Home Cigar 101

HELP !!!!

SlickRSSlickRS Posts: 44
I have only been smoking cigars for a couple months but I have a question. How do you find time to relax and smoke the whole thing? Today is a perfect example. I only have one day off this week. My last few days off it has been windy so I could not smoke but today was perfect. I set up on the back patio with everything I would need. Cigar, ash tray, torch lighter and my cutter. I started my ritual enjoying every minute of it. I took the rapper off. The smell was great. Then I cut, toasted and started to smoke. Then as usual something came up. The phone rang, there was a situation at the kids school. It just seems that something always comes up when I am ready to enjoy some" me " time. With everything going on on a daily basis with the wife the kids the job the house. Please give me some advice on how to find time to get a good smoke in. Thanks


  • betasynnbetasynn Posts: 1,249
    Sell your house, kids, and wife. Quit your job, beg for money. Figure if you can get a dollar an hour, thats a cigar or two a day. OR you could maybe buy smaller sizes.
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    Join the Navy!!

    Once you're underway on cruise you'll have plenty of time to go out to a sponson, light up your favorite smoke and contemplate all sorts of things like the razor sharp horizon on a clear day, the glow in the dark water on a full moon night...people...how small the world is....how my chief can swear for five minutes straight...how does someone keep pooping in the urinal....how many ways can they serve chicken....how does one screw up rice...

    Seriously, set aside about an hour, buy your favorite robusto and hide away for an hour outside. It's a pain but i still manag to get in 1-2 a day. I also have a 45 minute drive home in which i usually smoke a robusto in the car. I light it up at work and put it out at home.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    I usually smoke a stick on Friday nights with a buddy of mine, we both have small children so we get together after the kids have gone to bed. During the weekend, sometimes if I'm out by myself running errands, I might make a stop by my local cigar bar for a smoke and a beer. You will get better working some smoking time in your life. And if you don't, you can always just send me your smokes ;)

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • brc81brc81 Posts: 249
    I wait until I can send the kid to bed and the wife is busy with other things. I sit out back by myself and can usually get about an hour or so of peace. Typically, I get this chance about once a week.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Join the Navy!!

    Once you're underway on cruise you'll have plenty of time to go out to a sponson, light up your favorite smoke and contemplate all sorts of things like the razor sharp horizon on a clear day, the glow in the dark water on a full moon night...people...how small the world is....how my chief can swear for five minutes straight...how does someone keep pooping in the urinal....how many ways can they serve chicken....how does one screw up rice...

    Seriously, set aside about an hour, buy your favorite robusto and hide away for an hour outside. It's a pain but i still manag to get in 1-2 a day. I also have a 45 minute drive home in which i usually smoke a robusto in the car. I light it up at work and put it out at home.
    lol, so many things about that are funny... Join the coast guard, I hear they have more down time...
    back on topic: I know what you mean, I have a hard time setting aside an hour or two for a cigar. I wish I had a basement where I could have a nice comfy chair and watch a movie or something while smoking. That's my goal when we get our house. In the mean-time I have to settle for the garage which sort of sucks, or outside but right now we get spotty good weather but the damn wind pisses me off.
  • mjroschemjrosche Posts: 1
    I have a great wife that takes the kids. Big Smile [:D]
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Become a firefighter. All they do is sit around and smoke cigars waiting for something to catch fire! haha Not really, but I do know several of our local fire fighters smoke cigars in the evenings at work after dinner. Made me think about switching jobs!!! lol
  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Posts: 2,963 ✭✭✭
    I hear ya! It's not easy for me to find the time either. Between work, family and the dang weather I have a hard time getting a smoke in very often. Maybe that's why my humidor filled up so fast.

    I find myself going for the little robustos more and more, but really I love a nice churchill. I just bide my time and when it finally comes I really enjoy it.
  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    Have a screwed up Circadian cycle, everyone is going to bed sometime around 11ish, light up. Once your done, brush your teeth, shower and hit the hay at 1ish.
  • brsmith21brsmith21 Posts: 207
    The secret is to get the whole family involved.
    That's why cigars come in different sizes:
    Churchill is for Dad
    Toro is for Mom
    Robusto is for the teens
    Coronas for the tweens

    And of course the Petite Coronas for the little tykes ;)
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    wait till the kids are in bed.
  • Doughty421Doughty421 Posts: 39
    That's what I do. Once everyone is in bed, the house is clean, Lincoln is washed, clothes folded, and the grass is cut, I sit on the deck with a cup of coffee and a good cigar. Nothing like the moon reflecting off the river at night. Maybe a thread about our favorite place to light up needs to be started.
  • robert69165robert69165 Posts: 219
    Brother, you just take one minute at a time, and go from there. Seriously, if you don't have the time, buy shorter smokes. That's what I do!
  • undulacundulac Posts: 1,129
    Yard work and cigars go hand in hand. BTW, I have the nicest yard on the street :)
  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    Pretty much what everyone else said is what I do, and would recommend. Make sure your wife really understands you need some "me" time. And definitely look into Robustos, or smaller. That reminds me I've got my eye on some of those Oliva perfectos...
  • jihiggsjihiggs Posts: 469 ✭✭
    being single myself, I have nothing BUT time, I keep myself pretty busy, but I never have a hard time finding smoking time. though I have been known to get up at 6:30 in the summer and go have a before work smoke. its rare that I wake up early enough and alert enough to pull it off, but when I do its pretty nice.
  • tankbonniestankbonnies Posts: 191
    Yard work and cigars go hand in hand. BTW, I have the nicest yard on the street :)
    LOL...Great idea.....Anyhow...when my son goes to sleep I sit out on the patio...usually 9-10 at nite..phone won't ring and the wife enjoys a glass of wine....
  • SlickRSSlickRS Posts: 44
    Yard work and cigars go hand in hand. BTW, I have the nicest yard on the street :)
    Thanks for all your help. Yard work is something we have to do so why not smoke a cigar.
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