What do I want for my birthday

Today my lovely wife took me to a French restaurant for dinner after work. After dinner while drinking a fine glass of wine, she asked me- what do you want for your birthday. it must be something cigar related, right? I couldn't answer. I said let me think about it. Now I am wondering what cigar can I ask her to buy for me. Any idea? BTW, though she took me to the restaurant but the bill came from my pocket because I thought that would help to raise my demand bar LOL. I know I am greedy-:)
Regardless of what you pick, be it something recommended by one of us crazy lot or something of your own choosing, enjoy it to the fullest extent and have a wonderful birthday!
Check the "Luxury" section here on CCOM. The Cabanas are pre-embargo and Andy apparently pimp-smacked someone to get them. And, don't sweat the man-crush, I'm really digging on Dustin's Amish-influenced whiskerage...
If so, you and I have a birthday the same day.
Happy Birthday!
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.