Dunhill Romana

Our local B&M has been trying to clear out an old supply of Dunhills since before Christmas, without much success. They put them beside the two buck bin, and they only want four bucks a stick, regardless of shape. These are some tremendous smokes. When Johnny Sotweedseed prepared bomblets for his ride down the Blue Ridge, he inserted one of these into each can. At the price, they make superb ordnance. Unfortunately, it rained the whole way down and the whole way back. When you smoke one of these, don't do it in the rain. They get soggy and go out. Of course, Johnny had to score a couple extras for myself, because last time I hit one I wasn't keeping a cigar journal, but I remembered how much I liked them.
Just look at the beauty of this thing:
Isn't that gorgeous? It's one of those sticks you hate to uncap. Look at that marbled chocolate color. Doesn't smell chocolate, though. Gives off hazelnut and vanilla. Delicious. You can taste nuts before you even uncap it. Odd size, called a Romana, just 4 1/5 inches by 50 gauge. Some of these, the foot feels a little soft.
Perhaps that just helps them light easily, because they fire off with one match toasting the foot. Right away, you get a rich well rounded smooth nutty flavor. Plenty of volume. Fills the garage with an aromatic odor. This would be a good indoors smoke, well mannered, does not stink the place up and does not strew ash. Burns slow. Slow. This pic is 45 minutes in:
Not only slow, but holds a long ash. I only ashed twice from light to nub. Well mannered through the nose, too. Gives you more hazel nuts without any burning or tickling up there. About halfway along, I got excited watching cage fighting on the garage toob, so I started hitting it too hard. Don't do that. That makes nuttiness turn bitter. Leave it relax and it treats you very well. The old 1,2,3. There is strength there, though. About an hour in, it had me dizzy and I started spitting. Too much strength for a newb like me.
I tossed the nub in the nub jar at an hour and a half, completely satisfied. The rest of the evening, I enjoyed a tremendous stinkfinger. The stinkfinger smelled like muslin mosquito netting in the tropics. Couldn't get over it. If you have ever slept in the tropics on a damp night under a skeeter net with the windows all wide open, then you know the odor. Reminiscent for me. Kept sniffing my fingers and remembering the love of my life and myself in a Mayan sleeping hammock swung in a thatched hut in Chulum, Yucutan. But that's a couple other stories. In the morning, I had a flavorful morning mouth. Not objectionable at all. Would have liked to pair that morning mouth with coffee; but unfortunately, this morning mouth all evaporated when I brushed my teeth. No wheeze.
I gave this four and a half stars. I'd smoke another in a heartbeat. Wait! I do have another!
Just look at the beauty of this thing:

Perhaps that just helps them light easily, because they fire off with one match toasting the foot. Right away, you get a rich well rounded smooth nutty flavor. Plenty of volume. Fills the garage with an aromatic odor. This would be a good indoors smoke, well mannered, does not stink the place up and does not strew ash. Burns slow. Slow. This pic is 45 minutes in:

I tossed the nub in the nub jar at an hour and a half, completely satisfied. The rest of the evening, I enjoyed a tremendous stinkfinger. The stinkfinger smelled like muslin mosquito netting in the tropics. Couldn't get over it. If you have ever slept in the tropics on a damp night under a skeeter net with the windows all wide open, then you know the odor. Reminiscent for me. Kept sniffing my fingers and remembering the love of my life and myself in a Mayan sleeping hammock swung in a thatched hut in Chulum, Yucutan. But that's a couple other stories. In the morning, I had a flavorful morning mouth. Not objectionable at all. Would have liked to pair that morning mouth with coffee; but unfortunately, this morning mouth all evaporated when I brushed my teeth. No wheeze.
I gave this four and a half stars. I'd smoke another in a heartbeat. Wait! I do have another!
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)