Am I losing my taste buds for cigar?

I know that I still love cigar and passionate about cigar and the culture around it. However, I am surprised about some recent changes to my smoking habit.
I smoke more cigarettes. Day before yesterday I practically forced myself to smoke a Hoyo de Monterrey and enjoyed it. The same day in the morning, I walked around in my cave over an hour and end up smoking a cigarette. I used to smoke everyday and slowly started smoking during the weekend and rarely after work. In Cuba I smoked a lot but also felt tired of smoking everyday. The tiredness was mental not physical. After coming back from Cuba, I think I am smoking less cigars.
Yesterday and today, I didn't smoke any cigar though I was at home. I lost my motivation to buy new cigars. I used to spend more free time with cigar related activities. I used to have the mentality to collect and age and now I want to reduce my collection. I feel tired to review cigars. This is odd.
I am wondering am I losing my taste of cigar or it happens to all of us sometime? Though I am working on my books regularly so I know that I like it but I am also missing something.
I smoke more cigarettes. Day before yesterday I practically forced myself to smoke a Hoyo de Monterrey and enjoyed it. The same day in the morning, I walked around in my cave over an hour and end up smoking a cigarette. I used to smoke everyday and slowly started smoking during the weekend and rarely after work. In Cuba I smoked a lot but also felt tired of smoking everyday. The tiredness was mental not physical. After coming back from Cuba, I think I am smoking less cigars.
Yesterday and today, I didn't smoke any cigar though I was at home. I lost my motivation to buy new cigars. I used to spend more free time with cigar related activities. I used to have the mentality to collect and age and now I want to reduce my collection. I feel tired to review cigars. This is odd.
I am wondering am I losing my taste of cigar or it happens to all of us sometime? Though I am working on my books regularly so I know that I like it but I am also missing something.
I don't smoke cigarettes, however, so I cannot help you there. I do smoke a pipe and honestly when I am not in the mood to smoke the pipe goes down too.
I will say that sometimes changing flavor profiles will sometimes get me out of the doldrums but not always. Hang in there man. I have been there many times.
Cheer up. I think you might just need a little break until you desire to smoke again.
For further inspiration, read Mark Twain's short story, "The Appetite Cure", the same principles apply.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
So send my your stash for safe keeping, I will test one a day to make sure they are at perfect humidity..........
Note: Jiunn in no way, shape, or form condone the use of this product. He is merely joking. Merry Christmas.
Thank you all for your kind suggestions. This is very helpful and I sincerely appreciate it.
Update: didn't even feel to smoke a cigarette all day. It seems like my body doesn't want any nicotine.
I go through cycles where I lose interest for a bit.
A lot of it had to do with stress, things going on and health.
Every once in a while, it seems like my desire to smoke cigars goes on a vacation for a while.
Summer before last, we were going through a lot of things and I went the entire summer with little interest in smoking cigars or buying them.
I think it is the same with any hobby, activity or things like that. As was said, it seems to go in cycles.
Merry Christmas My friend.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Good luck, Rip and Merry Christmas!
Next week I am having some special guests in my house. Alan, Chris and Kyle from Ezra Zion. Actually Dustin introduced me with Ezra folks. I really like their Inception cigar. I am so happy my cigar appetite is back so I can have a blast with them. life is good!