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Presidential Debate



  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    I do find it really lacking for people to actually be happy about Romney. The guy could barely get 30 percent during his primaries. The guy bragged about firing more people during the debate, he can't give any specifics, he just trashed his own plan by saying I am not for a 5 trillion cut even though videos of him saying it are swarming. The guy left his state in ruin, he changes his stance every day, he says one thing then his campaign comes out and says different. They guy says he saved the Olympics but only have the govt game him millions of dollars to do so (even though his buddies stole the money to begin with), the guy made most of his money off of killing other people's jobs. The guy hides his income from the public, and won't even release his own tax returns, keeps his money offshore, and has policies (at least his running mate) that will take down most if not all of the govt programs for citizens to give the private sector the reigns. It is just amazing to me.

    So obama wasn't strong during the debate, hell he sucked during his own primary and in the last debates he had in 08. He isn't a debater, some people are not so what. But at least you didn't see obama throw everything he's been saying since the beginning just to seem likable. Lies and fact stretching happens but throwing them out left and right and not even having principles is dangerous and Romney is that. I mean for a guy to leave his own state in ruin and to have actually destroyed other businesses and jobs only to say he will create jobs. It's amazing.
    Phobic, many of the things you mentioned were charges thrown at him over the years by the left. And knowing that you get your "news" from the left, it is plausible that you actually believed them. Now, when you see the man unfiltered, you're perplexed. You are correct. He wasn't the man that the left has been portraying him to be. "He" must have changed.
    so abc, nbc, cnn, bbc, nytimes, financial times are left wing news outlets? okay. I also get info from thingprogress, mother jones, crooks and liars, la times and other left leaning places (if you want to call them that); however just because fox news and the heritage foundation doesn't talk about it as well doesn't make it just "lefty" conspiracy. I get my news from many sources, usually from my phone as I have flipboard and google news which links to everything. I suppose you want to tell me which one of these are conspiracies by the left?
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Amos Umwhat:
    LOL. Image is everything. Ask Obama. LOL
    Good point. I mean, it's undeniable that de-regulation beginning in the 80's under the Republican "Contract with America" and escalating under the two Bush regimes, a culture of "to the victor go the spoils" and "nothing matters but the bottom line" propogated by Wall St. hedge-fund managers, the pyramid schemes that took over the housing market, not taxing the people who have all the money, and starting very expensive wars on borrowed money created a huge recession.

    But, thanks to the image-shapers, Barak Obama is blamed for the inevitable outcomes of all these things that took place and came to fruition well before he came into office.

    Powerful stuff.
    The blame game is permitted. However, now Obama is inheriting the worst economy ever, from himself. You can't suggest that he hasn't had a hand in it.
    not true, the economy was worse when bush was in office and he helped cause it, so..... yeah. And things would be a lot better had the GOP not block most everything out there and fire so many damn public workers.
  • JDHJDH Posts: 2,107
    Amos Umwhat:
    LOL. Image is everything. Ask Obama. LOL
    Good point. I mean, it's undeniable that de-regulation beginning in the 80's under the Republican "Contract with America" and escalating under the two Bush regimes, a culture of "to the victor go the spoils" and "nothing matters but the bottom line" propogated by Wall St. hedge-fund managers, the pyramid schemes that took over the housing market, not taxing the people who have all the money, and starting very expensive wars on borrowed money created a huge recession.

    But, thanks to the image-shapers, Barak Obama is blamed for the inevitable outcomes of all these things that took place and came to fruition well before he came into office.

    Powerful stuff.
    The blame game is permitted. However, now Obama is inheriting the worst economy ever, from himself. You can't suggest that he hasn't had a hand in it.
    not true, the economy was worse when bush was in office and he helped cause it, so..... yeah. And things would be a lot better had the GOP not block most everything out there and fire so many damn public workers.
    Obama had 24 months. After the 2010 election, the GOP vowed to "make him fail", and they blocked everything and anything his Administration tried, even to the point of allowing our credit rating to be downgraded for the first time ever. Mitch McConnel said that his only goal was to make Obama a one term President, and the entire GOP was right there with him. There was no concern for righting the economy, or restoring jobs, or getting a handle on the debt. No. It was only about defeating a sitting President, and the worse the economy got, the more they blamed Obama for it. It's really amazing. He didn't repair the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression in 24 months, nevermind that the Great Depression lasted nearly 10 years, and it took WWII (maybe the biggest government stimulus program in our history) to get that economy going again. Amazing. He had 24 months, and didn't have a magic wand to wave and spread fairy dust all over everything and make everything right again, because he's really a commienazimuslimmaumau sob & he warn't evin born here, yew know.

    If the GOP had tried to work with him just a little bit to solve some of the most difficult problems this country has ever faced, it would be a different story. Then they might have a legitimate claim that it's his fault. But they didn't. Their only goal was to insure failure, even if it ment continuing high unemployment, and real damage to the good faith and credit of the United States of America by blocking everything and anything he tried to do, and now they blame him for the failure.

    Give me a break.
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133
    6 Trillion in 3 1/2 years, and nothing to show for it, and you're still defending him?
  • JDHJDH Posts: 2,107
    6 Trillion in 3 1/2 years, and nothing to show for it, and you're still defending him?
    And you're defending the Do Nothing Congress that holds all responsibility for enacting legislation to do....something....anything to solve some of these problems? I guess so. Just remember, public opinionfor this Congress is the lowest it has ever been....as in ever; never before has opinion for Congress been so low. And they deserve it.
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133
    6 Trillion in 3 1/2 years, and nothing to show for it, and you're still defending him?
    And you're defending the Do Nothing Congress that holds all responsibility for enacting legislation to do....something....anything to solve some of these problems? I guess so. Just remember, public opinionfor this Congress is the lowest it has ever been....as in ever; never before has opinion for Congress been so low. And they deserve it.
    And the Democratic controlled Senate that hasn't proposed a budget the entire time? I don't support them.
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133
    6 Trillion in 3 1/2 years, and nothing to show for it, and you're still defending him?
    And you're defending the Do Nothing Congress that holds all responsibility for enacting legislation to do....something....anything to solve some of these problems? I guess so. Just remember, public opinionfor this Congress is the lowest it has ever been....as in ever; never before has opinion for Congress been so low. And they deserve it.
    And the Democratic controlled Senate that hasn't proposed a budget the entire time? I don't support them.
    And the Republican controlled House that passed bill after bill after bill only to have them buried by the Democratic controlled Senate? You guys are awful good at assigning blame.
  • Amos_UmwhatAmos_Umwhat Posts: 8,943 ✭✭✭✭✭
    6 Trillion in 3 1/2 years, and nothing to show for it, and you're still defending him?
    And you're defending the Do Nothing Congress that holds all responsibility for enacting legislation to do....something....anything to solve some of these problems? I guess so. Just remember, public opinionfor this Congress is the lowest it has ever been....as in ever; never before has opinion for Congress been so low. And they deserve it.
    And the Democratic controlled Senate that hasn't proposed a budget the entire time? I don't support them.
    And the Republican controlled House that passed bill after bill after bill only to have them buried by the Democratic controlled Senate? You guys are awful good at assigning blame.
    sounds like a lose-lose situation, if we keep voting for Democrats and Republicans.
    WARNING:  The above post may contain thoughts or ideas known to the State of Caliphornia to cause seething rage, confusion, distemper, nausea, perspiration, sphincter release, or cranial implosion to persons who implicitly trust only one news source, or find themselves at either the left or right political extreme.  Proceed at your own risk.  

    "If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed.  If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." --  Mark Twain
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    6 Trillion in 3 1/2 years, and nothing to show for it, and you're still defending him?
    And you're defending the Do Nothing Congress that holds all responsibility for enacting legislation to do....something....anything to solve some of these problems? I guess so. Just remember, public opinionfor this Congress is the lowest it has ever been....as in ever; never before has opinion for Congress been so low. And they deserve it.
    And the Democratic controlled Senate that hasn't proposed a budget the entire time? I don't support them.
    And the Republican controlled House that passed bill after bill after bill only to have them buried by the Democratic controlled Senate? You guys are awful good at assigning blame.
    bill after bill? Yeah person hood amendment and that ryan budget? Most everything else they have passed was horrible. I suggest you look at the congress web page where it lists all the bills. Also obama didn't "add" the trillions you speak of. Sort of happens when you actually put things on the books, like the medicare part D program, Wars, and some defense spending. Sure obama added to the debt but what president didn't, btw obama didn't add to the debt, that's congress's fault. And the senate can't pass a budget bill without the house, and because the GOP has blocked most everything that is why there has been no budget bill. In case you forgot we almost defaulted on our debt because the GOP wouldn't do their job. I don't know how many times I have to say it, the POTUS does not pass legislation, thus cannot add to the deficit. That is congress's job. However POTUS does have a lot of persuasive power however when after the prez was sworn in you had McConnell say that their one job was to make him a one term president there isn't much you can work with. Even though a lot of what obama and the dems have done I do not like, it is still a lot better than what the GOP plan has been and going forward. Both parties have gone to the right, and that's not good.
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133
    6 Trillion in 3 1/2 years, and nothing to show for it, and you're still defending him?
    And you're defending the Do Nothing Congress that holds all responsibility for enacting legislation to do....something....anything to solve some of these problems? I guess so. Just remember, public opinionfor this Congress is the lowest it has ever been....as in ever; never before has opinion for Congress been so low. And they deserve it.
    And the Democratic controlled Senate that hasn't proposed a budget the entire time? I don't support them.
    And the Republican controlled House that passed bill after bill after bill only to have them buried by the Democratic controlled Senate? You guys are awful good at assigning blame.
    bill after bill? Yeah person hood amendment and that ryan budget? Most everything else they have passed was horrible. I suggest you look at the congress web page where it lists all the bills. Also obama didn't "add" the trillions you speak of. Sort of happens when you actually put things on the books, like the medicare part D program, Wars, and some defense spending. Sure obama added to the debt but what president didn't, btw obama didn't add to the debt, that's congress's fault. And the senate can't pass a budget bill without the house, and because the GOP has blocked most everything that is why there has been no budget bill. In case you forgot we almost defaulted on our debt because the GOP wouldn't do their job. I don't know how many times I have to say it, the POTUS does not pass legislation, thus cannot add to the deficit. That is congress's job. However POTUS does have a lot of persuasive power however when after the prez was sworn in you had McConnell say that their one job was to make him a one term president there isn't much you can work with. Even though a lot of what obama and the dems have done I do not like, it is still a lot better than what the GOP plan has been and going forward. Both parties have gone to the right, and that's not good.
    So, what you're saying is that Bush didn't cause the problem. It was the Dem Congress that ran up all those costs during his term. AH, now I get it. Oh, and that war that you guys keep harping about? It too was voted on by the Dem controlled congress.
    Talk about wars? Hell, Obama doesn't even go to Congress, he just sends in drones and assassinates. Did you realize that more Americans have died during Obama's war in Afganistan that during Bush's term? Ralph Nader has called Obama a war criminal.
  • JDHJDH Posts: 2,107
    6 Trillion in 3 1/2 years, and nothing to show for it, and you're still defending him?
    And you're defending the Do Nothing Congress that holds all responsibility for enacting legislation to do....something....anything to solve some of these problems? I guess so. Just remember, public opinionfor this Congress is the lowest it has ever been....as in ever; never before has opinion for Congress been so low. And they deserve it.
    And the Democratic controlled Senate that hasn't proposed a budget the entire time? I don't support them.
    And the Republican controlled House that passed bill after bill after bill only to have them buried by the Democratic controlled Senate? You guys are awful good at assigning blame.
    bill after bill? Yeah person hood amendment and that ryan budget? Most everything else they have passed was horrible. I suggest you look at the congress web page where it lists all the bills. Also obama didn't "add" the trillions you speak of. Sort of happens when you actually put things on the books, like the medicare part D program, Wars, and some defense spending. Sure obama added to the debt but what president didn't, btw obama didn't add to the debt, that's congress's fault. And the senate can't pass a budget bill without the house, and because the GOP has blocked most everything that is why there has been no budget bill. In case you forgot we almost defaulted on our debt because the GOP wouldn't do their job. I don't know how many times I have to say it, the POTUS does not pass legislation, thus cannot add to the deficit. That is congress's job. However POTUS does have a lot of persuasive power however when after the prez was sworn in you had McConnell say that their one job was to make him a one term president there isn't much you can work with. Even though a lot of what obama and the dems have done I do not like, it is still a lot better than what the GOP plan has been and going forward. Both parties have gone to the right, and that's not good.
    So, what you're saying is that Bush didn't cause the problem. It was the Dem Congress that ran up all those costs during his term. AH, now I get it. Oh, and that war that you guys keep harping about? It too was voted on by the Dem controlled congress.
    Talk about wars? Hell, Obama doesn't even go to Congress, he just sends in drones and assassinates. Did you realize that more Americans have died during Obama's war in Afganistan that during Bush's term? Ralph Nader has called Obama a war criminal.
    The Republican party had majority control of the House and Senate from 2000-2006, In 2006 the Democrats gained a slim majority. Six years with a Republican House, Senate, and Executive. You should also recall that during those six years, after 911, many Democrats supported the President in his execution of the war against Al Queida out of a sense of patriotism. Imagine that. Actually supporting a President from an opposing party because those doing so believed it was in the best interest of the country - putting country above party - imagine that. One more thing to remember is that during the last two years of GW's Administration, when the Dems had a majority, there was a very large group of "Blue Dog" Democrats who consistently voted with the Republicans. That would be unthinkable behavior from the current breed of conservative Republicans. They are puting party and ideology above all else, and have a single goal of controlling all branches of our government at all times. That is not how our form of government is supposed to function.

    Remember, GW sent troops to Afghanistan first to go after Al Queida. It is not Obama's war, it is OUR war, and the drone strikes are being used to decimate Al Queida. Remember them? They're the ones who declared war ON US, remember? You remember the towers in NYC, the ones Al Queida brought down?

    If you're going to argue this stuff, the least you can do is try to be accurate.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Beat, Your right, dems did vote to go to war and they voted for the patriot act and they voted to extend the freaking thing and obama signed that too. There are though many who I support that are part of the dem party that didn't and this is the problem with the dems. So many are right of where they should be. I mean there are very few in the party that really do stand for democratic values. Seems that when Clinton came in the party changed, maybe a bit before but it was heading further right. The democrats have failed in my eyes, very much. However IMO they are still better than what the GOP have become.

    What is that link suppose to say? Oh obama kills more with drones. Well there's a news flash. The guy has been taking out terrorists and others with those things left and right. Thing is this war the GOP pushed for has really worked out well.

    I don't understand it, so the right blames Obama for killing civi's or using drones more than bush but what did Bush actually do as well as his party? Well allowed 9-11 to happen and in doing so created one of the biggest govt watchdogs (homeland security), invaded, killed, lied, and gave authority to private contractors who the VP had connections with to work outside treaties and UCMJ but in our name. That is just to name a few, oh and let Osama go and created a shitstorm in the middle east. So sure the authority given to Obama because of the GOP/Bush presidency is not one myself likes nor does a lot of liberals. However Obama is not a liberal, far from it. And there's a saying about power, it isn't usually given up. I was heaping mad when the dems and obama kept the patriot act going, the trade deals, not putting glass stegal back, not hammering a new type of WPA (though the jobs bill Obama has been trying to get congress to pass is a good start). I can go on and on, however it is still better than what the current GOP are doing.

    Code Pink and other anit war groups have been heated since day one and they should be and I agree war is not good and should only be a last resort (though some thing it never should be done). However this war if you want to call it isn't ending any time soon and the facts are drone strikes are effective. And it's better than sending troops in cuz they would die, however the civi fallout would be less but who knows. Millions died in Iraq thanks to the invasion so who knows. This war sucks but what is worse is the crap Americans now accept and those are more scary as it takes away our freedom of privacy and even makes us less secure. I'm looking at you TSA and Homeland.
  • JDHJDH Posts: 2,107
    Beat, Your right, dems did vote to go to war and they voted for the patriot act and they voted to extend the freaking thing and obama signed that too. There are though many who I support that are part of the dem party that didn't and this is the problem with the dems. So many are right of where they should be. I mean there are very few in the party that really do stand for democratic values. Seems that when Clinton came in the party changed, maybe a bit before but it was heading further right. The democrats have failed in my eyes, very much. However IMO they are still better than what the GOP have become.

    What is that link suppose to say? Oh obama kills more with drones. Well there's a news flash. The guy has been taking out terrorists and others with those things left and right. Thing is this war the GOP pushed for has really worked out well.

    I don't understand it, so the right blames Obama for killing civi's or using drones more than bush but what did Bush actually do as well as his party? Well allowed 9-11 to happen and in doing so created one of the biggest govt watchdogs (homeland security), invaded, killed, lied, and gave authority to private contractors who the VP had connections with to work outside treaties and UCMJ but in our name. That is just to name a few, oh and let Osama go and created a shitstorm in the middle east. So sure the authority given to Obama because of the GOP/Bush presidency is not one myself likes nor does a lot of liberals. However Obama is not a liberal, far from it. And there's a saying about power, it isn't usually given up. I was heaping mad when the dems and obama kept the patriot act going, the trade deals, not putting glass stegal back, not hammering a new type of WPA (though the jobs bill Obama has been trying to get congress to pass is a good start). I can go on and on, however it is still better than what the current GOP are doing.

    Code Pink and other anit war groups have been heated since day one and they should be and I agree war is not good and should only be a last resort (though some thing it never should be done). However this war if you want to call it isn't ending any time soon and the facts are drone strikes are effective. And it's better than sending troops in cuz they would die, however the civi fallout would be less but who knows. Millions died in Iraq thanks to the invasion so who knows. This war sucks but what is worse is the crap Americans now accept and those are more scary as it takes away our freedom of privacy and even makes us less secure. I'm looking at you TSA and Homeland.
    "...However Obama is not a liberal, far from it. ..." Damn straight. He's a commienazimuslimmaumausocialistsob who warn't evin borned here.
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133
    Beat, Your right, dems did vote to go to war and they voted for the patriot act and they voted to extend the freaking thing and obama signed that too. There are though many who I support that are part of the dem party that didn't and this is the problem with the dems. So many are right of where they should be. I mean there are very few in the party that really do stand for democratic values. Seems that when Clinton came in the party changed, maybe a bit before but it was heading further right. The democrats have failed in my eyes, very much. However IMO they are still better than what the GOP have become.

    What is that link suppose to say? Oh obama kills more with drones. Well there's a news flash. The guy has been taking out terrorists and others with those things left and right. Thing is this war the GOP pushed for has really worked out well.

    I don't understand it, so the right blames Obama for killing civi's or using drones more than bush but what did Bush actually do as well as his party? Well allowed 9-11 to happen and in doing so created one of the biggest govt watchdogs (homeland security), invaded, killed, lied, and gave authority to private contractors who the VP had connections with to work outside treaties and UCMJ but in our name. That is just to name a few, oh and let Osama go and created a shitstorm in the middle east. So sure the authority given to Obama because of the GOP/Bush presidency is not one myself likes nor does a lot of liberals. However Obama is not a liberal, far from it. And there's a saying about power, it isn't usually given up. I was heaping mad when the dems and obama kept the patriot act going, the trade deals, not putting glass stegal back, not hammering a new type of WPA (though the jobs bill Obama has been trying to get congress to pass is a good start). I can go on and on, however it is still better than what the current GOP are doing.

    Code Pink and other anit war groups have been heated since day one and they should be and I agree war is not good and should only be a last resort (though some thing it never should be done). However this war if you want to call it isn't ending any time soon and the facts are drone strikes are effective. And it's better than sending troops in cuz they would die, however the civi fallout would be less but who knows. Millions died in Iraq thanks to the invasion so who knows. This war sucks but what is worse is the crap Americans now accept and those are more scary as it takes away our freedom of privacy and even makes us less secure. I'm looking at you TSA and Homeland.
    I actually agree that using drones to target certain groups is good. I just bring it up to point out the hypocrisy. Had Bush used one he would have been run out of town. Code Pink, although I think they are nut jobs, are actually sticking to their ideals.
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