, mental or other, that will let you know which direction to go in.
And then to complicate things even worse, as your tastes develop, they will change. Making it even harder for you to determine exactly what it is that you like or want.
This may sound odd, but think about what cigars visually appeal to you. Your mind often has a way of influencing you to what it thinks is good. If you look at a bunch of different foods, usually you like the ones you find visually appealing.
Different lengths and shapes have different tastes and are they better or worse is dependent on who is making that call.
As for what to start out with, what do you currently like? That may give us some idea of which direction you are leaning.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
nothing like just getting your feet wet in a hobby and you accidentally have a bad experience that makes you want to stop.
some of the super strong cigars out there have potential to put a new guy down.