More abortion bills ....

This one is by far too far! Though I'm sure some who are all about fetus's will love it. I mean it's okay to deny a woman her own rights but guns hey buddy get off my lawn!
I thought we needed jobs in this country? I mean all the GOP is doing is trying to stop woman rights and keep gays from marrying one another. The huge amount of time and money being spend on woman rights issues is astounding. I think we have better things to do as a country than roll back to the good 'o days when woman were 2nd class citizens! What's next a push to get rid of civil rights and bring back segregation? ... oh wait some are.
I thought we needed jobs in this country? I mean all the GOP is doing is trying to stop woman rights and keep gays from marrying one another. The huge amount of time and money being spend on woman rights issues is astounding. I think we have better things to do as a country than roll back to the good 'o days when woman were 2nd class citizens! What's next a push to get rid of civil rights and bring back segregation? ... oh wait some are.
I just don't understand your rational? I mean you don't think govt should give everyone the chance for health care, rather just let big biz do what they will and those who can't afford it can die or go bankrupt, you don't want social services, don't want gun restrictions from the govt, don't want cap and trade or any type of environmental controls that limit or get rid of harmful pollution .... But
You are okay with govt telling a woman what they can and cannot do with their bodies, get probed and prodded, basically just vessels for some guy's *** then poop out a kid, govt sending people to other countries in war (even if it's a lie and has no merit on our own safety), it's fine for the govt to spend massive amounts of money on MIC, but let's cut our own economic goals and services. ....
So govt is okay to be big ... sometimes however at other times it is not? Some how that seems whacked to me. I mean it's not okay for govt to have a standard set up gun laws or cut the MIC but it's okay for the govt to tell my wife she has to carry a baby even if she doesn't want too? Or a young lady or who ever, a WOMAN. Now even if they are raped!!!!! I get this all the time from the "anti choice" crowd or "pro life" crowd, you are all okay with going to war, letting sick people die, and even gutting services for the poor to take care of kids, but when it comes to a fetus it's all important and sacred. Just like the typical GOP crowd in Washington, all about support the troops when it suits them, but they crap on them the rest of the time by cutting benefits, not paying for good gear, cutting VA funding, and plain sending them into war. Makes no sense!
peace brother!
At any rate, I think this issue is to polemic for most people to discuss it rationally. Look, I believe in the sanctity of life. I know some people disagree with me on when life begins. I don't for a minute believe they are "anti-life" even though those who usually share my persuasion are "pro-life". I also don't think most "pro-lifers" are "anti-choice" in the broad brushstrokes that these debates paint them. I do think no matter what, children are suffering-those who are aborted, and those who cannot be properly cared for by parents after birth. Yes, there are larger forces at work here, more complex issues to be solved in one sense. But I will say that I agree that many "pro-life" advocates hold some inconsistent positions if they extend their advocacy beyond this single issue.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
Nearly all of us here are men. In which case we should just shut up and leave this issue to girls and their mothers. We will never have to face the stark desperate choices which they do, so it's none of our damned business.
I have to add, IF these unborn children are ONLY the womens "choice", why do men have to pay child support? Men have NO children, from that point of view.
Real men have children, and raise them, and work hard to feed them, clothe them, and teach them how to be real live self-sufficient adults by the age of no later than 21. If they're still on the t i t after 21 yrs, someone, or some ones, (both parents) isn't doing their job.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
ive said many times in the past that this is a very grey area for me. i have a hard time defining when life begins.
pro-abortion people do have a good point that women have rights and should be aloud to use them. but they also seem to think that a baby is just a "sack of cells" instead of being on the road to birth. its a very selfish point of view. never thinking of the baby.
iduno. i always find this topic interesting to discuss. unfortunately i feel that too many people take it too militantly especially because the definition for when life begins has eluded medical science and religions. it has been debated and yet never agreed on. humans dont know when specifically life begins. its a very tricky subject.