New York State Police Confiscate Guns..From the Wrong Guy
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On April 1st, a legal gun owner in upstate New York reportedly received an official notice from the state ordering him to surrender any and all weapons to his local police department. The note said that the persons permit to own a gun in New York was being suspended as well. The gun owner contacted attorney Jim Tresmond (a specialist in gun laws in New York) and the two visited the local police precinct.
Mr. Tresmond reportedly went into the precinct and informed the officers that his client, waiting in the parking lot, was coming in to voluntarily surrender his weapons as requested. The local police were aware of the letter because they had already been contacted by the State Police. Apparently, if people do not respond to the initial mailing, local law enforcement is authorized to visit the gun owner at their home and demand the surrender of the firearms. In this case, the gun owner followed the request as written. The guns and permits were handed over and a receipt given to the client.
After the guns were turned over, a request for a local hearing was filed and the gun owner is expecting to have his Second Amendment rights restored. But there is more to this story.
In our conversation with lawyer Jim Tresmond, we learned that this client, who has never had a problem with the law no criminal record and or violent incidents on record did have a temporary, short term health issue that required medication. But how were his clients private medical information accessed by the government? This appears to be a violation of HIPAA and Health Information Privacy policies at If it is declared a violation, this becomes a civil rights issue.
How did this happen? By pushing through a reckless gun control law in the middle of the night thanks to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, that's how.
How did confiscation start happening so quickly? Apparently the gun grabbing was triggered by something inside the NY SAFE Act New Yorks new gun law that has a provision apparently mandating confiscation of weapons and permits if someone has been prescribed psychotropic drugs.
And OOPSIE, they had the wrong guy, fantastic:
Erie County Clerk Chris Jacobs said that late today he received a call from the New York State Police informing him that they had provided information on the wrong person when they notified his office of someone whose permit should be suspended because of the new mental health provisions in New Yorks SAFE Act, the release begins.
When the State Police called to tell us they made a mistake and had the wrong person
it become clear that the state did not do their job here and now we all look foolish, the release went on to say in a quote from Clerk Jacobs.
This is what happens when gun grabbing zealots who really have no idea what they're doing speedily pass legislation "in the name of doing something." It's reckless, it's dangerous and it's a violation of civil rights.
As a reminder, let's look back on a few of the times we've been told "nobody is coming for your guns" since the gun control debate started up again in December.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo:
"This is not taking away people's guns."
Cuomo, Bloomberg, either NY lobotomizes its politicians, or its voters, I can't decide which.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
People were asking questions about it prior to the vote and no one could answer them due to how big and complex it was.
Cuomo wanted to one-up Obama and look good for his party, but all they did was pass another over reactive, rights violating, big brother piece of legislation.
Cuomo's angling for a 2016 presidential run, and the NY Repubs are so afraid of losing what little power they have, that they're becoming lite Dems. No one stands for principles, it's all political pandering to every political or community organizer who can scrap together enough voters to make a threat.