hakko dash for cigar lighting.

Well it interested me to find out if anyone uses it for their cigar? im a 215 patient and find its a way better resource than a lighter may it be butane or a bic. its a ceramic soldering iron to be exact. I recently lit up a nub habano with it and to my delight it was just as nice as a packed bowl while using the hakko. Its just a way to make sure your cigar hasnt been lit with butane or any other chemical. i dont know how the "traditional smokers" or people might take do i guess im just asking for opinions.
the "traditional smoker" would only use Cedar strips.
He obviously knows more than I do about cigars, but you'll never catch me lighting or cutting using those methods!
good points guys. I just recently started using a butane ( a cheapie Fujima--$9.95 ) and it works great! Don't miss the point of our love for cigars...relaxation and personal enjoyment , i.e. don't sweat what the other guy does !!!