Electric humidifiers

Hey fellas....im in the market for an electric humidifier for my cabinet humidor...any personal information on the following types (1) Humi-Care EH Plus, (2) Humi-Care XG Pro 1000, (3) Cigar Oasis XL Plus & lastly (4) Hydra SM Humidifier. I just bought a cuban crafters cabinet humidor (600ct). Im digging the Humi-care XG 1000 Pro but i cant tell if they power cable is the thin ribbon type like the smaller brother the EH Plus. Since the cabinet humidor does not have built in power adapter in the inside i want something that is reliable with ribbon style power connectors. I hear that the cigar oasis humidifiers are faulty and break down alot??? Any personal advise on this subject would be great....thanks alot