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It finally came!

My B&M got their shipment of NUb Maduro's in today. I picked one up just now and plan to try it tonight. They were pretty proud of it, charged me almost 10 bucks...


  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    My B&M got their shipment of NUb Maduro's in today. I picked one up just now and plan to try it tonight. They were pretty proud of it, charged me almost 10 bucks...
    Holy mother of jesus $10!! ...Glad you got your hands on one sizzle.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    $10 is expensive. I think the going price is around $6.50 which is still high but much better than $10. I think I paid around 7 - 7.50 for mine but I only got 4 and got 20% off.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    $10?? That's crazy

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    6.50 is too much for a little cigar too!
  • kent1146kent1146 Posts: 86
    $10?!?!?!  It's a fat midget / chode of a cigar, too!

  • thizzcorethizzcore Posts: 48
    the nub habano is 8.50 and the conneticut is 9.49 at my cigar store so heres hoping the maduro isnt above ten!
  • bnccna2bnccna2 Posts: 44
    10 bucks! I would check some other shops if you have any around.
  • thizzcorethizzcore Posts: 48
    have been searching but havent been able to find it!
  • nsezellnsezell Posts: 294
    I know 10 is a lot, but I just got one, and I've been waiting to try it. And yeah, we have another shop here in town, but when I went in and asked about NUbs they said they didn't carry them, when I walked into the humidor and picked on up and showed them they learned a bit about their shop. Also they don't carry many of my brands including 5 vegas, Ghurka, or Rp's, along with many others.
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