The future of Forum blends...

I have been thinking a lot about the Forum Samplers which we are waiting for; let's say patiently.
It was discussed elsethread about the Forum Blend coming out as a regular offering from C.Com.
Now when we were all putting this thing together with Alex it was never something that was discussed. BUT !!!
Wouldn't it be KEWL if when these sticks do arrive and we give them a test drive, and assuming they are a hit, that C.Com would consider placing these into their regular rotation of offerings?
Then I started to think about the possibilities of an ongoing project known as the "Forum Blend Project" or something similar, and having a new blend released each year or every other year, something along those lines.
Not only would it be an original idea for a company like C.Com to take on, but I see it as the ultimate promotional tool as well.
Imagine, each year, the forum members would be selecting the wrappers, binders, and fillers for a new cigar creation.
Each year could be denoted as, for instance "C.COM Forum Blend 09" (this years version) followed by "C.COM Forum Blend 10" and on and on.
I remember how much I enjoyed the process this time and would love another chance to do it again.
What do you think Alex? Any chance? Any different interesting ideas, since you were the person who proposed this in the first place, in response to the "test" that Duty and Kuzi were working on if my memory serves me correctly.
What do you BOTL here think of this... if Alex and C.Com think it could be worked out again?
It was discussed elsethread about the Forum Blend coming out as a regular offering from C.Com.
Now when we were all putting this thing together with Alex it was never something that was discussed. BUT !!!
Wouldn't it be KEWL if when these sticks do arrive and we give them a test drive, and assuming they are a hit, that C.Com would consider placing these into their regular rotation of offerings?
Then I started to think about the possibilities of an ongoing project known as the "Forum Blend Project" or something similar, and having a new blend released each year or every other year, something along those lines.
Not only would it be an original idea for a company like C.Com to take on, but I see it as the ultimate promotional tool as well.
Imagine, each year, the forum members would be selecting the wrappers, binders, and fillers for a new cigar creation.
Each year could be denoted as, for instance "C.COM Forum Blend 09" (this years version) followed by "C.COM Forum Blend 10" and on and on.
I remember how much I enjoyed the process this time and would love another chance to do it again.
What do you think Alex? Any chance? Any different interesting ideas, since you were the person who proposed this in the first place, in response to the "test" that Duty and Kuzi were working on if my memory serves me correctly.
What do you BOTL here think of this... if Alex and C.Com think it could be worked out again?
"Long ashes my friends."
Just to be clear as to what I was hoping for... would be to have each blend after they were created to stay in production, so that any and all were available from the time each one was created on.
It would actually be a new "Line" of cigars which would grow each year. Just my thoughts, don't know if it is reasonable or able to be pulled off.
The reason I like the idea of continueing with a particular stick after the initial first run is that the first run will always be smaller like this time around. If you keep these cigars in production after the initial run then if someone really likes them they can keep them on hand from then on.
It was actually the EXTREMELY limited availability of this first cigar that got me thinking this way.
What if these sticks turn out to be a real favorite, and then you realize that the sampler you are holding in your hands is the first, last and only chance you will ever have to enjoy these sticks as no more are available, ANYWHERE!!!
To calm myself down I started thinking about how great it would be if these Forum Blend sticks were put into regular rotation at C.Com.
From there it just grew into why not do it every year or two and actually create a new line of sticks which could be ordered by the year of their creation as discussed earlier and would be kept available (if that particular stick has a market for it, of course) from the time of it's creation, forward.
The BOTL here get some very KEWL opportunities to learn and be creative and C.Com builds a whole new line of House blend sticks and can offer them as "only available at C.Com" and has a built-in market and the chance for them to use this line as a fantastic promotional tool.
The 1 year only thing scares me. I don't know if I could afford to purchase up as many as I may like before they become un-available. Then what!! LMAO
I've been buying from C.Com for almost 2 years, and a "technically" a forum member for over a year, but I didn't actually become active until this year when I stumbled upon the forum blend right after you guys had decided on it and had already started the pre-order phase. I for sure thought I had missed an amazing opportunity.
so I watched every single day, countless times throughout the day to see if there was any news or last minute orders, and lo and behold, Alex posted on here that there were only 14 left, so I immediately called up C.Com and Tim hooked me up.
Seeing how involved everybody was and how excited everyone was got me completely sucked in here, even though I may not be as kewl as most of you guys as well as the old legends that were on here, you guys don't hesitate to welcome everybody, with a certain level of reserve of course.
The concept of purchasing and enjoying something like this is amazing enough. I mean, how kewl is it going to be to have somebody ask "Hey, what kind of cigar is that?" "Well, it just so happpens to be one that a bunch of bad ass online bros of mine constructed." But next time, I want to be able to say that I helped.
So If I need to sign a petition, join a club or make a sacrificial offering to help get another one of these amazing opportunities going, then that's what I'll do.
I'm with you fellas, this is great, but I sure don't want it to be the last and only time this happens.
As for the too many blends... I don't know, possibly C.Com would find this too big a burden to carry, but with new lines coming out every year anyway, they still have to make room or drop blends/lines in order to keep their inventory current to what people are buying. I don't think it would be that much of a departure from the present house blends. The expense would be passed on to the BOTL here just like every other line out there. At least as I see it. Of course there may be numerous things that we are not savvy to that may prevent this from happening.
That is why I was hoping Alex will comment on this idea.
Might as well have it blown out of the water right off the bat, IMO.
On the other hand, I suppose it would be this quiet level of response which C.Com would use to gauge the real interest in such an idea. Too bad.
I think once we get the samplers and have had time to try the cigars and really form an opinion on them, that will be when this discussion takes off. Not only regarding future blends, but perhaps what we could have done differently with this one to make it better. And we can only know that last part once we've sampled the fruits of our effort. Patience is the key here my friend, there will be a time for this discussion to come to fruition, I can assure you of that much.
Yes that would be very interesting to follow. Also many people come and go from the forum so that would probably have an effect as well ...
Looks like me and Gino think alike, he's just got a quicker trigger finger.
Doing great Joe hope you are as well brother ..... You know I think I would have voted a little differently if we had it all to do over but I'm still excited to try these hopefully soon.
From what I remember, we get five of each of the two wrappers, all in a toro vitola.