Home Cigar 101

Resurrecting Old Cigars

I've come across a semi-filled humidor that has been completely neglected for about 7 years.

Does anyone know if it's possible to resurrect these once fine cigars? If yes then how should I proceed? Thanks for your help.


  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    If its been neglected for 7 years with the sticks still in them, I highly doubt you'll get anything that is smokable after that much neglect. Best case scenario, check the seal and reseason the humi until its able to hold a low RH, around 60ish and then stick the smokes back in and raise the RH up 5 percent every six months or so. Your looking at a long term rehab that probably isn't worth it.

    You might just want to do the above, chuck the old sticks and buy new ones, they probably are a lost cause by now.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Just out of curiosity what are the cigars and how did they come to be neglected for so long ???
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    If it were me in this situation, I'd just toss the cigars and start with some new ones. 7 years is time enough for all of the oils in the tobacco to have dissipated, and without oils the cigars won't taste good or like much of anything at all, and that is even if you are able to rehab them into the proper condition. They won't ever be the same, so you're best to cut your losses before you incur any.
  • LasabarLasabar Posts: 4,472 ✭✭✭
    Leave the cigars out on the counter as conversation starters

    Season old Humi and put new cigars in it

    Whem company comes over offer them the "Aged" stick sitting on your table and grab a good cigar for yourself!
  • how about taking care of your s h i t to begin with.  heres to hoping your toros burn in 5 minutes and your humidor greeted by a mexican family of beatles
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    how about taking care of your s h i t to begin with.  heres to hoping your toros burn in 5 minutes and your humidor greeted by a mexican family of beatles
    admin? Removal por favor.
  • Removal for what? Stating the obvious?? I only wish it were you Jozer. It would make my day to hear you bellyaching about how some commie ass beatles invaded your humidor and unleashed a vicious battle sparing nothing in it path. Once again, I bid you good day cheese d i c k !
  • jpclotfelterjpclotfelter Posts: 294
    how about taking care of your s h i t to begin with.  heres to hoping your toros burn in 5 minutes and your humidor greeted by a mexican family of beatles
    Beatles? Are you sure about that? I didn't know there was a Mexican equivalent of the Beatles. Juan, Pablo, Jorge and Ringo? Are you sure you didn't mean "beetles"?
  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    Beatles? Are you sure about that? I didn't know there was a Mexican equivalent of the Beatles. Juan, Pablo, Jorge and Ringo? Are you sure you didn't mean "beetles"?
    That would be pretty cool having a Mexican Beatle infestation. Open the humi and mariachi music starts playing. Maybe even a pinata hanging from the lid.
  • Garen B:
    Beatles? Are you sure about that? I didn't know there was a Mexican equivalent of the Beatles. Juan, Pablo, Jorge and Ringo? Are you sure you didn't mean "beetles"?
    That would be pretty cool having a Mexican Beatle infestation. Open the humi and mariachi music starts playing. Maybe even a pinata hanging from the lid.
    The Mexican Hat Dance would kick ass. Nothing like some good music to pick out a smoke!! OLE!
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Garen B:
    Beatles? Are you sure about that? I didn't know there was a Mexican equivalent of the Beatles. Juan, Pablo, Jorge and Ringo? Are you sure you didn't mean "beetles"?
    That would be pretty cool having a Mexican Beatle infestation. Open the humi and mariachi music starts playing. Maybe even a pinata hanging from the lid.
    The Mexican Hat Dance would kick ass. Nothing like some good music to pick out a smoke!! OLE!
    OK, so who is this troll, and how come his post count doesn't change from 5?
    Any Admin. out there? Time for a flush boys!!
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    Leave the cigars out on the counter as conversation starters

    Season old Humi and put new cigars in it

    Whem company comes over offer them the "Aged" stick sitting on your table and grab a good cigar for yourself!
    Thats cruel
  • LasabarLasabar Posts: 4,472 ✭✭✭
    Garen B:
    Beatles? Are you sure about that? I didn't know there was a Mexican equivalent of the Beatles. Juan, Pablo, Jorge and Ringo? Are you sure you didn't mean "beetles"?
    That would be pretty cool having a Mexican Beatle infestation. Open the humi and mariachi music starts playing. Maybe even a pinata hanging from the lid.
    The Mexican Hat Dance would kick ass. Nothing like some good music to pick out a smoke!! OLE!
    OK, so who is this troll, and how come his post count doesn't change from 5?
    Any Admin. out there? Time for a flush boys!!
    I bet he's from the anti-tobacco lobby... But they couldn't afford someone over the age of 16. So now we end up with some flamer that thinks "cheese-****" is a word that does NOT make him seem like the prettiest blonde haired white boy in cell-block D at Riker's...
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Garen B:
    Beatles? Are you sure about that? I didn't know there was a Mexican equivalent of the Beatles. Juan, Pablo, Jorge and Ringo? Are you sure you didn't mean "beetles"?
    That would be pretty cool having a Mexican Beatle infestation. Open the humi and mariachi music starts playing. Maybe even a pinata hanging from the lid.
    The Mexican Hat Dance would kick ass. Nothing like some good music to pick out a smoke!! OLE!
    OK, so who is this troll, and how come his post count doesn't change from 5?
    Any Admin. out there? Time for a flush boys!!
    I bet he's from the anti-tobacco lobby... But they couldn't afford someone over the age of 16. So now we end up with some flamer that thinks "cheese-****" is a word that does NOT make him seem like the prettiest blonde haired white boy in cell-block D at Riker's...
    I hate to admit it, but this is probably the most interesting thing that's happened around on these forums for awhile. lol, jk.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Removal for what? Stating the obvious?? I only wish it were you Jozer. It would make my day to hear you bellyaching about how some commie ass beatles invaded your humidor and unleashed a vicious battle sparing nothing in it path. Once again, I bid you good day cheese d i c k !
    Hey Johnnywalkerblue
    Why don't you take a walk already.
  • kaspera79:
    Removal for what? Stating the obvious?? I only wish it were you Jozer. It would make my day to hear you bellyaching about how some commie ass beatles invaded your humidor and unleashed a vicious battle sparing nothing in it path. Once again, I bid you good day cheese d i c k !
    Hey Johnnywalkerblue
    Why don't you take a walk already.
    Why dont you mind your own business. This is between Jozer and I. If you have a man crush on Jozer, well then that is your problem.
  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    Hey Johnny, just thought I'd let you in on a bit of the forum rules
    C.com Forum Rules:
    The basic rule for using the forum is to implement good judgment and common sense in keeping your comments and messages reasonable. Examples of unreasonable messages include the use of profanity, advertising or commercial purposes, competing web sites, or disparaging an individual, a race or religion, a company, or a website.
    Since you just stated that your argument and apparent defamation campaign is against joz3r, you just broke the "disparaging an individual" rule. Oh and to answer your question on why you should be removed, here's the sentence that follows the above:
    C.com Forum Rules:
    In the event that certain forum postings are questionable, the posting will be taken down, and offenders may have their privileges removed. This message area is monitored by our staff, who reserve the right to remove, edit or close a post or thread at any time.
  • Well I am still here for all those who wished my removal so I dont think I was out of line. Garen, as much I appreciate you quoting the rules I am fully aware of their existence, however I dont have them posted to my refrigerator. I feel that I am entitled to my opinion even if it is that of my own and not viewed the same by more. I only choose to express my opinion, and I'm sure there are others not to fond of jozer. Take a step outside, look around, take a deep breath my friends, for you are in America! Land of the Free, and home of the Brave, stand up a proclaim that jozer is a pansy (read signature below) knowing that freedom of speech is in the constitution. And jozer, i dont want to leave you out of the patriotism, so heres to the red, white and **** you!
  • HugemooseHugemoose Posts: 458
    Well I am still here for all those who wished my removal so I dont think I was out of line. Garen, as much I appreciate you quoting the rules I am fully aware of their existence, however I dont have them posted to my refrigerator. I feel that I am entitled to my opinion even if it is that of my own and not viewed the same by more. I only choose to express my opinion, and I'm sure there are others not to fond of jozer. Take a step outside, look around, take a deep breath my friends, for you are in America! Land of the Free, and home of the Brave, stand up a proclaim that jozer is a pansy (read signature below) knowing that freedom of speech is in the constitution. And jozer, i dont want to leave you out of the patriotism, so heres to the red, white and **** you!
    Clearly you have some outstanding hatred for Jozer, but we dont' care. While you may have the right, you should also have enough self control and dignity to simply take it somewhere else.

    What ever you argument with Jozer is, it probably doesn't belong on this forum.
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    We'll see what happens Monday...
  • cabinetmaker:
    We'll see what happens Monday...
    Big plans making some cabinets I assume???
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    We'll see what happens Monday...
    Big plans making some cabinets I assume???

    Nope, like all TURDS... you will be flushed.
    Ignore this ****, the smell will be gone soon.
  • LasabarLasabar Posts: 4,472 ✭✭✭
    We'll see what happens Monday...
    Big plans making some cabinets I assume???

    Nope, like all TURDS... you will be flushed.
    Ignore this ****, the smell will be gone soon.
    Unless your toilet is broken... then you may want to be preemptive and pour some bleach in the water just to try to help the smell from forming
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    We'll see what happens Monday...
    Big plans making some cabinets I assume???

    Nope, like all TURDS... you will be flushed.
    Ignore this ****, the smell will be gone soon.
    Unless your toilet is broken... then you may want to be preemptive and pour some bleach in the water just to try to help the smell from forming
    Ummmmm, Yeah!!
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Posts: 2,124 ✭✭✭✭
    ...freedom of speech is in the constitution....
    ...Take a step outside, look around, take a deep breath my friends, for you are in America! Land of the Free, and home of the Brave...

    I always find it so disparaging when the weak and feeble ignorant minds of our society choose to defend their ridiculous statements and egregious claims by masking them with over-generalized references to the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, or Bill of Rights, demeaning their existence, meaning, and relativity by assimilating these great works of the human mind to their petty inadequacies.

    Know you not that your rights end where they infringe upon the rights of others, that no one can diminish your sacred right to speech, that business' such as Cigar.com also have rights which allow them deny service to anyone without reason? You seem mighty selective in "rights" you think ought to be supported and which ones should not.

    Try to not to preach too much about the land of the free and the Home of the Brave. There are plenty of veterans on these message boards. We've fought in wars far greater than anything you'll ever view sitting behind your computer screen to ensure that this land remains the free and we find it down right offensive when folks start throwing around these beautiful words in meaningless arguments.
  • clearlysuspect:
    ...freedom of speech is in the constitution....
    ...Take a step outside, look around, take a deep breath my friends, for you are in America! Land of the Free, and home of the Brave...

    I always find it so disparaging when the weak and feeble ignorant minds of our society choose to defend their ridiculous statements and egregious claims by masking them with over-generalized references to the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, or Bill of Rights, demeaning their existence, meaning, and relativity by assimilating these great works of the human mind to their petty inadequacies.

    Know you not that your rights end where they infringe upon the rights of others, that no one can diminish your sacred right to speech, that business' such as Cigar.com also have rights which allow them deny service to anyone without reason? You seem mighty selective in "rights" you think ought to be supported and which ones should not.

    Try to not to preach too much about the land of the free and the Home of the Brave. There are plenty of veterans on these message boards. We've fought in wars far greater than anything you'll ever view sitting behind your computer screen to ensure that this land remains the free and we find it down right offensive when folks start throwing around these beautiful words in meaningless arguments.
    I will not sit idle and allow you to tell me not to preach about the land of the free and home of the brave. I have many dear friends and family members that serve this country everyday. All Americans should be more patriotic. I agree that tossing out the freedom of speech was bad taste but you guys need to lighten up. I thought cigar smokers are suppose to be a little laid back. You guys need to think about this the next time you fire 1 up. I think this tomfoolery has gone on long enough, for those that have been offended, I sincerly apologize. For those that got a laugh out of the nonsense, keep living the good life my friend! And to the persons behind the scenes for cigar.com, thanks for running a great company! P.S. I'll still do business with your company even after I'm banned from the forums.
  • ThewelderThewelder Posts: 682 ✭✭
    To get back on subject of possibly ressurecting old cigars that got neglected for whatever reason, death in the family, a new baby being born, or crazy wife who got a bug up her @ss about smoking it doesn't matter. Just like everyone else was saying you are just going to have to toss them and start over. Hope they weren't that expensive. Welcome back to enjoying cigars
  • SgtRickSgtRick Posts: 75
    how about taking care of your s h i t to begin with.  heres to hoping your toros burn in 5 minutes and your humidor greeted by a mexican family of beatles
    WOW! You really are a piece of work.
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