Midwest Herf
So, I have been noticing a lot more people from the midwest on here. I know we have talked about getting together in the past, and it just hasn't panned out yet. So, I am bringing this up again, so we can actually get a date set up and get it done. So, If you would like to join us, post up here and where you are from so that I can try to pick a central location. I have 3 B+Ms near me (within 30 min) that have nice lounges. The good thing about one of them is, the manager is on here and we would be able to hang there after hours as well. But, its not really central for anyone else, but me. So, lets get this going Boys and Girls. Looking forward to hearing from you all.
#DE4L #StillPuffin
but on topic for this herf...
in my area (akron ohio) I have a greak lounge. I know the manager and we can set stuff up. Just gotta let me know in advance.