Drew is GOOD to his newbies :)

I felt like a kid at Christmas opening my stash. And just like a Cracker Jack box, there was a special prize inside
I'll post up some pics tonight but I just couldn't wait to tell you I got 'em and I love 'em and I'm really looking forward to these new sticks to try. Been wanting to try some of these I'd seen before and looking forward to the ones I haven't seen before too. Thanks Drew. You made my day brother.

If you change your mind and don't want any of those, Michael, feel free to send them my way ;-) LOL
Great hit, Drew .... but dang, you didn't have to beat him that bad!!!
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Michael certainly put you in your place with that selection, LOL
Looks like you two got an ol'-fashioned slugfest going on!!
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *