Ready to age 5 Pack

So, I had the thought...if I could get a 5 pack of stogies to just let ride for a few or more years what would those 5 be? Gotta have the Oliva V (maduro preferably), Camacho 3xM, Padron '26...
What would be your 5? or hell 10?
What would be your 5? or hell 10?
Padron 1964 Imperial, habano wrapper
La Flor Dominicana Cameroon Cabinet #1
Oliva V double robusto
Oliva V maduro
Well, that's five...I'm sure there are some others, but those come to mind quickest.
"Long ashes my friends."
Padron 1964
Padillia Miami
Camacho Triple Maduro
RP Olde World Reserve
Padron 1926 Anniversary No. 9
"Long ashes my friends."
Oliva Serie V torpedos
Gurkha Titan
A. Fernandez Signature Robustos
Ashton VSG Illusion
Rocky Patel Decade
The 2-3 year thing is questionable as to whether or not they'd last that long, though...
El Cobre
Camacho Diploma
Bolivar in Tubos
maybe something from LFD.
Opus X (****)
Opus X (roubsto)
AF Anejo
LFD chistle
Camacho Triple Maduro
Gurkha Beast
Gurkha Titan
Olivia V maduro
GOF Don Carols Tubo Don Carlos 30th Anniv.
In all seriousness
I'd have....
LFD Double Ligero Maduro (prefer chisel)
Oliva MB3
Tatuaje Cojonu
Padron 26 Maduro
Oliva V Maduro
Opus X would be another I'd age. I saw a box of 42 #5's for 800 or 900 I think I might pick up in the next month or so...I think I can keep my paws off of them for a while.
Opus X
GoF Don Carlos
I don't have any more in my list at the moment. Maybe the Padron 1926.