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HR by Mr. BBALL Reggie

MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
Whew last week was extremely busy and led into weekend, and onto this week getting ready to hit Chicago! Got this thank you package from Reggie713 last week but like I said running like a chicken with head cut off!! (Yes they dooo!) But I must be getting old timers.. because I almost forgot to post. Thanks you for the wonderful sticks, like I said in the title he hit a HOMERUN, few different sizes I have been wanting to try, don't know if I have the Sol Cab in the blue think my SC box is burried, the Kinky is a great stick for course, imo.. Thnak you for the wionderful sticks again.

Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...


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