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Camacho Corojo

RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,072 ✭✭✭✭✭
Sitting here smoking one. Not sure how I feel about it. It's got a unique taste that I can't describe. Anybody try these? What's your thoughts? I'm on the fence about this one.image


  • pelirrojopelirrojo Posts: 1,757 ✭✭✭
    I've had the Churchill vitola and enjoyed it. I agree that it had a very unique flavor to it that I haven't had from anything else. I give it the thumbs up. I buried a few of them in my humi and plan on revisiting in the future.
  • BigT06BigT06 Posts: 3,899
    I love em. Hell, I love pretty much everything Camacho does.
  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Posts: 937 ✭✭✭
    I believe that's the "Camacho Corojo LTD", not the Camacho Corojo.....
    In either case, they are both favorites of mine, and I hunt for the 8/22 vitola at another place regularly...

  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Posts: 937 ✭✭✭
    I love em. Hell, I love pretty much everything Camacho does.
    Me too!!!!.......................until I recently smoked a Camacho Havana Petite.......yikes!!!!!

    Now, to be fair, I smoked this one rott (something I never do, but I was anxious to try them) and it took an additional 4 days to get to me................still.............a very bad experience, harsh, almost nasty, one dimensional, with a "cheap" tobacco flavor...........

    Not smoking a second one until summer, and I'll report back then......

  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Posts: 5,960 ✭✭✭✭
    Love them!!!! Especially the torpedo...they don't have your normal spice too them...I always described the spice as a middle eastern spice something like cumin. They have a uniqueness too them that I really like. If you end up not liking them you can always do a trade with me. But they are def a nice stick for the price!! IMO
    Money can't buy taste
  • rzamanrzaman Posts: 2,650 ✭✭✭
    This is a Camacho Corojo Limitada not regular Camacho Corojo cigar. Yes this cigar has a unique aroma of cumin which is very rare in a cigar. I just checked my smoking notebook and double checked.
    Sitting here smoking one. Not sure how I feel about it. It's got a unique taste that I can't describe. Anybody try these? What's your thoughts? I'm on the fence about this one.image
  • Steve2010Steve2010 Posts: 1,036
    That flavor is definitely unique and is particular to the Corojo Ltd. Possibly due to the "Quinto Corte" fifth priming?
    My two favorite vitolas within the blend are the 11/18 and the robusto.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    i did a review of this not too long ago. here is the link: CLICK

    i do agree that the Corojo Ltd has some very unique flavors. the Maduro version is also very good.
  • RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,072 ✭✭✭✭✭
    i did a review of this not too long ago. here is the link: CLICK

    i do agree that the Corojo Ltd has some very unique flavors. the Maduro version is also very good.
    thanks Kuzi, that pretty much nailed it. I bet the 2 bowls of chili I had before lighting it up had a big impact on the flavor. And man that thing burned forever especially the last half. Definately one of the most unique cigars I've ever had. Until this I thought the Gurhka Blue Steel was the most unique I've smoked.
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