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Same taste of different cigars in my humidor

jfacianejfaciane Posts: 242
Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've posted anything here and need a little advice. I have a 300ct humi with various types of cigars in it, however, I don't have any infused or flavored cigars in it. I have those in a separate humi. In my 300ct. all the cigars seem to taste the same. The only difference I'll get is spice or peppery. Do the regular cigars tend to mend together after a while and taste alike? Should I separate them some how? If so, what do you recommend? Any advice is welcome. Thanks for your time BOTLS!


  • RainRain Posts: 8,958 ✭✭✭
    Man, I can't pick out the 100 flavors that some people can. They all taste like smoke to me, I either like them or not. Not much help, I know! I guess my point is, you could give me an Opus, God of Fire and a Padron...and I would describe them the same way. Hints of wood and leather.
  • RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,071 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do you keep your cigars in cello or naked?
  • jfacianejfaciane Posts: 242
    Do you keep your cigars in cello or naked?
    In the cello. All of them except for like two.
  • jfacianejfaciane Posts: 242
    Man, I can't pick out the 100 flavors that some people can. They all taste like smoke to me, I either like them or not. Not much help, I know! I guess my point is, you could give me an Opus, God of Fire and a Padron...and I would describe them the same way. Hints of wood and leather.
    I can't really pick out all the flavors either man. I'm trying tho, with every puff of smoke lol! Thanks for responding Rain.
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133
    Sometimes the palate just doen't react correctly. It wasn't long ago I read where Rip was questioning his palate. And this guy has over 4,000 cigars.
    As to tasting specific flavors, that takes quite a while. I'm no pro. Woody, musk, coffee, chocolate, etc. Beyond that, its tough. Someone described the Opus X as having a raison-like fruitiness. Then that hit me. Next one I tried, I almost tasted it. LOL. It takes time.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    what kind of cigars do you have in there? brands? countries? blenders? maybe you just like one blending style and they all taste the same because thats what you like ans thats what you buy.

    maybe you have a humidity issue. if they are all dry they will all pick up the "dry tobacco" taste.

    maybe it has to do with what you eat before you smoke or what you drink while you smoke.

    maybe you smoke to fast picking up the "scorched tobacco" flavor.
    could be anything.
    i need more info to diagnose
  • webmostwebmost Posts: 7,713 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You know, I've had a couple friends who rather abruptly lost their sense of smell. Totally. Couple months ... poof, gone. How's your food tasting? How's the old lady smell?

    There's a thought: Have TOWMBO sniff your different cigars and see if she can tell a marked diff. If she can and you can't, then maybe your sniffer is going south on you.

    No medical cure for dead sniffers, AFAIK..

    “It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)

  • jfacianejfaciane Posts: 242
    what kind of cigars do you have in there? brands? countries? blenders? maybe you just like one blending style and they all taste the same because thats what you like ans thats what you buy.

    maybe you have a humidity issue. if they are all dry they will all pick up the "dry tobacco" taste.

    maybe it has to do with what you eat before you smoke or what you drink while you smoke.

    maybe you smoke to fast picking up the "scorched tobacco" flavor.
    could be anything.
    i need more info to diagnose
    I have different wrappers and brands. Perdomo, Gurhka, CAO, Dominica Republic...etc. Some medium, mild, full. It's a variety. My humidity is about 65-67%. I do kinda smoke them fast tho. That could be my problem. I'll try and slow down next time. As for drinking, it's usually a glass of red wine. I don't usually eat before smoking, usually I'll smoke while grilling dinner or something. Thanks Kuzi for your advice.
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Posts: 15,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I drink mainly ice water and force myself to slow down. But, it's tough if the weather sucks and you can't feel your fingers. I've noticed they get a bit spongy with a change to a different climate once out of the humi.
  • JZerbyJZerby Posts: 122
    Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've posted anything here and need a little advice. I have a 300ct humi with various types of cigars in it, however, I don't have any infused or flavored cigars in it. I have those in a separate humi. In my 300ct. all the cigars seem to taste the same. The only difference I'll get is spice or peppery. Do the regular cigars tend to mend together after a while and taste alike? Should I separate them some how? If so, what do you recommend? Any advice is welcome. Thanks for your time BOTLS!
    I have that issue with stronger cigars. I just have a harder time distinguishing flavors. But with milder sticks, I'm fine. I don't always pick up the flavor nuances that some say are there (raisins are one I can't taste or smell in a cigar for the life of me even though people say it's there in some) but I get some subtlety. As to cigars tasting similar overall, though, that only happens when I go for a stretch smoking the same types of cigars every time I smoke. they all start tasting the same to me. But if I change it up and throw in a mild or infused stick, I find it sort of "resets" my palate and I can find greater variety of flavors in my favorite cigars. Try throwing something totally different into the line-up from time to time. That might help too.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    what kind of cigars do you have in there? brands? countries? blenders? maybe you just like one blending style and they all taste the same because thats what you like ans thats what you buy.

    maybe you have a humidity issue. if they are all dry they will all pick up the "dry tobacco" taste.

    maybe it has to do with what you eat before you smoke or what you drink while you smoke.

    maybe you smoke to fast picking up the "scorched tobacco" flavor.
    could be anything.
    i need more info to diagnose
    I have different wrappers and brands. Perdomo, Gurhka, CAO, Dominica Republic...etc. Some medium, mild, full. It's a variety. My humidity is about 65-67%. I do kinda smoke them fast tho. That could be my problem. I'll try and slow down next time. As for drinking, it's usually a glass of red wine. I don't usually eat before smoking, usually I'll smoke while grilling dinner or something. Thanks Kuzi for your advice.
    like you said, try slowing down. if that doesnt work drink water.
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133
    Red wine in a dry climate will dehydrate your tongue. Water, cold tea, even coffee would be better.
  • jfacianejfaciane Posts: 242
    Red wine in a dry climate will dehydrate your tongue. Water, cold tea, even coffee would be better.
    Dang, didn't know that about red wine. I'll try water next time so I don't flavor my pallet or tongue with anything other than cigar smoke.
  • Ruder245Ruder245 Posts: 1
    Dude is that your humidor that the cigars taste the same in because I have the same humidor and it happened to me, the all taste the same as the flavor u described.  I think it's the humidor man. Damn I knew it was something. My RH and degree is fine 
  • CAcigarguy007CAcigarguy007 Posts: 2,076 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    What kind of humidification do you use? I had this happen with cat litter one time and people called me crazy and I am 100% sure it was the silica cat litter. Learned an expensive lesson. (Not up for debating the issue since it will be a circle of frustration and wagon circling but just thought I'd toss it out there). Only use boveda packs now and toss in a swollen full humi pillow when they are feeling a bit low to recharge them (once a year or so).

    This also can happen when you smoke too much and burn your palate out. Rinsing with a 1/3 each solution of hydrogen peroxide, Listerine, and water can help with burnt out palate syndrome. 
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