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Storing Cigars at 64 Degrees

MAJORdorMoMAJORdorMo Posts: 356
I found a great deal on a wine cooler and decided to make a wineador. Only issue is that it only goes up to 64 degrees. Would this be alright for cigars? I hear everywhere that 70 degrees is optimal. Would 6 degrees less really make a difference?


  • LasabarLasabar Posts: 4,472 ✭✭✭
    I found a great deal on a wine cooler and decided to make a wineador. Only issue is that it only goes up to 64 degrees. Would this be alright for cigars? I hear everywhere that 70 degrees is optimal. Would 6 degrees less really make a difference?
    My Vinotemp from Best Buy goes up to 66*F only, from what I've read is it's not bad at all, just the higher the temp the quicker they can age (i.e. mellow out, or lose that Ammonia taste, improve with age...) All the lower temp is doing is slowing down any other fermentation process
  • jeff_connorsjeff_connors Posts: 483
    I found a great deal on a wine cooler and decided to make a wineador. Only issue is that it only goes up to 64 degrees. Would this be alright for cigars? I hear everywhere that 70 degrees is optimal. Would 6 degrees less really make a difference?
    im pretty sure I have the same model/type and it works great for me! its max temp is also 64 degrees.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    64* sounds good to me. temp is important, but not anywhere near as important as RH. as long as you are less than 75ish and over 58 ish. (58 is just cold to live in. if your house/humidor is that cold turn your damn heat up)
  • vankleekkwvankleekkw Posts: 404
    66 is just a target range on the wine coolers. They can actually only regulate temperatures 10-15 degrees past ambient since they are thermo-electric. Plus, the accuracy is pretty crappy. My 66 is actually 70
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Yea my vinotemps are both set at 66 but all 4 of my hygros read the temp in the 68-72 range.
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