Bring back the Smoke 'N' Post!!!

Hey everybody,
Remember when we did this a few months ago? I really enjoyed it and think we should revive it. In case you don't know what it is, I'll explain. Each week a cigar is chosen to be smoked. The emphasis is on picking a cigar that many people have. We pick a day and time, say Saturdays at 9:00 est, for example, and anyone that wants to participate lights up the chosen cigar. While you are smoking, we have a thread started to share your views on the cigar as you smoke it. I thought it was a really interesting way to get a whole bunch of peoples thoughts on a particular cigar. You can get 10 reviews of the same cigar all in one thread. Even if you don't participate, the thread provides a really cool review of the cigar from several viewpoints.
Also, I believe the biggest issue is picking a cigar each week. If I ask for input, everyone is just going to throw out a bunch of ideas and we don't really get any closer to picking a cigar. I think it would be cool to just have someone be elected each week to pick the next weeks cigar and just assume everyone will try to pick a cigar that is pretty popular. We should also decide which cigar we are going to smoke by Monday so that people have a chance to get one by the weekend if they don't already have one. How does this all sound? Who's with me?
LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
I would love to get in this. I will be spending much more time at home in the upcoming months and will be able to enjoy the hobby a little more. I guess my .02 would be... Why not have a weekly line up. Week 1 = Cigar a Week 2 = Cigar b ..... and so on. This would give some of the guys a chance to pick one up or even have one sent to them. If we are given 3 weeks notice thats is more then enough time to get a stick from a B&M or to a deserving BOTL. Just an idea.
1. Tally all names and assign each member a week.
2. Give each member a few days to come up with their cigar for their week.
3. Begin the first week.
this will allow everyone to know when they're up and what cigar they will need for all weeks. Yes, this induces some organizational challenges and time constraints, but a little work in the beginning may make things easier and more enjoyable in the long run. While this is your baby, I would be happy to assist in anyway. I already have my cigar picked out and have 3-4 I can share with those that need it. Again, I defer to your judgement as it may be easier on everyone to just play it by ear depending on who can participate during any given timeframe.
Yeah, I'm not finding it on
I'll check at the local B&M.