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Ccom Water Pillows

madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
Ok I hate to complain, but I have to. This is the second order that has come with the water pillows not even charged. They are just stuck in the bag bone dry. The cigars seem ok but I'd rather if they aren't going to bother charging them that they don't put them in there. In theory dry water pillows will suck the humidity out of the cigars no?

Anyway, has anyone else had this problem?


  • jomommass1jomommass1 Posts: 34
    Yeah, I received some orders with bone dry pillows. To me it doesn't really matter because I normally rest my smokes in my humi for a few weeks before I smoke em.
  • LukoLuko Posts: 2,003 ✭✭
    Ok I hate to complain, but I have to. This is the second order that has come with the water pillows not even charged. They are just stuck in the bag bone dry. The cigars seem ok but I'd rather if they aren't going to bother charging them that they don't put them in there. In theory dry water pillows will suck the humidity out of the cigars no?

    Anyway, has anyone else had this problem?
    I've had that problem for the last two or three shipments and was curious...what gives, CCOM?

    Speaking of waterpillows, you just made me think about Duty's wife's boobs. Mmmmmmmmm, boobs.
  • Alex_SvensonAlex_Svenson Posts: 1,224 ✭✭✭
    We were havingnissues with some pillows rupturing sinew started filling them less. Sounds like we went too far in the other direction. Thanks for the feedback and we will look into it right away.
  • thizzcorethizzcore Posts: 48
    well *** i got an order from another company with none! thanks ccom even for putting them in lol
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Just my two cents here, but I'd rather have no water pillow than a ruptured one. Not that I've had any rupture on a ccom shipment, but have had a few burst on trades.
  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    Last year, I had a ruptured one on my first order. I guess it just happens sometimes. ccom handled it really well though. A fast response & refund for the damaged smokes, and that impressed me enough to keep ordering.
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Alex Svenson:
    We were havingnissues with some pillows rupturing sinew started filling them less. Sounds like we went too far in the other direction. Thanks for the feedback and we will look into it right away.
    Yea these were not charged at all. Not just under charged, just dry crystals. Its cool though, thanks for the input.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    Yeah, the last lets say 4 months that I have bought cigars, none of them have been charged. But as others have stated I would rather have one not charged than an exploded one.
  • LukoLuko Posts: 2,003 ✭✭
    My experience too...not undercharged, just not charged at all. I agree, don't want em rupturing, either, but then, I never had that problem.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Alex Svenson:
    We were havingnissues with some pillows rupturing sinew started filling them less. Sounds like we went too far in the other direction. Thanks for the feedback and we will look into it right away.
    I just received a pretty big order few days ago, and got two water pillows. Both were still charged, no problems here.

    "Long ashes my friends."

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