Congrats!! And good luck!!
My little boy turns 3 in october.
Adventure being the key word. You'll be wrist deep in the vile excrements of the small one wondering how such a disturbing smell came out of something so small and innocent, and then they need feeding. But it didn't seem to quench their anger, battling the blood curdling screams that never seem to end. What do you do? Are they hot, cold, in pain... Then there is an eerie moment of silence as a rumble begins from their insides followed by a bellowing belch that makes a father proud, then another sound from with the confines of the crap catcher, which also was a moment of pride, till you realize what has to come next... and it's back in to the bog of eternal stench...
But they grow out of it, and you can get some sleep after a while.
I love my boy. They'll make you re-think everything about your life. Be it for the better or worse, that's up to you.
You guys make me feel two years older than dirt! I have six sons from age 20 to 40.
You almost have a baseball line up goin, j/k.
We all come here because we all feel the same way... about cigars. Regardless of age, we all have things in common. Age is just a number, it defines experience rather than wrinkles.
Hey Geno and Luko ( OTSF) I just needed to get away for a little while and catch up on some real life issues, nothing serious. So, what's up with all 'ya all ?
Just gettin back into the flow of enjoying cigars and yeah those real life issues can slap ya around a bit huh ...glad to see some of the old guard around again ...
Well my son rielly chase is almost 4 months old. Having gone through calec and reflux (stilll) i cant tell you how much i would die for him. You just dont understand the feeling until you are a father. When he was first born all i could think about was him and like every workplace they dont give the father much time off for this. So you will find yourself at work unable to concentrate unless its your child your thinkinhg abbout. Hopefully everything goes well.
I have a wonderful little boy. He just turned a year old on June 7th and he is the most important thing in my life. I am glad I waited as long as I did to have my first child and I am very glad I did. When I was younger I wouldn't have been able to handle the stress and pressures of having a little one, but now I love every minute of it. We took him on his first camping trip on the river last weekend and it was great! Nothing better than seeing him playing and having fun.
That's really cool puro I'm sure you're loving every minute of it. If you don't mind me asking how old are you? I'm only 22 now will be 23 in a couple of weeks. Not sure what age I'll be when the kid comes as our due date is on my birthday.
That's really cool puro I'm sure you're loving every minute of it. If you don't mind me asking how old are you? I'm only 22 now will be 23 in a couple of weeks. Not sure what age I'll be when the kid comes as our due date is on my birthday.
I'm 28 now, was 27 when he was born. I figure thats not too bad because my brother is about 10 years older than I am, but he had his first child about 6 months before I had mine. He will be pushing 60 around the time she is going to college.
Yeah retirement and college tuition don't really add up.
No not at all! lol but I think I had mine at a good age, when he gets to the age where he is out of school and moving out, my wife and I will still be young enough to have a life and have some fun.
Congrats on your coming baby! My little girl is 7 months and is the apple of my eye. We notice changes in her every day, it's astonishing. All the cliches are true: time goes so fast you can't believe it; you just don't know until you're there, etc. etc. Being a parent is something really special and rewarding. Good luck on your journey.
.. We took him on his first camping trip on the river last weekend and it was great! Nothing better than seeing him playing and having fun.
How was camping with a kid in diapers? The wife and have put off camping 'till our's is fully potty trained, which will be soon it looks like.
It really wasn't bad at all. We were in a motorhome so we had a bed to lay him on to change him and air conditioning. We couldn't have done it in a tent with him because it was around 105 the whole time. We also bought him some of the swimmers diapers for playing in the water. It was a great weekend.
How do those swimmers work? Still a long ways from needing them probably but just trying to get a grasp now on what's great and what's crap as best I can.
They seal off around the legs and waist and the outside of them doesn't let the water get in and anything the baby ozzes into them stays inside the diaper. They seemed to work well as far as I could tell.
Two kids, son is going to be 3 in October and daughter is 5 months old.
Swim diapers are worth their weight in gold, as are 5 minute naps, 5 hour energy shots, grandparents and portable DVD players.
My son is 21 and married almost 1 year now. He has just now reached the point where he understands the things I tried to teach and instill in him where mostly correct and for his own good (imagine that !!!)and not a diabolical plot to keep him from having fun and growing up. Its fun to see the light come on and they realize everyone over 30 is NOT an idiot or old fashioned or just plain crazy hahaha . Me and the wife are empty nesters now , good luck to the rest of ya guys and gals with the chilt'rens ...
"Long ashes my friends."
My little boy turns 3 in october.
Adventure being the key word. You'll be wrist deep in the vile excrements of the small one wondering how such a disturbing smell came out of something so small and innocent, and then they need feeding. But it didn't seem to quench their anger, battling the blood curdling screams that never seem to end. What do you do? Are they hot, cold, in pain... Then there is an eerie moment of silence as a rumble begins from their insides followed by a bellowing belch that makes a father proud, then another sound from with the confines of the crap catcher, which also was a moment of pride, till you realize what has to come next... and it's back in to the bog of eternal stench...
But they grow out of it, and you can get some sleep after a while.
I love my boy. They'll make you re-think everything about your life. Be it for the better or worse, that's up to you.
You almost have a baseball line up goin, j/k.
We all come here because we all feel the same way... about cigars. Regardless of age, we all have things in common. Age is just a number, it defines experience rather than wrinkles.
Congratulations!! I had my first 2 yrs ago at the age of 52.![Big Smile [:D]](/cs/emoticons/emotion-2.gif)
Kas ma raz ...where ya been man ...hope your well ...missed ya on here ...