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cigarette tobacco

danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
So I’m watching someone smoke a cigarette and I was thinking to myself, does cigarette tobacco start out the same as cigars? I mean before they add all the chemicals etc etc, is it grown the same? Are they also grown in countries like Nicaragua, DR, and Honduras? Are they scrap tobacco from cigars? What kind of tobacco are in cigarettes ?

I could probably Google the answers but this is what the forum is for.
"It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR


  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    If I still smoked, I'd grab some cuban cigarettes adn tell you the difference. I do not know really, but i have heard many of the cigar makers we know that started in a family business had cigarette and cigar factorys so I'd imagine the info is out there. After paying so much attention to storing cigars properly, cigarettes kind of gross me out. I started cigars a year after I quit smoking. Never inhale a cigar, never need a cigar, and I definately never want a cigarette again.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    cigarette tobacco as a plant is near the same just different varietals. cigarette tobacco is grown all over the place. when i was growing up in southern ohio i would go hunting on a farm that sometimes grew tobacco. we asked the owner where his tobacco went he said that Marlboro usually bought his crop and used it in cigarettes that were sold in the Chinese market.

    the biggest difference is that cigar tobacco is fermented where as cigarette tobacco is stopped at the curing process. Fermentation brings out a different host of flavors and changed the smoke from acidic to alkaline. it also reduces the nicotine on a significant level.
    scrap cigar tobacco is usually reclaimed by the cigar company as short filler or used to make a "tea" that is then used on wrapper and binder leaves to make them more pliable to roll. Drew Estates uses it to pack their La Vieja Habana.
    cigar scraps are not used to make cigarettes because they are very different animals
  • CAcigarguy007CAcigarguy007 Posts: 2,076 ✭✭✭✭✭
    American Spirit Black. That is the best of the cigar cigs if that makes sense!
  • rzamanrzaman Posts: 2,650 ✭✭✭
    All the cigar manufacturers sells cigarette tobacco. During making cigars, there are a lot of tobacco left over, sometime they call it sweeping the floor. In fact, Padron does it. I asked Jorge Padron he showed me those tobacco they sell to the cigarette makers. Also Nat Sherman does the same. They even grow tobacco intentionally for cigar and cigarette.

    In fact, some famous cigar tobacco are a croosbreed from cigarette tobacco. Such as Habano 2000 is a crossbreed of Corojo and Cuban cigarette tobacco plant Bell 60-10. Even Criollo 98 and Corojo 99 is another hybreed of habano 2000. However, cigar tobacco are fermented longer with greater care than cigarette tobacco. The botanical name of the tobacco plant is - Nicotiana rustica.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    All the cigar manufacturers sells cigarette tobacco.
    this is not true.
    SOME may do that.
    i specifically asked Jonathan Drew this question and he told me what i posted above. Oliva and Plasencia also do what i posted above.

    there are fundamental differences in how the tobacco is cured, processed and (sometimes) fermented for each product.

    if it is a "Cigar Tobacco" cigarette then it is a different story.
  • rzamanrzaman Posts: 2,650 ✭✭✭
    You missed the point. I said "sweeping the floor" tobacco and some intentionally grows cigarette tobacco some don't. Every cigar manufacturer sells them because they cannot use them for cigar. The British-American tobacco has a regional office who's job is collect them n bulk. Padron does not grow cigarette tobacco but they sell them to maximize the profit for unused tobacco. Placpsencia does the same. I saw the bails in their warehouse. Nicaragua, Honduras and every cigar manufacturer countries are one of the main source for cigarette tobacco. I don't know about Drew Estate but will not be surprised if they sell them as well.
    All the cigar manufacturers sells cigarette tobacco.
    this is not true.
    SOME may do that.
    i specifically asked Jonathan Drew this question and he told me what i posted above. Oliva and Plasencia also do what i posted above.

    there are fundamental differences in how the tobacco is cured, processed and (sometimes) fermented for each product.

    if it is a "Cigar Tobacco" cigarette then it is a different story.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    You missed the point. I said "sweeping the floor" tobacco and some intentionally grows cigarette tobacco some don't. Every cigar manufacturer sells them because they cannot use them for cigar. The British-American tobacco has a regional office who's job is collect them n bulk. Padron does not grow cigarette tobacco but they sell them to maximize the profit for unused tobacco. Placpsencia does the same. I saw the bails in their warehouse. Nicaragua, Honduras and every cigar manufacturer countries are one of the main source for cigarette tobacco. I don't know about Drew Estate but will not be surprised if they sell them as well.
    All the cigar manufacturers sells cigarette tobacco.
    this is not true.
    SOME may do that.
    i specifically asked Jonathan Drew this question and he told me what i posted above. Oliva and Plasencia also do what i posted above.

    there are fundamental differences in how the tobacco is cured, processed and (sometimes) fermented for each product.

    if it is a "Cigar Tobacco" cigarette then it is a different story.
    i think we may be discussing two different points of the process. clearly there is some confusion going on here. usually we say pretty much the same thing (save for some opinion points). i think this last post you made kinda clarified things.
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