Just noticed cigars seem to repel bugs!

Might seem random, but I found it interesting. I decided to smoke another CAO tonight not sure what it was, it was wrapped in cedar and just banded CAO imported. It was fairly enjoyable. On the main point though, around here the bugs seem to get pretty bad about sunset. I usually get eaten alive, but while smoking cigars they seem to leave me alone all together. Not one bite, I don't think I even saw a mosquito the entire smoke... So either they all died off suddenly, or more likely they don't like cigars. I'm going to have to say they are missing out. Anyone else notice this? I'm sure I'm making a bigger deal out of it then it really is haha!
Man knew his business. I've spent gobs at his store since.
All started with bug repellent.
I don't think it's any accident that Indians in skeetery places rolled their uppowoc long before Chris sailed nigh.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
I'm just bitter for I bought a 5er when they came out and wasn't impressed each month I smoked one.... blah
Looking for good suggestions for repelling insects outside.
Also, has anyone heard of making a bat house from cigar boxes? Seems like you could take out one side for this.
The winner gets a box of Puros Indios I've been hiding in my sock drawer for the last 2 years!
I have noticed that mosquitos hate the smoke. Gnats do not seem to care as much.
I'll have to give that a try lol
What you can't forgive......you will become.