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going back to college

I am going to start college online to get my bachelors degree. It will take about 3 years. I haven't been in "school" for 13 years and I am terrified! I will probably smoke more cigars, though, because I love smoking while I read. Family (4 busy kids), work, and now school will be a tough load, but i'm being "groomed" for advancement and have been told that I need a BA. My wife is awesome and fully supports me.

Any advise from anyone who's done the online thing would be awesome. Thanks.


  • YankeeManYankeeMan Posts: 2,654 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've taken and I now teach online courses. My best advice is to keep up with the work. When you are not attending face to face classes, sometimes the time just goes by and the end of the week is on you.

    Most instructors give you a set time to get assignments in. Try to post early. I know I tend to grade a little higher for those who post early and get the discussions going.

    Good luck!
  • Thanks, I'll keep this in mind. BTW, going for Criminal Justice.
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Posts: 15,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good Luck and try to stay focused. I've been doing online finishing prerequisite classes for Nursing. It isn't as easy as I thought but take the time to get the work done on time. I have a tendency to drift and procrastinate, not good. If you're dedicated you'll do great!
  • It's definitely all up to keeping up with the work. Assignments are usually due sat or sun night, get them done before Thursday, that's what I did last semester. I had to take all online because my credit card expired and the classes weren't paid for, so they took all my classes and I had to take all online... But it's definitely advised to get everything done before the weekend. Good luck brother!
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Posts: 2,670 ✭✭✭
    I have been going to the University of Phoenix Online for about 4 years now. I am working on my BA in Criminal Justice. It is not a bad way to do school in this modern time of ours. But, like others said, stay on top of it is an it is not hard. Read your assigned material early so that you have time to ask questions if you are unsure. I was out of school for 11 years when I started college and like anything else, once you get a routine down it is not too bad.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    Congrats to you, I admire your decision. I gave up on my 4 year degree but still love to read and educate myself, I cannot understand those who do not quest for more knowledge continuously.
  • jthanatosjthanatos Posts: 1,571 ✭✭✭
    My wife is just finishing up her second degree, and she went almost entirely online. The thing that helped her the most was making connections with other students in her class. Become facebook/email friends and talk about the class as it is going on. It helps keep the class in the front of your mind when you have people to talk about it with and discuss homework.
  • Thanks everyone for the advise! I can't wait to start. I'm sure it will be chalenging, but its something I want to do and there are a lot of people in my "corner".
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Posts: 2,654 ✭✭✭✭✭
    BigJohn and Marine, if I can ever be of help, shoot me a PM. I'm the CJ Chair at my college.

    What part of NC are you from when you're not in the Middle East?
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Posts: 2,670 ✭✭✭
    I live just outside of Fayetteville in Pinehusrt. But we are moving back to Florida after my son graduates in January.
  • YankeeMan:
    BigJohn and Marine, if I can ever be of help, shoot me a PM. I'm the CJ Chair at my college.

    What part of NC are you from when you're not in the Middle East?
    Thank you.
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