So... what's the obsession with addresses around here?

Honest question lol. Seems like half of my intro thread was about my address. So what gives? Is it really possible that there are genuine people left out there? If so I'm so here to stay lol.
A bomb shelter may be adviseable...
Bomb = packages of cigars that ccom members throw at other members.
Mass bombing = cigar packages sent by multiple members to some poor unexpecting member and usually for absolutely no reason at all.
Retaliation = getting even for having your mailbox destroyed. Absolutely not required, but totally satisfying and encouraged.
Getting even = see retaliation.
Mailbox = Usually what is destroyed by package of cigars sent by ccom members.
Unprovoked hit = usually when some member has decided another member is deserving of being bomb, for no apparent reason, other than they can. This seems to be a trendy thing.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.