Should I use beads?

Just purchased my first humidor. I have had it for about 3 weeks but I cannot keep the humidity level below 80. I am using the humidifier that came w/ the humidor. Should I switch to beads? Any suggestions would be appreciated
its a two way humidification system. it will soak up extra moisture (slowly but when it evens out it will maintain very well)
just make sure you get twice the amount that the website tells you to. this will keep it more stable.
This is why I keep telling you guys not to 'charge' your beads. If the beads are wet they can't absorb moisture. Leave the beads dry and put a small container of water in the humi so the beads can absorb what they need out of the air and release it when necessary.
I keep the mantra that my BHole is exit only and that's what I stick with.
I'm sure there are some assficionados that can help you, but keep it to private messages please.