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  • Gray4linesGray4lines Posts: 4,691 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd really like to try one of these! I personally like most of the 5 Vegas lines, especially the A series and Miamis.... never had the cask... is it anything like the relic?

    A word to the wise... if you do not like the way someone chooses to review (or not ) a cigar, then just quit reading.
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • VisionVision Posts: 9,287 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd really like to try one of these! I personally like most of the 5 Vegas lines, especially the A series and Miamis.... never had the cask... is it anything like the relic?

    A word to the wise... if you do not like the way someone chooses to review (or not ) a cigar, then just quit reading.

    PM at ya.
  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd really like to try one of these! I personally like most of the 5 Vegas lines, especially the A series and Miamis.... never had the cask... is it anything like the relic?

    A word to the wise... if you do not like the way someone chooses to review (or not ) a cigar, then just quit reading.
    .....oh really now?
    I guess it's a good thing I wasn't able to send your package today, I'll be sure to include one for ya on Monday. (rode my bike to work today, didn't want sticks getting squashed in my bag)

    And no I wouldn't in anyway say these 2 cigars are similar. I don't have a palate as refined as some of these BOTLs so I won't even try to compare the flavors, but they're definitely different.

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd really like to try one of these! I personally like most of the 5 Vegas lines, especially the A series and Miamis.... never had the cask... is it anything like the relic?

    A word to the wise... if you do not like the way someone chooses to review (or not ) a cigar, then just quit reading.

    PM at ya.
    I got him on this, Vision. I owe Gray a package anyways.

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • Gaetano7890Gaetano7890 Posts: 800 ✭✭✭
    As I stated, We have no problem with hanging with you.
    You will find I am a very out spoken person and have no problem with stepping on toes when someone is out of line on the folks I consider my friends and am very loyal to those same folks.

    Getting acclimated to this forum, because it is so different is sometimes a trial and error thing.
    And errors need to be corrected. I have no problem explaining that.
    I hold no animosities to anyone. But also have no problems with saying my peace.
    Neither do I, which is probalby why we butt'ed heads eh? I've spent plenty of time in violent altercations that I prefer the calm and relaxation of a good smoke and a fine drink. I also like clowns. image
    In my experinces people who talk about their violent altercations have never been in one.
  • Gray4linesGray4lines Posts: 4,691 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd really like to try one of these! I personally like most of the 5 Vegas lines, especially the A series and Miamis.... never had the cask... is it anything like the relic?

    A word to the wise... if you do not like the way someone chooses to review (or not ) a cigar, then just quit reading.

    PM at ya.
    I got him on this, Vision. I owe Gray a package anyways.
    Lol, you don't owe me... you're just a cool fella! Thanks dude, you'll be on my list to get back at... and thanks vision, very nice gesture. I appreciate it a lot
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd really like to try one of these! I personally like most of the 5 Vegas lines, especially the A series and Miamis.... never had the cask... is it anything like the relic?

    A word to the wise... if you do not like the way someone chooses to review (or not ) a cigar, then just quit reading.

    PM at ya.
    I got him on this, Vision. I owe Gray a package anyways.
    Lol, you don't owe me... you're just a cool fella! Thanks dude, you'll be on my list to get back at... and thanks vision, very nice gesture. I appreciate it a lot
    Ok - I don't owe you a package, but I'm sending you one anyways...might as well include a Cask in it and Vision can save his postage $$ for some other time.
    And no need to put me on a "get back at" list - like I said, I got too many cigars right now and not enough time to smoke them. So we're all good.

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • Gaetano7890:
    As I stated, We have no problem with hanging with you.
    You will find I am a very out spoken person and have no problem with stepping on toes when someone is out of line on the folks I consider my friends and am very loyal to those same folks.

    Getting acclimated to this forum, because it is so different is sometimes a trial and error thing.
    And errors need to be corrected. I have no problem explaining that.
    I hold no animosities to anyone. But also have no problems with saying my peace.
    Neither do I, which is probalby why we butt'ed heads eh? I've spent plenty of time in violent altercations that I prefer the calm and relaxation of a good smoke and a fine drink. I also like clowns. image
    In my experinces people who talk about their violent altercations have never been in one.
    Lol...ok buddy.
  • Ok, how about a review shall we? Davidoff is good, buy it! Next... Padron is good, buy them, because I enjoy them! I need a drink lol
  • raisindotraisindot Posts: 1,294 ✭✭✭
    For what it's worth, I'm a noob and I've tried a few other regular 5 Vegas types from samplers and wasn't overly impressed, by the Cask Strength is a winner for me. The box press 'feel,' was very new and unusual, but I really liked it after awhile, especially since it produced a lot of 'draw.' The taste had the really nice spicy-kinda-sweet flavor that I tend to prefer over the more 'leathery' taste I've found on other full-bodied smokes.
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    The original Cask, well is unlike anything, but will not find, newer isn't bad, also like the Miami, and AAA
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • kingjk729kingjk729 Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭
    I unfortunately have never had the enjoyment of smoking an original CSI ...... Now I've had just about everything else that 5V has put out and the CSII and Miami are IMHO the best of the group. Either of these two just get better with age I recently herfed with a good friend and gave him a CSII with over 2 years on it. He was blown away and bummed at the same time. What a great stick this was and if I buy some I'll need to wait a long time to get the same experience he griped. I find myself pulling he trigger on these on the sprint sale or other bid/auction sites when the deal is great. It's nice to have fivers of these at 3 or 6 month intervals . I don't remember what BORK introduced me to dating my cigars but I thank you. The cedar and spiciness is what drew me into the CSII and I'll always have these on hand in. I enjoy the 5V A and AAA as well and have one of each of the limitadas from 08 coming forward and am going to smoke each on the fifth year. There's my 2 pennies .
  • SaVasSaVas Posts: 250
    The original Cask, well is unlike anything, but will not find, newer isn't bad, also like the Miami, and AAA
    the original red label cask strength is brilliant with many years age on them.
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