Well, first I have to say that there is no credible intel that I am actually coming home. Second, my trouble making sister will pay dearly for her actions. Loose lips get my mail box blown the eff up!
Well, first I have to say that there is no credible intel that I am actually coming home. Second, my trouble making sister will pay dearly for her actions. Loose lips get my mail box blown the eff up!
Yeppers. Do you still need his addy, Vision? I'm not scared of him anymore. Plus, he's not that innocent.
Well, first I have to say that there is no credible intel that I am actually coming home. Second, my trouble making sister will pay dearly for her actions. Loose lips get my mail box blown the eff up!
Yeppers. Do you still need his addy, Vision? I'm not scared of him anymore. Plus, he's not that innocent.
Well, first I have to say that there is no credible intel that I am actually coming home. Second, my trouble making sister will pay dearly for her actions. Loose lips get my mail box blown the eff up!
Yeppers. Do you still need his addy, Vision? I'm not scared of him anymore. Plus, he's not that innocent.
Well, first I have to say that there is no credible intel that I am actually coming home. Second, my trouble making sister will pay dearly for her actions. Loose lips get my mail box blown the eff up!
Yeppers. Do you still need his addy, Vision? I'm not scared of him anymore. Plus, he's not that innocent.
I would love it!
Pm sent!
I need the domestic address(s) as well please. If you also have recommended shipping dates of when said target will be physically there, please let me know. Thanks WDG.
Well, first I have to say that there is no credible intel that I am actually coming home. Second, my trouble making sister will pay dearly for her actions. Loose lips get my mail box blown the eff up!
Yeppers. Do you still need his addy, Vision? I'm not scared of him anymore. Plus, he's not that innocent.
I would love it!
Pm sent!
I need the domestic address(s) as well please. If you also have recommended shipping dates of when said target will be physically there, please let me know. Thanks WDG.
Big brother, tell the people what they want to know. Don't be scared pm coming
Well, first I have to say that there is no credible intel that I am actually coming home. Second, my trouble making sister will pay dearly for her actions. Loose lips get my mail box blown the eff up!
Yeppers. Do you still need his addy, Vision? I'm not scared of him anymore. Plus, he's not that innocent.
I would love it!
Pm sent!
I need the domestic address(s) as well please. If you also have recommended shipping dates of when said target will be physically there, please let me know. Thanks WDG.
Big brother, tell the people what they want to know. Don't be scared pm coming
The last laugh will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine
I would love it!
Did someone send you beads to help with the cooler?