Am I a bad person bc when I saw the title of this thread my first thought was ... noob cigar?
Anyways I think they have their place like Acids, many people start on these. There are some cigars that work in 60 rg. The MUWAT is well done as is the Revolution. But typically I am a lancer or corona guy
Am I a bad person bc when I saw the title of this thread my first thought was ... noob cigar?
Anyways I think they have their place like Acids, many people start on these. There are some cigars that work in 60 rg. The MUWAT is well done as is the Revolution. But typically I am a lancer or corona guy
By the way "New Guy" Congratulations on 6000. Remember the race to 1000 with Kuzi.. That was a fun time.
i was first to a thousand, but not by much. for a while you had more posts than i did.
Indeed now you've doubled me.
We were gentlemanly about it. We didn't throw too many filler posts out there to get there first.
////Gentlemanly...yes, perfect term for your actions....and that is why we respect you. QUALITY vs QUANTITY! It isnt hard to add non-sense (+1, yah bro..and other nice, but unnecessary after a bit) pots to another post, which of course, adds quickly to your post count...but WHY? I relate it to the boy who cried wolf...after a while one tends to not bother reading certain people's posts, as i assume it is just fluff. (This could be just me, but i think not.) As well, I relate it to smoking the big RG....seems like that is the goal for many when you start, bigger is better (build 'respect', be a 'cool guy' through post count? come on, really?.....thankfully, over time, some ppl mature and realizes it isnt how much you add to the conversation but the quality of what you add. IMHO...each to their own though.... PWYAO! (Post **** Your *** Off)
But why would someone fluff? It's not like you get a prize...wait, do you? The only thing post counts are used for is TP&B requirments, and I guess to some people a badge of sorts. Let's be real, if somehow Kuzi had his post count reset to 3, it's not like people would stop listening to him.Can't do big smokes most of the time. I'm really all about coronas, quick and to the point. I do like bigger smokes in regards to flavor change, they make it easier for me to notice the 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 change.
But why would someone fluff? It's not like you get a prize...wait, do you? The only thing post counts are used for is TP&B requirments, and I guess to some people a badge of sorts. Let's be real, if somehow Kuzi had his post count reset to 3, it's not like people would stop listening to him.Can't do big smokes most of the time. I'm really all about coronas, quick and to the point. I do like bigger smokes in regards to flavor change, they make it easier for me to notice the 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 change.
yea but part of that is reputation.
i have gone to other forums and people dont pay a lick of attention to me. a good chunk of that is because i dont have a high post count, therefore i am a noob in their minds.
But why would someone fluff? It's not like you get a prize...wait, do you? The only thing post counts are used for is TP&B requirments, and I guess to some people a badge of sorts. Let's be real, if somehow Kuzi had his post count reset to 3, it's not like people would stop listening to him.Can't do big smokes most of the time. I'm really all about coronas, quick and to the point. I do like bigger smokes in regards to flavor change, they make it easier for me to notice the 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 change.
yea but part of that is reputation.
i have gone to other forums and people dont pay a lick of attention to me. a good chunk of that is because i dont have a high post count, therefore i am a noob in their minds.
Hmmm, you know, you are right...sort of. I think when a new member joins and he sees 5000+ posts, he knows you've been around the block. But after he's been here for a month, if you're full of ****, he will know it. So it's kind of like a first impression. Thanks for having me look at it a different way.
But why would someone fluff? It's not like you get a prize...wait, do you? The only thing post counts are used for is TP&B requirments, and I guess to some people a badge of sorts. Let's be real, if somehow Kuzi had his post count reset to 3, it's not like people would stop listening to him.Can't do big smokes most of the time. I'm really all about coronas, quick and to the point. I do like bigger smokes in regards to flavor change, they make it easier for me to notice the 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 change.
yea but part of that is reputation.
i have gone to other forums and people dont pay a lick of attention to me. a good chunk of that is because i dont have a high post count, therefore i am a noob in their minds.
Seems like after 2 posts (since the first is beginner's luck) anyone could see that kuz is quite the aficionado. Almost every single word that kuzi types is cigar gold! Thanks for sticking around here so long. I truly enjoy reading all that you, and the many other experienced guys, offer. You guys taught me how to enjoy cigars!
So I'm not accused of fluffing (lol!) I also don't like 60+ rg's because I feel like I have to puff like a train to keep em going. Seems like I can never just relax with it, or it'll start to tunnel. I do enjoy the monstrous smoke output though... nothing beats the Undercrown gordo ("fat") size... you could send smoke signals miles away, and delay flights if you live near an airport.
i was first to a thousand, but not by much. for a while you had more posts than i did.
Indeed now you've doubled me.
We were gentlemanly about it. We didn't throw too many filler posts out there to get there first.
////Gentlemanly...yes, perfect term for your actions....and that is why we respect you. QUALITY vs QUANTITY! It isnt hard to add non-sense (+1, yah bro..and other nice, but unnecessary after a bit) pots to another post, which of course, adds quickly to your post count...but WHY? I relate it to the boy who cried wolf...after a while one tends to not bother reading certain people's posts, as i assume it is just fluff. (This could be just me, but i think not.) As well, I relate it to smoking the big RG....seems like that is the goal for many when you start, bigger is better (build 'respect', be a 'cool guy' through post count? come on, really?.....thankfully, over time, some ppl mature and realizes it isnt how much you add to the conversation but the quality of what you add. IMHO...each to their own though.... PWYAO! (Post **** Your *** Off)
Well thank you kind sir. I appreciate that. Kuzi is full of **** though and quite the Post ****. I can't believe I had to come back around to remind people of this. I mean Kuzi used to be a huge Gurkha fan. Do we need more proof than that?
That was a joke, so I don't get any IM's asking if I was serious about kuzi.
i was first to a thousand, but not by much. for a while you had more posts than i did.
Indeed now you've doubled me.
We were gentlemanly about it. We didn't throw too many filler posts out there to get there first.
////Gentlemanly...yes, perfect term for your actions....and that is why we respect you. QUALITY vs QUANTITY! It isnt hard to add non-sense (+1, yah bro..and other nice, but unnecessary after a bit) pots to another post, which of course, adds quickly to your post count...but WHY? I relate it to the boy who cried wolf...after a while one tends to not bother reading certain people's posts, as i assume it is just fluff. (This could be just me, but i think not.) As well, I relate it to smoking the big RG....seems like that is the goal for many when you start, bigger is better (build 'respect', be a 'cool guy' through post count? come on, really?.....thankfully, over time, some ppl mature and realizes it isnt how much you add to the conversation but the quality of what you add. IMHO...each to their own though.... PWYAO! (Post **** Your *** Off)
Well thank you kind sir. I appreciate that. Kuzi is full of **** though and quite the Post ****. I can't believe I had to come back around to remind people of this. I mean Kuzi used to be a huge Gurkha fan. Do we need more proof than that?
That was a joke, so I don't get any IM's asking if I was serious about kuzi.
i like the bigger ones. I think it has more to do with the look and feel of a big cigar at this point. To me smoking a cigar is a luxury time and it just feels more luxurious and manly to be smoking a nice big ring gauge. it gives me more time to pick out flavors (which i am horrible at right now), and in general just "feels" like i am smoking a cigar.
secondly at times the smaller ring gauges feel like i am smoking a cigarette.
lastly i smoke WAY too fast and the small ones get bitter quick.....that's why i am saving a lot of the small ones i have gotten in bombs for a year from now when i get my smoking pattern down
I've been there too. Things changed when I smoked an Oliva V lancero gifted to me by a former botl here. Blew my mind!
I agree with Gray4lines on this. I love Lanceros because you taste more of the wrapper vs. the filler. I have some 7x60s and I like them............when i have nothing else to do that day! Plus when you go that big, it is a huge time commitment. Sometimes I look for the best stick (higher rating as example) for the flavors it produces. I try to stay near the 6x50 sizes. Anything smaller sometimes isn't enough, on the other hand the CAO OSA lot 50 is sometimes a go to. I mentioned in another post coronas are a good way to taste the stick and see if you would like to try other sizes or lines from that particular brand.
I agree with Gray4lines on this. I love Lanceros because you taste more of the wrapper vs. the filler. I have some 7x60s and I like them............when i have nothing else to do that day! Plus when you go that big, it is a huge time commitment. Sometimes I look for the best stick (higher rating as example) for the flavors it produces. I try to stay near the 6x50 sizes. Anything smaller sometimes isn't enough, on the other hand the CAO OSA lot 50 is sometimes a go to. I mentioned in another post coronas are a good way to taste the stick and see if you would like to try other sizes or lines from that particular brand.
Not that it is 2 big, on 2nd thought they are, but who has time to smoke something that big anyways, surely not me.
Well I doubt most 60 rg smokers will say they don't smoke them everyday and have time for them. I like a 60 rg but like you mentioned I don't have time for it as often, or I'd smoke more of them. I just like the amount of smoke and the time it takes. But since I don't always have that time I usually grab a 50 rg (robusto) or so. The 60s are more, for me, vacation. I have a vacation in June and I'm already planning on bringing 2 of my 60 rg Gurhkas with me.
As an atypical newb, this probably won't count for much, but.. Jeeze guys, I like 'em all (except for cigarillos. They're just annoying and bitter, not a fan..). Sure, some of those short fatties are akin to smoking oversized road flares but, sometimes, I guess I am just in the mood for road flares. Well, that might be a harsher than necessary take on it, but I digress.. I was doing a little night fishing last night and lit up a Diesel shorty a cool member sent me and about half way through it I sat back and wondered if I could be anymore happy with myself. That being said... I just bought the 'Gigante' sized mailbox from the hardware store so all of you lancero guys have a safe and qualified place to send all your unwanted 60's
Jeeze guys, I like 'em all (except for cigarillos. They're just annoying and bitter, not a fan..)
not trying to be a jerk here but this is user error, not a problem of the cigar itself. there is a learning curve to smoking small ring gauge cigars. its a totally different animal.
not trying to be a jerk here but this is user error, not a problem of the cigar itself. there is a learning curve to smoking small ring gauge cigars. its a totally different animal.
I don't doubt it for a second... I've only tried a few and most likely butchered them some how But I'm keeping the giant mailbox...
Anyways I think they have their place like Acids, many people start on these. There are some cigars that work in 60 rg. The MUWAT is well done as is the Revolution. But typically I am a lancer or corona guy
We were gentlemanly about it. We didn't throw too many filler posts out there to get there first.
i have gone to other forums and people dont pay a lick of attention to me. a good chunk of that is because i dont have a high post count, therefore i am a noob in their minds.
So I'm not accused of fluffing (lol!) I also don't like 60+ rg's because I feel like I have to puff like a train to keep em going. Seems like I can never just relax with it, or it'll start to tunnel. I do enjoy the monstrous smoke output though... nothing beats the Undercrown gordo ("fat") size... you could send smoke signals miles away, and delay flights if you live near an airport.
That was a joke, so I don't get any IM's asking if I was serious about kuzi.
Im a closet gurkha fan
there is a learning curve to smoking small ring gauge cigars. its a totally different animal.