Home Cigar 101

A Puff Too Far

larryjguaylarryjguay Posts: 6 ✭✭
Been enjoying the hobby since about the first of the year.  I've tried a fair number of different cigars, developed some favorites, buying a second (300 stick) humidor for aging.  I've learned a lot form the forums, but I have a real basic question: do any of you have a rule of thumb for how far down you smoke a cigar?  How long a nub do you leave?  I have a tendency to go too far, I just hate to risk leaving good tobacco in the ash tray.  Which, of course, means I usually smoke until the poor thing is hot and bitter.  Any help?


  • Matt MarvelMatt Marvel Posts: 930
    If it's a really good stick, I'll go until my lips are blistered and my fingertips are burned. I try to get everything I can out of it.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    I'm with Matt on that one. I let the cigar dictate how far I smoke it, if it's good tasting and not harsh down to the nub, you can bet your bottom dollar I'll leave as little of it as possible, usually about 3/4 inch of unburned cigar. Sometimes the cigar starts to taste bitter or harsh around the band area, if that's the case then I'll lay it down right then. No sense in smoking a cigar when you're not enjoying it anymore, likewise there's no sense in wasting good taste and good tobacco. Let you taste buds be your guide.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    No sense in smoking a cigar when you're not enjoying it anymore, likewise there's no sense in wasting good taste and good tobacco. Let you taste buds be your guide.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    I'm with Matt on that one. I let the cigar dictate how far I smoke it, if it's good tasting and not harsh down to the nub, you can bet your bottom dollar I'll leave as little of it as possible, usually about 3/4 inch of unburned cigar. Sometimes the cigar starts to taste bitter or harsh around the band area, if that's the case then I'll lay it down right then. No sense in smoking a cigar when you're not enjoying it anymore, likewise there's no sense in wasting good taste and good tobacco. Let you taste buds be your guide.
    I'd have to say you hit the nail on the head, some cigars I can smoke till almost nothing is left. But I have had a few cigars that I had to put down as much as 1/2 way through. Terrible taste, getting hot...all depends on the your taste.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    There is a method many of us use to extend the life of a cigar. As soon as you taste a hint of that bitternes, "purge" the cigar. By purging I mean gently blow through the cigar. This kind of cleanses the cigar and many times will get rid of any bitterness. However, if that doesn't work then she goes down in the ashtray.
  • larryjguaylarryjguay Posts: 6 ✭✭

    Thanks.  I was wondering if I was missing some kind of secret about the whole thing.  Gonna be enjoying a cigar & a Scotch after work tonight, I'll try purging.  I just read the other day about doing that when you've puffed too enthusiastically & got the cigar hot, didn't think about trying it at the end.  Duh.

    I don't have any friends who are into cigars, so these forums have been great for tips from you vets.

  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    I've heard that it's considered polite, when in the company of others, to extinguish a cigar once you've got 3 fingers left in it; but if you're by yourself, it's completely your preference
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    I've heard that it's considered polite, when in the company of others, to extinguish a cigar once you've got 3 fingers left in it; but if you're by yourself, it's completely your preference
    I'd never heard that but it isn't polite to "extinguish" your cigar i the presence of others at all. You should set it down in the ash tray and let it go out on its own.
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭

    Thanks.  I was wondering if I was missing some kind of secret about the whole thing.  Gonna be enjoying a cigar & a Scotch after work tonight, I'll try purging.  I just read the other day about doing that when you've puffed too enthusiastically & got the cigar hot, didn't think about trying it at the end.  Duh.

    I don't have any friends who are into cigars, so these forums have been great for tips from you vets.

    I had this problem for a long time as well. My solution, hang out at the B&M more often and make new friends.
  • betasynnbetasynn Posts: 1,249
    I agree with maddy, you have to let it go out or it smells really putrid. If I'm smoking at my local B&M and I find that I need to leave all of a sudden, I'll take my cigar with me and extinguish it outside before I get into my car.
  • adamkhaliladamkhalil Posts: 80
    I'm with Matt on that one. I let the cigar dictate how far I smoke it, if it's good tasting and not harsh down to the nub, you can bet your bottom dollar I'll leave as little of it as possible, usually about 3/4 inch of unburned cigar. Sometimes the cigar starts to taste bitter or harsh around the band area, if that's the case then I'll lay it down right then. No sense in smoking a cigar when you're not enjoying it anymore, likewise there's no sense in wasting good taste and good tobacco. Let you taste buds be your guide.
    I think j0z3r nailed it. Granted, i'm more of a cigar newb (having only smoked a dozen or two thus far) i have found this to be the best guide rather than any rule. One trick i did pick up though is to try an leave as much ash on as long as possible the clsoer you get to the end. I found that it burns cooler and you can smoke a little bit more before it gets too hot or bitter.

    As far as extinguishing goes, definitely leave your cigar to burn out or take it with you. Putting it out when others are still smoking is the WORST! (someone did it in a group of me and my friends. the guys with me were pretty peeved. we were outdoors too but it still lingers and smells pretty hard when you put it out)
  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Posts: 2,963 ✭✭✭
    I like to smoke until it starts tasting a little warm. I don't like warm smoke. This usually means I never get it all the way to the nub, but oh well.
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