Haze Grey and Underway!!

It's that time!! I leave tomorrow for the USS Nimitz which is ultimatley bound for the North Arabian area. I should be back stateside early next February=ish. I'm taking 2 overly stocked humi's with me as well
. Internet is spotty out there but I WILL be popping my head in from time to time. As soon as i get my emaill address i'll post it on my forum signature line, if anyone is so inclined to drop a sailor a line every now and then.
Kinda strange, as i'm typing this i'm actually really sad. I really love you guys! Joe, Tony, Andy, Kooz, Dougie, Gino, Brandon, Brian(still in my crosshairs...), Maddy, Fuzzy Nuts, Scramz, Puro and his Rants, Vince O and his sunday ramblings, Duty and his Burro, Alex and his wisdom, Urby... And countless others whose names escape me at the moment but are no less important. The awesome trades, bomb wars, friendly musing, thought provoking debates and timeless friendships...Thanks for everything guys. I'll catch ya'll on the flip side

Kinda strange, as i'm typing this i'm actually really sad. I really love you guys! Joe, Tony, Andy, Kooz, Dougie, Gino, Brandon, Brian(still in my crosshairs...), Maddy, Fuzzy Nuts, Scramz, Puro and his Rants, Vince O and his sunday ramblings, Duty and his Burro, Alex and his wisdom, Urby... And countless others whose names escape me at the moment but are no less important. The awesome trades, bomb wars, friendly musing, thought provoking debates and timeless friendships...Thanks for everything guys. I'll catch ya'll on the flip side

Seriously thou Vinney you will be missed around here for a few months. Is there any mail or packages that can be sent to you while on the ship? If so fire me out an address. That would be kinda KEWL... never sent something to a ship at sea before. If not then have a safe rotation and think of us while smoking a stoogie from time to time. I warn you Vin, if I am left to load up until February, there is going to be a hell of a lot of smoke and noise when I fire something off to you then ! I plan to use this down time to re-arm big time.
Sucks about the Miamis you bought...the only way to go is a box purchase with those. That's the message Padilla is trying to send by not using cello.
ADC(AW) Vincent Pfleger
VFA-97 Unit 25395
FPO AP 96601-6225
I was considering the box thing with the miami's. Kind of a d!ck move on padilla's part but hey, marketing is marketing. If you guys do opt to send packages....beware...there is a post office onboard and none of you are out of reach
He wanted to let everyone know he's good, and to send him as many Dutchmasters as you can get your hands on.