moscas maledictas le gustan esos

About a month or six weeks ago, I salted away some home rolled stogies, first cigars I've ever rolled. Couple weeks back, I pulled one out and lit it. Hated it. Today, I pulled out a couple more and lit them. Here's how bad they were: The two cigars sitting side by side on the workbench, both lit, three or four flies landed on them. I swear to God. Talk about your dog turrds? Flies, flies like my stix. Moscas maledictas les gustan mucho. I'm not making it up.
Both were rolled tight as a duck's a$$. When I was rolling them, I was worried they'd be too loose. Not a chance. So that's good. I can make them looser if I try again. Looser would be easier. The shape is nice and round and even. That's good. And the burn is even too. I got inch and a half ashes, perfect burn. Look at this pic:
You can see I got the veins going the wrong way on this one. No prob. The head is all chewed up because I was sucking on it so hard. Loose will solve that.
But the taste! Like taint! Reach down in your pants, scratch where it itches, smell your fingers. Like that.
Kuzi warned me don't fall in love with home rolled just because I made them. No danger of that, Kuz.
Gotta get me some better leaf.
Both were rolled tight as a duck's a$$. When I was rolling them, I was worried they'd be too loose. Not a chance. So that's good. I can make them looser if I try again. Looser would be easier. The shape is nice and round and even. That's good. And the burn is even too. I got inch and a half ashes, perfect burn. Look at this pic:

But the taste! Like taint! Reach down in your pants, scratch where it itches, smell your fingers. Like that.
Kuzi warned me don't fall in love with home rolled just because I made them. No danger of that, Kuz.
Gotta get me some better leaf.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
if you had a moist wrapper on them you may have started another fermentation and then you will have serious taste issues for a while.
Just got off the phone with Craig Smith, fifth generation Smith of FX Smith. They roll the John Hay. Tells me they roll them and shoot them right out the door. I smoked one of FX Smith's Breva cigars that I got from them just yesterday. Same deal. In fact, let me review that separately.
Anyhoo, so I am going to sort thru these, toss the ones that are too tight and hard, age the rest, stash the FX Smith as well for aging, and report back on all this next year.
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