The fishing thread

Figured there are some fishermen and women out there in here so figured this would be a good start to rant or disguss fishing. For me ice out happened but nothing is actually warm lol. I'm a die hard so when I get the itch I still fish no matter what. So far the what're is still mid to low thirties but being a bass guy I still figure I have a chance! So far slow cranking has lead to success but nothing major this year so far. I'm gonna head out sometime during the week and hope the maybe a dropshot or shaky head will produce a better size! IMO it's still to cold out to flip and pitch jigs but I might have to go deep and drag a 3/4oz football jig off some structure. I'm thinking a chigger craw will slow the fall and won't produce to much spastic movement to alert the fish that its not real lol but who knows?!?!?!
Money can't buy taste
Post edited by TheCigarChick on
Our yearly fishing trip is in June, when all the snow is gone and the dirt roads are thawed out enough not to get stuck in the mud. With some luck and an early spring, we sometimes manage to get out for a weekend in May, but it's risky. Some of the roads can still be snow covered and the spring frost makes for mud holes that can get you stuck for a couple weeks till they dry out. That's not good when you are 60 miles in the woods with no cell phone reception and sometimes no traffic for an entire week!
Love the location, but have to respect mother nature.
No bass this far up north, but we have Northern Pike, Wallye, Lake trout and speckle trout.
This was 1 day's catch from close to where we camp.
it started out just he and I, but now it is my 2 lifelong friends who treat my dad like their dad, the one friends father who is still alive and my dads best friend.
We go bass fishing for 4 days down at Lake of the Ozarks and drink a lot of alcohol.
it is probably the most fun i have all year long.
Yes sir they are. I used to eat a lot of saugeye(hybrid between a walleye and a sauger) as a kid. Mmmm.
+1...Jim try em u will like kidding. I went on one fishing trip a year to lake Erie with my father for walleye only. My favorite was to coat them with some Cajun spice and fry em up. Delicious and I sure miss the trip as my father passed away 3 years ago. Good times!
My wife hates me
I like my baitcaster, but i do agree that it takes a lot of getting used to. I spent the first 6 months of having it just jacking with the various drag settings and getting backlashes when i messed around too much. They are definitely not a pick up and go need to know what you are doing with one.