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Hammer and Sickle- Moscow City

BombayBombay Posts: 1,207
Picked up one at the B&M, put it down for a rest, anyone have any of these yet? Thoughts? Opinions?


  • jasonusa1jasonusa1 Posts: 729
    No, but I did have one of the Berliner Mauer (robusto) and was rather unimpressed.
  • VisionVision Posts: 9,283 ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, but I did have one of the Berliner Mauer (robusto) and was rather unimpressed.

    I wasnt disappointed.... but not blown away. This was my thought on the Berlin Wall

    Not a single bit of harshness. Not a ton of change, Went from coffee/java to toast and finished with "clean" tobacco. I use clean because it wasn't muddy'd by any other flavors. I want to pick up a few Moscow's.
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