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stock up on ammo

jihiggsjihiggs Posts: 469 ✭✭
hey yall. I might be a little paraniod, but the way things are going in this country, im starting to take steps to be prepared for the worst. ive got a pretty good handle on food and water, thats easy, but Im just confused about ammo. I know I dont want to stock pile a crap ton of cheap range ammo, but I also cant afford to stock pile expensive stuff. I have a glock 26 for my every day carry, its loaded with federal hydrashock ammo. but that stuff is over a dollar a round. id like to have at least 1000 rounds on hand. what brand would be "good enough" to consider stock piling and what kind? theres all this stuff I dont under stand, P+, +P+, HP, and so on, its enough to make my head spin. I plan on in the next couple year expanding my armaments to include a high power rifle for long range, couple shotguns, pistols and probly some archery equipment. I have experience with all of this from my childhood, but I never had to actually buy the ammo, my dad did that, lol.


  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    I've always liked Winchester ranger JHP-jacketed hollow point for the money in my glock 23
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Posts: 5,960 ✭✭✭✭
    One name comes to mind...Hornady!!!! Best ammo ever!!!! Consistent and good distance with plenty of power behind it
    Money can't buy taste
  • The_buffalonianThe_buffalonian Posts: 987 ✭✭✭
    i'm right there with you 10,000+ 223, 5,000+ 5.56, 3000+ 22 and near the same for 9mm, not including shotgun and other calibers .When looking at JHP,JSP,P+,+P+ depends on the situation and where your area of fire will be, also keep in mind the grain of powder as well.
  • LasabarLasabar Posts: 4,472 ✭✭✭
    I would say 1st, what is your timeframe?
    I say that because I've taken to reloading my own ammo and it's less expensive (about .10 cheaper for 9mm and gets even better when you got to bigger rounds) so you can stockpile for a ton less if you make your own, and you know what you are making, some manufactured ammo has inconsistencies that make each bullet fly a little different

    Second, if you want to buy your ammo and not reload then for cheap and good ammo I would consider Remington UMC (I use the nickel plated rounds) you can buy online for about $10 a box which is the lowest I pay without going with no name stuff... The UMC Remington is not only fairly consistent, but it's a CLEAN ammo, so you can shoot a ton without your gun jamming up

    Third, it DOES depend on your gun. I have a Springfield XDM and than thing can handle ANY ammo and can fun dirty, some of the cheaper handguns don't take kindly to dirty powder or crappy rounds, so the best bet is to SHOOT a TON of what you think you want to stockpile, so you KNOW it runs in your gun

    Fourth, Ammo is broken down into many things, but the way I look at it is this:
    1. JHP means "Jacketed Hollow Point" which is what expands into a large spinning razor blade in your enemies, this is the stuff that hurts people BAD
    2. FMJ means "Full Metal Jacket" and the whole bullet is just a round nosed piece of metal, no razor blades but will go through more objects (walls and stuff) and it still hurts but now as effective in "Stopping Power"
    3. +P means the cartridge is the same ole stuff you have (FMJ or JHP etc) but it has EXTRA powder in it meaning it has "+ POWER" and will go faster and deeper into your target (or THROUGH your target if too powerful) and +p+ is even MORE POWDER... With +P ammo you need to have a gun that can handle the extra powder load. The extra powder means more pressure and more force so some cheaper guns cannot handle the extra force and will break, most modern and name brand guns today can handle all +p (that's a BIG generalization, so look it up before you go further with a certain gun)

    Hope this helps

    Here's what I would do in your situation and with what you said you'd need
    Go online (www.ammoseek.com is nice to find ammo for cheap) and buy some Remingtion UMC and you can get about 1000 rounds for $220 give or take with shipping and then buy some of the hollow point that you like as much as you can (yes, mostly for $1 a round) but then you have TONS of ammo to shoot at people/things, but have that ONE clip for anyone that comes into your house and you need to take care of business.

    Wow, this is long!!!!
  • kingjk729kingjk729 Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭
    Great info by Lassie and he didn't even mention Miller Lite ....... I don't know if you guys have ever used www.slickguns.com but they post deals on guns, knifes, ammo , and survival gear sometimes ..... I have gotten some amazing deals on my Sig and have picked up ammo on the cheap a few times ..... Just when you find a great deal on ammo buy a few boxes and see if it agrees with you're gun ....... If it does then buy a bunch of it ..... Remember if ammo is stored properly it will last for a very long time .
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Posts: 6,249 ✭✭✭✭
    Hi James, since some people with a lot more experience with ammo has already helped you out with your question, I have a question for you. What is going on in this country that has you freaking out? Is it the random school (or movie theater) shootings? 9/11 or Oklahoma City? ObamaCare??? No offense, but I really don't get it when people are this paranoid. Although if you are paranoid, that insinuates some level of irrationality to begin with. That scares me more than whatever is probably scaring you. Perhaps a good cigar would help. For the record, I actually am wondering what it is. This isn't a random attack on people with guns. I, too, have a gun for home defense. I'm just curious what leads to these extremes?
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • JDHJDH Posts: 2,107
    "...hey yall. I might be a little paraniod,..."

    That paranoia is fueled by an All-American institution: Profit.

    James and others like him who think they need to "stock up on ammo" because they are worried about "what's going on in this country" are only increasing ammo manufacturring profits, and are behaving exactly, precisely, as these manufacturers want him to behave. If you don't believe me, just follow the money.

    My advice is to stock up on this:

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Well if the govt or police are coming after you it doesn't matter how much guns or ammo you have, you will be taken out. small arms can't bring down tanks and helicopters and professionally trained peeps.

    I'm wondering where you get that "the way things are going" thing that makes you think you need to stock up on ammo and food and water?
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Hi James, since some people with a lot more experience with ammo has already helped you out with your question, I have a question for you. What is going on in this country that has you freaking out? Is it the random school (or movie theater) shootings? 9/11 or Oklahoma City? ObamaCare??? No offense, but I really don't get it when people are this paranoid. Although if you are paranoid, that insinuates some level of irrationality to begin with. That scares me more than whatever is probably scaring you. Perhaps a good cigar would help. For the record, I actually am wondering what it is. This isn't a random attack on people with guns. I, too, have a gun for home defense. I'm just curious what leads to these extremes?
    "obamacare" lol... healthcare is scary.
  • JDHJDH Posts: 2,107
    "..."obamacare" lol... healthcare is scary. ..."

    Right. Why would the Affordable Care Act inspire someone to stock up on ammo? I do not get it.
  • The_buffalonianThe_buffalonian Posts: 987 ✭✭✭
    Ammo prices are raising for the most part but if by chance marshal law or zombie apocalypse happens im ready. lol
  • JDHJDH Posts: 2,107
    The buffalonian:
    Ammo prices are raising for the most part but if by chance marshal law or zombie apocalypse happens im ready. lol
    Dont fergit about the damn UN takin away my right to have a gun, & Al Gore takin away my car, neither
  • The_buffalonianThe_buffalonian Posts: 987 ✭✭✭
    The buffalonian:
    Ammo prices are raising for the most part but if by chance marshal law or zombie apocalypse happens im ready. lol
    Dont fergit about the damn UN takin away my right to have a gun, & Al Gore takin away my car, neither
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    The buffalonian:
    Ammo prices are raising for the most part but if by chance marshal law or zombie apocalypse happens im ready. lol
    okay, yes if zombies rose up I would want a stock pile.
  • illinoisgolf99illinoisgolf99 Posts: 1,507
    Hi James, since some people with a lot more experience with ammo has already helped you out with your question, I have a question for you. What is going on in this country that has you freaking out? Is it the random school (or movie theater) shootings? 9/11 or Oklahoma City? ObamaCare??? No offense, but I really don't get it when people are this paranoid. Although if you are paranoid, that insinuates some level of irrationality to begin with. That scares me more than whatever is probably scaring you. Perhaps a good cigar would help. For the record, I actually am wondering what it is. This isn't a random attack on people with guns. I, too, have a gun for home defense. I'm just curious what leads to these extremes?
    "obamacare" lol... healthcare is scary.

    I've got to agree, what is going on in this country that people need to stockpile their ammunition.. Is there another Rapture Rumor I don't know about? Or are all the "crazy liberals" coming to your neighborhood and you're worried they're going to fill your brain with rational and altruistic thoughts? Not ranting on anyone on here, just been puzzled with a lot of what's been going on in politics lately.
  • JDHJDH Posts: 2,107
    Hi James, since some people with a lot more experience with ammo has already helped you out with your question, I have a question for you. What is going on in this country that has you freaking out? Is it the random school (or movie theater) shootings? 9/11 or Oklahoma City? ObamaCare??? No offense, but I really don't get it when people are this paranoid. Although if you are paranoid, that insinuates some level of irrationality to begin with. That scares me more than whatever is probably scaring you. Perhaps a good cigar would help. For the record, I actually am wondering what it is. This isn't a random attack on people with guns. I, too, have a gun for home defense. I'm just curious what leads to these extremes?
    "obamacare" lol... healthcare is scary.

    I've got to agree, what is going on in this country that people need to stockpile their ammunition.. Is there another Rapture Rumor I don't know about? Or are all the "crazy liberals" coming to your neighborhood and you're worried they're going to fill your brain with rational and altruistic thoughts? Not ranting on anyone on here, just been puzzled with a lot of what's been going on in politics lately.
    I remember right after the '08 election, you could not get any ammo for months because so many people were convinced that Obama was going to outlaw ammo. The ammo manufacturers were laughing all the way to the bank. I personally know many otherwise sane, rational people with very good jobs who were convinced (by the things they were reading and hearing on the radio) that Obama was going to "take it all away from them".

    Was it PT Barnum who said "there's a sucker born every minute'?
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Jihiggs - I'd recommend spending some time on gun forums and asking around; it can be confusing. But to get more to your question . . . it depends. Different guns like different ammo; for whatever reason, some ammo feeds better than others. Obviously a .45 will take all .45 ammo and fire it, but some ammo has a tendency to jam more in guns that "don't like" that particular brand - the only way to find out is to play around with different ammo brands, or ask someone who's already done the homework, which you'll find on a dedicated gun forum

    If you go on a gun forum, be careful - not all the advice you get is good advice. Eg - some will tell you that ammo will never feed properly unless you take a dremel drill to the feed ramp and make it shine like a mirror - it's total bullocks, but it's a popular belief held by some, so always take what you hear with a grain of salt

    EDIT - what I mean by guns liking some ammo more than others - I don't mean to imply there's a "wrong" brand of ammo for your gun; your gun will fire all rounds of the proper caliber and a jam can happen with any ammo brand, but what I meant was, guns have their preferences and the tendency is lessened with some brands - it's usually not a big deal, except in odd cases where a gun is particularly finnicky about what it likes; just something to keep in mind
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Well I know going to gun shows is a good way to get a lot of ammo for a decent price. I got several boxes at my local show.
  • The_buffalonianThe_buffalonian Posts: 987 ✭✭✭
    Im more of a collector now but I still have my FFL and I do sell at shows and your exactly right i wouldnt pick my ammo up anywhere else.last show i found a 1000 rounds of 223 for $370
  • jihiggsjihiggs Posts: 469 ✭✭
    Sleeve, you over state my concerns. But let me explain my position. It won't take too many more presidents like obama and they will start taking measures to make guns and ammo extremely expensive, call it a tax for programs to help innocent people hurt by guns or some bs training propganda. That would be the first step, then come the laws restricting people from buying guns, before you know it, two speeding tickets makes you ineligible. That's one motive.

    Next my concern is how the economy is going. Unless we see a radical change in leadership soon, this country will be in a lot of trouble. With extreme financial issues the ability to fund police forces decreases and the ability for a country to respond to a major natural disaster is severely limited.

    Next concern is how fast technology is moving. We are nearing the point where some pretty dangerous weapons can be achieved by more people. Creating an emp over major cities was once only achievable by the top minds with access to the most secure technology and information. I think the needed knowledge and material is now available to a much larger population, it only takes one *** and we could be in a world of hurt.

    Now don't think that I'm some nut job putting ladmines in my front yard with razorwire on the fence surrounding my house. But I've seen all the movies and tv shows recently about the end of civilization and its kinda got me thinking, am I really prepared to help myself if the conveniences I am accustomed to disappear? Plus I've recently seen a presentation by city volunteers asking for volunteers for an emergency preparedness team for the city. Some information they presented got me thinking some more.

    I get my food primarily from the grocery store. What happens if the grocery store doesn't get food for a while for whatever reason? Or hoarding cleans the shelves? Will I just shrug my shoulders and wait for some one else to come to my aid or do I take steps now to ensure I will be able to support myself in a time when money won't help me. This is just the way I am, since I was a boy scout, the motto "be prepared" has been a large part of my habbits.

    Don't take this inquiry as evidence that all I'm thinking about is getting all the guns I can to fight off the govt. My only reason is for self defense and hunting if needed. But in the event something major does happen, even if it only takes a couple of days for relief, I want to know that I am prepared for anything and that I won't be asking the man to come rescue me, the only saving I need is from Jesus, ill take care of the rest.
  • jihiggsjihiggs Posts: 469 ✭✭
    Very good information lasabar, thank you.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Well I know going to gun shows is a good way to get a lot of ammo for a decent price. I got several boxes at my local show.
    Eh, I dunno; if someone else has reloaded it, I don't know if they overdid it on the powder or what they did to the casing. Maybe it's just me and my general paranoia, but if it's not branded/from the manuf., I'd prefer to hand reload my own rather than trust someone else
  • jihiggsjihiggs Posts: 469 ✭✭
    I considered reloading, but I rent a bedroom in some one else's house, I barely have room on a desk for a laptop. My dad used to reload, its a pretty good ammount of equipment.
  • bigjohn125bigjohn125 Posts: 476
    I stock up on ammo for only one reason... Zombie Apocalypse! Bring on the undead!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    The buffalonian:
    Im more of a collector now but I still have my FFL and I do sell at shows and your exactly right i wouldnt pick my ammo up anywhere else.last show i found a 1000 rounds of 223 for $370
    yup, they are a great place, plus a lot of gun nuts. Though the police there can be a bit of a pain in the ***.
  • Alex_SvensonAlex_Svenson Posts: 1,224 ✭✭✭
    My wife thinks I'm nuts but I'm the same way. I have generators, water filtration, fuel, four months of food, few dozen guns, oceans in ammo, vests, gas masks, and tons of other supplies. Why? My reasoning is "massive Solar Flare". That stuff scares the crap out of me and it is not outside the realm of possibility. No infrastructure would make for some scary times and I don't want to have to count on anyone else or any government to care for me or my family. Italy the stuff was a reasonable investment And I look at it no differently than an insurance policy. Hopefully I'll never need it. In terms of question at hand, I am a loyal hornady and federal guy. Reloading is something I have been considering but mainly because it is getting expensive to shoot my 375 and 458.
  • bigjohn125bigjohn125 Posts: 476
    Alex Svenson:
    mainly because it is getting expensive to shoot my 375 and 458.
    Go big or go home, right Alex!
  • The_buffalonianThe_buffalonian Posts: 987 ✭✭✭
    Alex Svenson:
    mainly because it is getting expensive to shoot my 375 and 458.
    Go big or go home, right Alex!
    those are like my 45-70 , what gun to you have to shoot that 458. a SOCOM ?
  • jadeltjadelt Posts: 763 ✭✭
    Nothin at all wrong with cheap range ammo. WWB and such from Wally World will to the trick just like expensive stuff. Just my 2cents. (oh and in case it matters I am a certified firearms instructor, have my own training institution, and work at a gun range.)

    In general, you will run out of water long before you run out of ammo.
  • Alex_SvensonAlex_Svenson Posts: 1,224 ✭✭✭
    The buffalonian:
    Alex Svenson:
    mainly because it is getting expensive to shoot my 375 and 458.
    Go big or go home, right Alex!
    those are like my 45-70 , what gun to you have to shoot that 458. a SOCOM ?
    Both my 375 and 458 are CZ 550 American safari. Great dangerous game guns. Took a cape buffalo with 458 and will be taking my second lion next week with the 375. The 375 is one of my favorites. Lots of planes game and black bear under its belt. That said, ever since someone introduced me to 270 I have been shooting that almost exclusively. What a great caliber that is! I'd take it for the lion hunt but 375 is the minimum for dangerous game where we are going :(
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