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Cigar Taste



  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    ive had some out there flavors in my reviews but usually its the big standards: earth, leather, coffee, ...you know the drill.
    I have tasted a hint of orange in a cigar but i wouldnt go so far ast to say it was ORANGE or marmalade. the way i put it was "gives the impression of orange"

    there are a ton of flavors that can be in a cigar but what i find hard to believe is the specificity of the taste they (ca) spell out... "with hints of black walnuts grown in central ohio and roasted over an applewood fire..." yes i made that up but you get the point.
  • Smoke=FireSmoke=Fire Posts: 692 ✭✭✭
    "with hints of black walnuts grown in central ohio and roasted over an applewood fire..."
    And a dash of sarcasm :P That one had me laughing, Kuzi...only because I am one of those who does not taste nuances, just cigars. Hence the RRS ;)
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    ive had some out there flavors in my reviews but usually its the big standards: earth, leather, coffee, ...you know the drill.
    I have tasted a hint of orange in a cigar but i wouldnt go so far ast to say it was ORANGE or marmalade. the way i put it was "gives the impression of orange"

    there are a ton of flavors that can be in a cigar but what i find hard to believe is the specificity of the taste they (ca) spell out... "with hints of black walnuts grown in central ohio and roasted over an applewood fire..." yes i made that up but you get the point.
    ..... rolled by Perdo who forgot to wash his hands after using the washroom..
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    ive had some out there flavors in my reviews but usually its the big standards: earth, leather, coffee, ...you know the drill.
    I have tasted a hint of orange in a cigar but i wouldnt go so far ast to say it was ORANGE or marmalade. the way i put it was "gives the impression of orange"

    there are a ton of flavors that can be in a cigar but what i find hard to believe is the specificity of the taste they (ca) spell out... "with hints of black walnuts grown in central ohio and roasted over an applewood fire..." yes i made that up but you get the point.
    ..... rolled by Perdo who forgot to wash his hands after using the washroom..
    thats kinda gross...
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    ive had some out there flavors in my reviews but usually its the big standards: earth, leather, coffee, ...you know the drill.
    I have tasted a hint of orange in a cigar but i wouldnt go so far ast to say it was ORANGE or marmalade. the way i put it was "gives the impression of orange"

    there are a ton of flavors that can be in a cigar but what i find hard to believe is the specificity of the taste they (ca) spell out... "with hints of black walnuts grown in central ohio and roasted over an applewood fire..." yes i made that up but you get the point.
    ..... rolled by Perdo who forgot to wash his hands after using the washroom..
    thats kinda gross...
    I try not think about that to much or I would br totally turned off with cigars, but they are HAND ROLLED. and there is only one way I know to smoke a cigar.. I mean being in the food service business you are pretty strict about some policies, are rollers that considerate about it.?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    i hope so.
    i cant imagine that they are as clean as we are at applebees but almost nobody is. I try not to think about it too. I know way too much about contamination and food related illness. ...i have yet to see a sani bucket in any film or picture of any cigar factory.

    out of sight out of mind.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    This will give Madurofan something else to get freaked out by, between this and the beetles the poor guy is going to end up with serious issues..I better not mention what I just read about beer !!
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    It could very well be those, uh, potential sanitation issues that give our beloved cigars that certain je ne sais quoi that keeps us coming back for more.
  • urbinourbino Posts: 4,517
    Something in the local diet, perhaps?
  • cliff tcliff t Posts: 16

     I'm new to cigars, but I keep a list of what I've like or disliked, I find it helpful in choosing the cigar for the mood I'm in. Since I am a newbie I sort of made up new own sampler over a period of a few months to try to get a feel for what I'd like. I have family in Honduras and occasional will get a smoke or two while there, usually from the Santa Rosa area names of which I can't remember. But I do know the longer length somes I just can't do, just seem to run out of time with those, so I go for the shorter smokes. Right off the bat I liked the Maduro, the Trinidad robusto ( a fluke having the same name so I tried one like it right off ) The Punch figurado set off the fire alarms in my apartment from OUTSIDE, and I live in army housing in Germany. plus it was a bit on the acidy side for me. Anyways here's a copy of my diary / list

    ·         1 - Montecristo, Robustos, Connecticut, 4.75 X 50

    ·         1 - Punch, Champion (Figurado), Natural, 4.5 X 0                                                      NO DID NOT LIKE

    ·         1 - 5 Vegas Gold, Nuggets, Connecticut, 4.5 X 44

    ·         1 - Graycliff Crystal, Taco, Sumatra, 4.5 X 44

    ·         1 - Arturo Fuente Hemingway, Short Story (Perfecto), Cameroon, 4.25 X 43

    ·         1 - Trinidad, Petit Robusto, Maduro, 4.2 X 54                                                            ok the best so far

    ·         1 - Arturo Fuente, Petit Corona, Cameroon, 5 X 38

    ·         1 - CAO Black VR, Mural, Maduro, 4.5 X 44

    ·         1 - Cohiba Black, Corona, Maduro, 5.5 X 42

    ·         1 - 5 Vegas Miami, Petite Corona, Natural, 4.5 X 44                                               

    ·         1 - Macanudo, Caviar, Connecticut, 4 X 36                                                                 ok, sweet tasting

    ·         1 - Macanudo, Petit Corona, Connecticut, 5 X 38

    ·         1 - La Aroma de Cuba, Corona Minor, Natural, 4 X 44  a good one

    ·         1 - 5 Vegas Series 'A', Anomaly, Maduro, 4.5 X 44                                                   was ok…..

    ·         1 - Oliva Serie G Maduro, Special G, Maduro, 3.7 X 48

    ·          1 - Padron, Delicias, Natural, 4.9 X 46

    ·          2 - Partagas, No.  6, Cameroon, 6 X 34

    ·          1 - Partagas Black Label, Bravo, Maduro, 4.5 X 54


    Cliff T  ( Trinidad )


  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Hey Cliff. Personally, i liked the Punch Champion, I thought it was a little firecracker. I also thought the 5 Vegas "A" Anomaly was a pretty good smoke too. I'm crazy about Olivas, Serie G, Serie O, Serie V... just try and keep me away from an Oliva.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Hey cliff first of all welcome to the group and thanks for your opinions.. I see you have really hit on a wide range of cigars in you reviews. I have had some that you mentioned, and others I have yet to try.. never tried the Partagas' or Trinidad.. I'd stay away from that Punch till you are in an open field. Sounds like it was a dragon for sure.. have a good one..
  • cliff tcliff t Posts: 16
    Maybe it was the experiance of the fire alarm going off.  I'll have to try it again. Out in a field...........
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    cliff t:
    Maybe it was the experiance of the fire alarm going off.  I'll have tot try it again.
    I would say that could have a lot to do with the experience.. Cigars should be relaxing. Did you have some explaining to do after that one?
  • cliff tcliff t Posts: 16
    I smoke only when the wife is away........so the explaination was minimal. It was a smoking hot day, in Germany, open windows, ( No central AC here!! ) was out on the balcony, probably a perfect set up for disaster.  
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    This will give Madurofan something else to get freaked out by, between this and the beetles the poor guy is going to end up with serious issues..I better not mention what I just read about beer !!
    @$$hole ....LOL
  • YaksterYakster Posts: 28,584 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bump for an oldie but goodie!
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  • jarublajarubla Posts: 2,329 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Adam West sez...

    “There’ll be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read ’em but all that’s gonna matter is that little dash between ’em.” -Kevin Welch
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