Gurkha Events

Anyone here ever been to one? The B&M in Lake Charles is having one tomorrow evening, and I was considering going. It would be my first cigar event of any kind. The deals look decent, and there are door prizes. If anyone has been to one of these, what kind of stuff are the door prizes and does Gurkha have any good cigars that are event-only I should grab?
It had a small, simple brown band with the three leaf logo in green. The cellos were all very yellowed. I asked one of the guys there about it, and apparently they no longer make them, and these had about 3-4 years of age on them. I picked one up and smoked it there, damn it was good. Not necessarily better than the Antano, but damn good anyways. Best part was that on close out they were a little under $5 each, so I picked up a few more. Tony is happy.