Beetles. What are the odds.
I cam home to a warmer then usuall humi today. I know over 80deg is bad but what are the odds of a cigar having eggs in them? Is it common or rare? I know you should freeze them first.... but what if you dont? If you dod hae eggs is 100% that they will hatch. I did a little research but I think its good for the forum. Thanks guys!
Some Threads
Thanks guys!
Some Threads
Thanks guys!
I also just moved and my humidors ran a little warmer for a few weeks... still no issues.
back to your questions, really after trying to study up I have more questions then I did to start with! I have never frozen, nor felt the need,
I think if you watch new sticks coming in you have a good a chance of any of spotting trouble before it happens... seems like if beetles are present,then the warm trip during shipping would stir them up, most of the time.
however, no system is perfect. the best way to not get beetles is to keep that humidor under 70* and 70%
And Lee be careful with the 2 week isolation time-frame. Not sure where, but I read somewhere their life cycle and how long it can take to hatch, and if I recall they can lay dormant for months in egg form before hatching. If you want to truly run an isolation humi where all new sticks come in and sit before moving to your good humi, I would probably recommend at least 3 to 6 months before considering them safe and bug free. Just my opinion.