
So should he be fired for what he said. Other TV/Radio personalities have been fired for making similar comments. Do you believe his appolgy? Palin has apparently accepted it.
I think he should be gone but more from citizens/viewers outrage but it hasn't been quite as large as say Imus' was. Also, I think some of his sponsors were ticked b/c people called them to complain. So if you choke off the money...people listen. Go figure.
I think he should be gone but more from citizens/viewers outrage but it hasn't been quite as large as say Imus' was. Also, I think some of his sponsors were ticked b/c people called them to complain. So if you choke off the money...people listen. Go figure.
He didn't insult a politically favored group - of course he's going to keep his job. What kind of country would we live in if there weren't a double standard?
Would you still hold this opinion if the comment were directed towards Michelle Obama or one of her daughters, or the stereotypical black teenager who gets knocked up? I think not.
The election is over, McCain/Palin lost and Bush is out of office - give it a rest already. There's another election in about a year and a half where you can vent your frothing hatred, so just chill. I don't see your post (especially the last few sentences) as any different than the recent playboy ed about which conservative female should be raped
forgive and forget
I also agree that it is a sign of the times ... where people can say whatever they want, claim 'free speech' and then not be held accountable for they have said.
The advocates that want Letterman fired need to get a life.
Palin's comments of "virtual statutory rape" or whatever a over to the top but I don't blame her for being upset.
The media just LOVE keeping Palin in the spotlight because there are so many haters, including themselves. But those same people need to think about how'd they react if it were a joke made about their child, or worse yet (politically), Saint Obama's child.
This doesn't sound like something Hannity is making up to make people believe there is a backlash. Over 30,000 pledges to not watch Letterman shows that there are some pissed off people.
Imus, I think, is a different story. I think he did get canned for reasons of capitalism. Once you get that racist stigma, deserved or not, your sales will suffer.
Also, 2 more points -- freedom of speech of any moron has to be tempered with the freedom of those employing them to kick their arses to the curb if they're hurting the bottom line/company image. Also, no matter who is doing the speaking they don't have a "right" to free speech because the government isn't shutting them up, their employer is. Unless it says in their contract that they can say whatever they want, they can be fired just like the rest of us on a whim for any reason (or no reason).
Palin also has a right to be upset. she also has a right to her opinion. Letterman does not NEED to apologize. Palin does not NEED to apologize.
in this situation (the situation of expressing yourself as freely as you want) nobody should apologize. it is your right to say what you think and what you believe in.... no matter how stupid, mean, thoughtless, tasteless, off color, out of touch, racist, sexist, homophobic, un-American, rude, crude, anti-bush, anti- obama, anti-government it may be.
extreme example:
the KKK
i dont like the KKK but they have every right to believe and say what they do. as long as they dont infringe on the rights of others, they can talk all they want.
i think what many people miss is that we do not have a RIGHT to not be offended.
...i dont know how many fans he has....
He was under the impression it was her older daughter coming, not the younger one, he said that shortly after.