cigar description from the makers company

When looking at a cigar and reading its flavor profile, who actually describes the cigars qualitys and profile? Is it the man himself which the cigar is known for, such as rocky patel, etc., is it a person dedicated to just this 1 job, or other??? I was just wondering bc it seems like more times than not a cigar description isnt as close as to what it tastes like in real life. Or even from so called aficianados, and we know about cigar aficianado so we wont go there. Are we that novice as to not pick out all these flavors or better yet get a totally different taste as to what the maker designed. Or are they hoping a cigar tastes a certain way and never really try it out to give an accurate description?????
Bottom line, don't worry about it, sometimes you'll get certain flavors that aren't even mentioned in the flavor profile, heck, I get a toffee flavor out of pretty much all the 5 Vegas Golds that I smoked and I have never seen that specific flavor mentioned in any site's flavor profile for that stick.
I'm not entirely sure as well, but I do know that I can tell if a cigar is creamy or not, or if it has cocoa in it or coffee. I do think pairing a cigar will bring out more flavor. It's very different for each person though I'm sure that if you had say four of us smoke the same cigar there would be tastes that we all could detect, just maybe more so than the other. So I would think that a description of a cigar would come from a combined consensus of those involved.
So your sayin' we agree Squirrely ...;)
One big issue is how things change industry wide. If you asked someone in the 1990's about what cigars are full bodied, they would tell you Partagas. By todays standards, Partagas is medium bodied. The cigar and the blend have not changed, but what people consider strong has.
what do you think is the strongest cigar out there?