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How long will beads last....

greg2648greg2648 Posts: 2,440 ✭✭✭
I went to beads about a year ago. I have 2lbs at the top of my cabinet and a Moist-n-Aire at the bottom. I love them. I refresh them every 6 weeks or so. My cabinet is rock steady at 68*. My question is: Should I be replacing the beads every so often.....


  • BigT06BigT06 Posts: 3,899
    Cared for properly, they should last forever. Realistically, I will prob change mine out for fresh ones every 4-5 years, but that's about it.
  • greg2648greg2648 Posts: 2,440 ✭✭✭
    Cared for properly, they should last forever. Realistically, I will prob change mine out for fresh ones every 4-5 years, but that's about it.
    Thanks T.....
  • blurrblurr Posts: 962 ✭✭
    Mine are conservagel, going on 4 years and still work perfectly. Haven't had to switch out for new ones yet, but maybe in a few years but I think if cared for they should be good forever. Best humidification and most value, since all other forms need replaced and that costs money over time.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    i have some beads that are about 6 years old right now.
  • jliujliu Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm not planning to replace my beads unless if for some reason they get mold on them or they just don't hold their humidity. If anyone knows otherwise, please share
  • BigT06BigT06 Posts: 3,899
    I'm not planning to replace my beads unless if for some reason they get mold on them or they just don't hold their humidity. If anyone knows otherwise, please share
    Nope. No risk there. I will just probably replace mine eventually out of snobbery and the desire for new things. lol. They will literally last forever. If they are over humidified, they can crack and bust up a little, but even then, they still function 100%.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    I'll just start bombing everyone with kitty litter and solve this problem all together
  • jliujliu Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm not planning to replace my beads unless if for some reason they get mold on them or they just don't hold their humidity. If anyone knows otherwise, please share
    Nope. No risk there. I will just probably replace mine eventually out of snobbery and the desire for new things. lol. They will literally last forever. If they are over humidified, they can crack and bust up a little, but even then, they still function 100%.
    hahah. "out of snobbery." I want to eventually save up and buy a monolith or something comparable. but for now, my wal mart ish mentality says, go beads go fo-eva
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    I'll just start bombing everyone with kitty litter and solve this problem all together
    I know there's tons of posts on the internet about how well kitty litter works, but I have an irrational aversion to using something meant to be pissed on to regulate the RH of my cigars
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    I'll just start bombing everyone with kitty litter and solve this problem all together
    I know there's tons of posts on the internet about how well kitty litter works, but I have an irrational aversion to using something meant to be pissed on to regulate the RH of my cigars
    its also meant for the garden and you can buy it at your local nursery or Home Depot ;) it's all 100% silica... And the funny thing is, you will find the KL packaged and sold as cigar beads on eBay from time to time
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Eh, still; I sleep better knowing that Conservagel or Heartfelt beads are watching over my humi's. Worth the expense and peace of mind for me
  • Big T smokesBig T smokes Posts: 211
    Catfish's recommendation is clutch. I bought the heartfelt beads and they don't do nearly as good of a job at holding my humidity as the sillica kitty litter beads do. I mean that. MY first humi was expensive but it was highly recommended at my B&M so I bought the heartfelt beads to have a reliable humidity system. They humidity fluctuates with the temperature far more than the free humi i got which has a tubo i drilled holes in filled with the kitty litter. Both are reliable, don't get me wrong. But I almost never have to do anything with that humi I put the kitty litter in. Cheaper and more effective than the heartfelt beads.
  • VisionVision Posts: 9,209 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The fish is correct. I havent gotten my Wineador fully up and running. but the little ive messed around with the KL... hell its as good as Boveda and WAY cheaper. 13 bills for nearly 10LBs. Worth it!
  • KCWKCW Posts: 1,334 ✭✭✭
    I'm not planning to replace my beads unless if for some reason they get mold on them or they just don't hold their humidity. If anyone knows otherwise, please share
    Nope. No risk there. I will just probably replace mine eventually out of snobbery and the desire for new things. lol. They will literally last forever. If they are over humidified, they can crack and bust up a little, but even then, they still function 100%.

    The only reason I would replace mine is because they break down/crack and fall into my humi.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    i have some beads that are about 6 years old right now.
    about the same, they should last a long time.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    I'll just start bombing everyone with kitty litter and solve this problem all together
    lol, unused I hope ;-)
  • Big T smokesBig T smokes Posts: 211
    I actually have a quick question somewhat related to this topic:

    I spoke earlier of the heartfelt beads and that they aren't as good in my expensive 20 count box. Well I bought them from Heartfelt in a circular case that is sealed. I want those beads out and my kitty litter...erm I'm sorry... silica beads in. Can I buy a round container just to hold them? I'm goggling "round humidity bead holder" and things like that and nothing's coming up. Am I searching the wrong thing?

    The issue is that small heartfelt bead round case fit perfectly where that box's humidifer (the plastic black sponge crap). I would like to just break that case open carefully, fill it with beads, and re-glue it but I don't know how well that'll work... nor do I want glue in my humi...
  • blurrblurr Posts: 962 ✭✭
    Big T smokes:
    I actually have a quick question somewhat related to this topic:

    I spoke earlier of the heartfelt beads and that they aren't as good in my expensive 20 count box. Well I bought them from Heartfelt in a circular case that is sealed. I want those beads out and my kitty litter...erm I'm sorry... silica beads in. Can I buy a round container just to hold them? I'm goggling "round humidity bead holder" and things like that and nothing's coming up. Am I searching the wrong thing?

    The issue is that small heartfelt bead round case fit perfectly where that box's humidifer (the plastic black sponge crap). I would like to just break that case open carefully, fill it with beads, and re-glue it but I don't know how well that'll work... nor do I want glue in my humi...

    If you are careful you can probably open it without breaking it, just work the glue loose. I do this with the large rectangular humidifiers, just carefully pry them open and remove the foam and replace with beads or litter pearls. Or just use any old container for the litter pearls. I use everything from washed plastic baby food containers, to cigar coffins lined with plastic. Anything works, everyone who uses them comes up with creative containers, its the fun of the hobby. Which reminds me I need to bump my old bead containers thread.
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