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Hydrometer problem!

I bought a new 40 cap humi got it all seasoned up but my hydrometer wont set to 95 degrees, the directs say put it in a warm cloth and twist the knob on the back to 95 then let it sit in the humi till it is in between 65 and 75 degrees and its ready to store cigars. If its not working right will it even effect my humidity as long as the humidifier is all set?


  • bbc020bbc020 Posts: 1,422
    The analog hygrometers are hardly accurate. Without an accurate hygrometer, there is no way of knowing if the humidity in your humi is in the range you desire.

    My suggestion is to acquire a digital hygrometer and use the salt test(search for forum, you'll find alot about it) to calibrate your new digital hygrometer. After all is said and done, you should know whether the RH in your humi is where you want it.
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Ok. I'm going to have to ask you a bunch of questions before I can answer yours. First, you do mean a hyGrometer right? Hygrometer measures relative humidity, hydrometer measures relative density of liquid.

    Second is this an analog hygrometer or digital. If its an analog don't even bother, just go buy a digital.

    Third what is this wrapping it in a warm cloth business? Thats not how you calibrate a hygrometer. You do a salt test or buy a boveda calibration kit. You can search this forum for salt test or google it, its rather simple.

    Finally what form of humidification are you using? The sponge that came with the humidor?
  • bbc020bbc020 Posts: 1,422
    Third what is this wrapping it in a warm cloth business? Thats not how you calibrate a hygrometer.
    I've heard of using this method to calibrate an analog hygrometer. The theory being that you set it by 100% RH. After learning a bit on this forum about analog hygrometers, I threw that method out, and got a digital, or 6.
    Thanks for the responses! Seems like a digital hydro is the way to go. I'm usung the sponge puck that the humi came with and an analog hydrometer so I wiped the box down with distilled water, soaked the puck and closed it for 24 hours then repeated that process the next day, then the directs said to put the hydro in a warm cloth for 30 mins and adjust it to 95 degrees and put it in the humi and it would calibrate itself to betwen 65-75 but that part has'nt worked.
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Yea just forget about that analog hygrometer and get a digital. Also look into Heartfelt industries beads(www.heartfeltindustries.com).
    Man you guys rock! I'm going to go get a Boveda calibration kit and a digital today, I have a the gurk sampler coming tom and I'm trying to get my humi game together! I just bought my own humi (finally) got hook on cigars about 6 months ago and have been going to the loval store buying them twice a week since!
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    I can't agree with Maddy more, beads are awesome. I used to use the foam that came w/ my humi, and took some advice and got the beads....the only regret I had was I wish I did that sooner.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    I second (or is it third?) the idea of getting the Heartfelt beads. Buy a puck of 65% beads and you're all set to go - no more activator solution or anything, all you'll ever need is distilled water.

    Though I suppose it's been said ad nausaum already, digital hygrometer is the only way to go. Look around on Amazon.com, you can typically find them for $15 or $20 - just make sure you get one that's adjustable.
    So should I not use the sponge punk it came with at all? I'm going to go get a digital hydro and a boveda calibration kit, should I get beads in place of the sponge puck?? thanks a lot for all the advise!!!
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Its a hygrometer NOT a hydrometer. Second, yes get the beads, the sponge puck is a pain to maintain plus the will get moldy.
    lol ok ok hygrometer! So basically scrap everything but the box! I'll but the digital the calibration kit and 65% beads puck and start all over again, how long until its ready to hold my new smokes??
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    haha, yea basically scrap it. You'll just kind of have to play it by ear. Once it holds 70+ % for a good amount of time(6 hours or so) its ready.
    Perfect, I'll start from scratch. I have about 30 smokes coming tomorrow so now I'm relieved i'll be ready. I should sent you one for all your monster advice!
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