I don't understand Gurkha

Ok, Here is what I do not understand. Gurkha cigars have some of the highest MSRP discounts I have seen during specials (80%) so is the high price of these cigars just a marketing ploy or do they actually expect people to pay 30.00 for a Titan? To me, Gurkhas are OK, nothing I would jump up and down for but I won't decline one either. Thoughts?
the tobacco used in some of gurkha's short run or very high end cigars is fairly rare. but they buy the tobacco at a good price. they then say how rare it is and place the price high because its "rare" and limited supply thus, a higher price.
when the cigar does not move at a pace that is profitable they make deals with retail establishments to run deals to move cigars at a discount. at the discounted price, people will say that it is a good cigar. for example, i love the centurian. i have a few in my humidor. i would love to smoke more. its probably my favorite gurkha. is it worth $20? this is where the line blured. i would have never bought the cigar hat it been $20. i got a few on a one day deal somewhere a few years ago and now i love em.
its all marketing.
when my wife and i were setting up our chocolate business and we were deciding prices a bit of advice that we got was:
If you sell out all the time, your prices are too cheap. If you cant sell 50% of your stock your prices are to high. look to sell 85% - 90% of what you have on display at any given time. thats how you know your prices are right on.
im not 100% sold on this concept but, there is some merit to it. they set the prices where they set them because they make money on them there and sell enough to do so.
1. There's not a good wrapper to filler ratio and I love me some wrapper flavors (that's where the most flavor comes from) so the fact that the BEAST is so gosh darn thick that it lost a little to me
2. I was out drinking... I've noticed that a Gurkha does demand a little attention to be truly utilized
Yet the other Gurkha (I think class regent) was really smooth and a well crafted cigar
I do respect Gurkha and I have to say that I am super excited for a couple reasons, I have heard up and down how good Gurkha's are and I have done my research and waited patiently and I have a good deal of centurians and TITAN II's... the TITAN's are going to be amazing with the reduced ring guage!!! (hopefully since I've only smoked two Gurkha's in my years)
I'm a little heart broken for I made a dumb mistake and wondering if anyone can help me
I have two Gurkha Centurians from May '08 and I just recently purchased 6 more from the Weekend Blitz and a resigning of the COTMC...
After giggling like a school girl about the beauty of the 8 Centurians and thinking that I can smoke at least ONE of the year old one's for I have a small stash built...
"Wait a minute... I have all 8 together... which ones are the year old ones???.... poop"
Now I've tried to look at the cellophane but not one is really overly yellow so I'm kinda stuck, is there any definitive way to tell which ones are 3 weeks old and which ones are a year???
the cello is not yellow... are some cellos more wrinkled?
very early in my cigar collection (second shipment) i started to date them. the date was when they hit my humidor. ive never had this problem.
this may be a long shot but can you pull them out and see if you feel a difference? if the newest ones are fresh in there is a good chance they will feel a tad over humidified. maybe.
thats a long shot. im not sure i could do that. its worth a try though... right?
they may be well made cigars with rare tobacco, but to tell the truth, im a bit gurkha-ed out.
that being said, i still love the regent for a mild smoke.
Que the seven horsemen and the seven seals and seven trumpets
Is there something that you need to talk about with your therapist?
In regard to Gurkha, from the samples I have tried I find their cigars to be of good quality but my problem with Gurkha is too much emphasis is put on fancy packaging. This to me raises questions. I am to beleive that the steep price tag is justifiable because the packaging is fancy? Is the packaging perhaps compensating for the content? When you look at other prominent cigar manufacturers such as Don Pepin Garcia who as we know makes exellent cigars, we see his products come housed in straight forward packaging. I mean lets be honest here, good presentation is appreciated but in the end you cant smoke the box. It almost seems like Gurkha needs the packaging to be ornate and exotic to uphold there claim as the "Rolls Royce of Cigars" as you may see mentioned here on CCOM. I beleive as a avid cigar smoker that as the saying goes "the proof is in the pudding".
Can someone explain why every single gurkha cigar smells like a hog barnyard to me? Do they furment all of their sticks the same way? Its starting to really bother me.
"Long ashes my friends."