Though he made an impact in the 80's and 70's, even had a lot of charitable contributions, I still don't know why he's being made such a big deal of, I mean he went to court twice for sexually abusing children. That sort of made me not like him one bit. I think a lot of people are forgetting this.
Though he made an impact in the 80's and 70's, even had a lot of charitable contributions, I still don't know why he's being made such a big deal of, I mean he went to court twice for sexually abusing children. That sort of made me not like him one bit. I think a lot of people are forgetting this.
I second the squirrel's thoughts on this one. I don't have any sympathy for child molesters. Everyone can argue he was acquitted, but he settled the first case out of court for an undisclosed amount of money. He was guilty. If he wasn't, don't think for one second he would have paid anyone anything. He would have paid his lawyers all the money they wanted to clear him of that.
After Farrrah Fawcett died, standing at the gates of heaven, god said to her "Farrah, you've lived a good life so before letting you into heaven, I'll grant you one wish."
After thinking for a minute, Farrah replied "I just want all the children of the world to be safe."
After Farrrah Fawcett died, standing at the gates of heaven, god said to her "Farrah, you've lived a good life so before letting you into heaven, I'll grant you one wish."
After thinking for a minute, Farrah replied "I just want all the children of the world to be safe."
After Farrrah Fawcett died, standing at the gates of heaven, god said to her "Farrah, you've lived a good life so before letting you into heaven, I'll grant you one wish."
After thinking for a minute, Farrah replied "I just want all the children of the world to be safe."
Michael never saw it coming.
ROFL!!!! So beautiful!! Can I get an AMEN??!!
holy crap that has to be one of the most beautiful statements I have ever read... you sir have honestly made my day!
Well since his body was 99% plastic anyway, they are having him melted down and poured into molds for Legos so little boys can still play with him. hehe
After Farrrah Fawcett died, standing at the gates of heaven, god said to her "Farrah, you've lived a good life so before letting you into heaven, I'll grant you one wish."
After thinking for a minute, Farrah replied "I just want all the children of the world to be safe."
Michael never saw it coming.
ROFL!!!! So beautiful!! Can I get an AMEN??!!
holy crap that has to be one of the most beautiful statements I have ever read... you sir have honestly made my day!
oh my lord, good one. I think it's f'd up how he is trumping her....
I never thought much of Michael except that he was damn weird. I always kinda thought the people who sued him were after money with him being so high-profile, so I didn't really buy into him molesting the kids...not saying he didn't, but I can understand why he'd settle even if he was innocent. All in all, he was a great talent at one point in time, but I don't feel we are any worse off with him gone, no better either. As for Farrah, well I'm glad she could have some peace after her struggle, no person should have to fight a losing battle with cancer, so for her sake I'm glad it's over.
You know they think it may not have been cardiac arrest after all, it may have been food poisoning. Seems he had a 9 year old wiener shortly before his death.
whatever he became later in life, he was a very influential artist, and an extremely talented performer. was this man a child molester? I really dont know, did he pay the first family off to burry the truth? or did the family accuse him wrongly just to get money? there is no evidence either way. you say he wouldnt have paid the money to the family instead he would have paid the lawyers, you dont know what he would have done, I wont argue that he was right in the head so you dont know what his thought process was. just because he has become an embarrasing pop figure does not give any one the right to dump all over a man they didnt know when he died.
uh hello, what were anonymous internet cigar forums created for if not to dump on people, especially crazies who more than likely molested little kids? To me, there is no worse sin or crime than to molest/abuse a child. You do that and I'm dancing on your grave.
After Farrrah Fawcett died, standing at the gates of heaven, god said to her "Farrah, you've lived a good life so before letting you into heaven, I'll grant you one wish."
After thinking for a minute, Farrah replied "I just want all the children of the world to be safe."
whatever he became later in life, he was a very influential artist, and an extremely talented performer. was this man a child molester? I really dont know, did he pay the first family off to burry the truth? or did the family accuse him wrongly just to get money? there is no evidence either way. you say he wouldnt have paid the money to the family instead he would have paid the lawyers, you dont know what he would have done, I wont argue that he was right in the head so you dont know what his thought process was. just because he has become an embarrasing pop figure does not give any one the right to dump all over a man they didnt know when he died.
I dumped on him for YEARS while he was alive, I figure just because he died it doesn't make him a better person that deserves anymore respect. He was a sicko that raped children. The world is a better place.
I feel for his friends and family, but... he tried so hard to be anything but human... I just can't have the same sadness I would for one of my species.
I think if he'd just grown old gracefully, and humanly, he'd be so much more memorable and worthy of my respect.
my thinking is, if your child was molested your first phone call would be to the police, maybe a hitman, or to your brother asking him to get his arsenal and meet at the corner market to make plans. the first phone call would not be to a lawyer suing him for millions. so he payed out of court, so what. that does not imply guilt, it probly would have been cheaper after paying lawyers and court fees.
uh hello, what were anonymous internet cigar forums created for if not to dump on people, especially crazies who more than likely molested little kids? To me, there is no worse sin or crime than to molest/abuse a child. You do that and I'm dancing on your grave.
whatever you believe internet forums are for is irrelevant, its a matter of respect and maturity.
my thinking is, if your child was molested your first phone call would be to the police, maybe a hitman, or to your brother asking him to get his arsenal and meet at the corner market to make plans. the first phone call would not be to a lawyer suing him for millions. so he payed out of court, so what. that does not imply guilt, it probly would have been cheaper after paying lawyers and court fees.
Do a little homework first buddy, there were criminal charges pressed against Jackson. NOW the kid did refuse to cooperate after the settlement but its hard to say whether that was part of the agreement to taking the settlement. Does that make them money hungry, sure but does it make Jackson less guilty? Absolutely not. You don't pay someone $22 million just to get the weight of the trial off your back. If you're innocent of something that horrendous you fight with every ounce of your strength.
uh hello, what were anonymous internet cigar forums created for if not to dump on people, especially crazies who more than likely molested little kids? To me, there is no worse sin or crime than to molest/abuse a child. You do that and I'm dancing on your grave.
whatever you believe internet forums are for is irrelevant, its a matter of respect and maturity.
Yeah, I was being a smartass about internet forums. I'm not much of a pop music fan, so he really didn't earn my respect there, although I acknowledge his talent. But, most importantly, I believe wholeheartedly he sexually abused kids. Yes, it was never proven by the justice system, but it doesn't have to be for me to believe it to be true. He was a predator and I'm glad he's gone, just like I'll be glad when O.J.'s gone...he did it too.
I'm just glad that I don't have to make a judgment here. I think one can have his or her convictions and voice them as loud or as quiet as they see fit. Normally in these type of situations, there isn't much merit in some kind of debate, simply because they are convictions, they aren't changed readily too often.
I tend to believe that all human life is sacred regardless of circumstances. That being said, it is only my opinion and I don't think it is up for debate on whether or not I am right or wrong in my thinking. This is a forum to share opinions, I don't see where there is much room here for condemning folks with certain beliefs. I try only to take them in and weigh them with my personal experience. Then, maybe I can learn from them.
Michael Jackson arrives at the Pearly Gates and is ushered in to stand before God. God enters the room , looks at Michael, then slowly circles him. God then takes a seat and stares intently at Jackson for several minutes. Then leaning forward God says " I could of swore when I made you I made you a black kid " .
Michael Jackson arrives at the Pearly Gates and is ushered in to stand before God. God enters the room , looks at Michael, then slowly circles him. God then takes a seat and stares intently at Jackson for several minutes. Then leaning forward God says " I could of swore when I made you I made you a black kid " .
And God said unto St. Peter, "Who brought the white woman?"
whatever he became later in life, he was a very influential artist, and an extremely talented performer. was this man a child molester? I really dont know, did he pay the first family off to burry the truth? or did the family accuse him wrongly just to get money? there is no evidence either way. you say he wouldnt have paid the money to the family instead he would have paid the lawyers, you dont know what he would have done, I wont argue that he was right in the head so you dont know what his thought process was. just because he has become an embarrasing pop figure does not give any one the right to dump all over a man they didnt know when he died.
I dumped on him for YEARS while he was alive, I figure just because he died it doesn't make him a better person that deserves anymore respect. He was a sicko that raped children. The world is a better place.
After thinking for a minute, Farrah replied "I just want all the children of the world to be safe."
Michael never saw it coming.
Seriously, I think Dante has a entire circle dedicated to this freak.
"Long ashes my friends."
whatever you believe internet forums are for is irrelevant, its a matter of respect and maturity.
I tend to believe that all human life is sacred regardless of circumstances. That being said, it is only my opinion and I don't think it is up for debate on whether or not I am right or wrong in my thinking. This is a forum to share opinions, I don't see where there is much room here for condemning folks with certain beliefs. I try only to take them in and weigh them with my personal experience. Then, maybe I can learn from them.
One if made of plastic and dangerous to children
The other holds groceries...
Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk