We can rebuild Him!

Hello all you BOTL's!
I hope you are all having a wonderful time. Life is way too short to smoke a crappy cigar so make time to really enjoy a terrific smoke! I am smoking a Perdomo lot 23 and loving every second. Creamy, and forest - ty. I'll just say YUMMY.
Monday, June 1st., I am getting a brand new Hip! I always wanted to be Hip! I am 51 so we are going with the metal to metal option. Cobalt stainless steel and hopefully the answer to living a more comfortable life. I have had alot of great times and now my Arthritis has stopped me in my tracks. Over 500,000 miles, on 12 different motorcycles in 35 years. Rain, freezing, cold, Hot, Warm, beautiful, fog ..... you name it, I've ridden in it. Forty years on cement in a professional kitchen under pressure, Now it's time to pay the piper. I can't wait for the surgery to be over. The hospital for 3 days, then 8 weeks taking it easy. Man I hate surgery! Three years ago I had Septoplasty, 1.5 years ago, a Colectomy, where they removed 14 inches of my colon because of Diverticulitis, now this. I sure hope the nurse is cute! LOL I will miss my Cigars. Please pray for me even though you don't know me. God will know who you are talking about
. Enjoy life! Have some fun before you go, we can't get outta here alive! Thanks!

God bless and here's a speedy recovery mate!
Oh and a cute nurse, of course!
good luck!