Half Time Show

Just seeing what everyone thinks/thought? If she were nude then I might enjoy this swill. Her singing is terrible...... wow this is right up with Black Eyed Peas and The Who for being the worst.
I thought it was a great show.....but then again I am still decently young.
Rather watch the Puppy Bowl.
Like now I wish Arena Football was in season.
Bad play call = they were averaging over 8 yards per play out of the pistol formation. It was killing the ravens. They didn't run a single play from the pistol inside of the redzone on that set of downs. It made no sense. Since Kap was put in their redzone efficiency was killer because of that formation and the things he can do out of it. The only time they started to run a play out of it was the Time out and Jimmy wouldn't have called the time out they were walking in the endzone.
Jimmy Harbaugh just choked at the end. Plain and simple.
1) There is no better seat in the stadium from which to admire earnest young men giving it their all.
2) High school rules fit in a 25 page booklet, yet there are far far way too dang many rules to keep all the nuances of each rule straight and figure how one weighs on the other. The pros use a 500 page tome which grows by twenty pages of new tuck rules each year. Do the math.
3) On the field one's view of any specific action is too often obstructed by behemoth players, distracted by all the other actions you have to keep an eye on at the same time, and limited to one side of the action when the important view may be the other way round. You can't see a tenth of what you need to. And you can't keep up with these athletes.
4) The clarity with which one can diagnose exactly what happened in what order with what intent and import is equal to your rooting interest multiplied by your distance from the field raised to the power of your ignorance of the rules. That's why that frantic fan bellowing "HOW COULD YOU NOT SEE THAT!" from the top bleacher farthest from the play can surely see better than the ref three feet away.
5) Announcers have zero clue.
6) Refs have zero rooting interest.
7) There is no schedule of flags. At least, if there ever was a schedule, they never handed me one. Therefore, there is exactly no such thing as a late flag. Much less a late whistle.
Now, all that said, still, I gotta admit, toward the beginning of the game, when the one guy got to punching the other one on the ground and the ref pulled him off and he shoved the ref --- I don't understand why he wasn't tossed right then and there to restore control. I think there are much better refs than the one appointed to this game for some PC reasons. Finally, if "let 'em play" works for the most important game of the season, then let's go ahead with that theory the rest of the games too.
I like cricket. Self regulated.
i couldn't believe it when he didn't get kicked.
you should also add this one: 8) Slow motion replay and zoom lenses are a refs worst enemy. Refs eyes don't zoom nor do they slow the action down for them to be able to discern what TV cameras can several minutes after the call had to be made.
my son refs basketball and the stories he tells about 3rd grade parents are amazing.