Shoulder problems
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Anyone ever had shoulder issues? My shoulder has been bugging me for about a year now and I finally went to the doctor. He thinks it's my AC joint or rotator cuff. I have to see a specialist next month. Anyone been in my boat? If so, did you need surgery or was this fixed through exercise/PT?
How old are you? How long has this been going on? What is your current range of motion? Have you had an MRI yet? X-rays show a little, MRI shows the whole story. I started getting injections some years ago, worked for awhile. Many times shoulder problems can be worked through with physical therapy, usually intense and lengthy, but putting off surgery for years. There's no telling how many years some parts of mine were torn. Eventually, if you keep pushing it, they tear more, until there's no choice but to go in and do something.
You need to see an orthopedist, for sure. Get an MRI, try the injections and PT first. Many people are going to tell you: "Rotator cuff surgery is the most painful surgery you can have."
It's not. It is painful, but it's only maybe 30% of the pain of a total knee replacement, I know!
Good luck, if you've any questions feel free to ask here, or PM me.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
My range of motion was decent until yesterday when I lifted some equipment above my waste. Now it's gotten a lot worse. The worst range of motion is straight up, behind my back, and the most painful is basically scratching my right deltoid with my left hand (hope that makes sense). In that direction I can only go about an inch before the pain convinces me to stop. I have pain everywhere on my shouder (front,back, side and it feels like the muscle and joints hurt) no matter what I do. I'm pretty decent with pain as I take nothing now and won't unless it's prescribed. Even then, I will take as little as possible. Thanks for info and I hope you and everyone else gets fixed up and healthy again.
My wife just experienced a manipulation under sedation for frozen shoulder. PT 3 times a week at $30 bucks a pop, after a full week of PT adds up! At least they told us how much the bill was going to be up front! That hurts more than the stretches I help her do.
Sorry, off topic.
Her pain was manageable. They wanted her to use hydrocodone, but she doesn't react well to that so she stuck with Aleve after the first day.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
When I saw my ortho after having the MRI, he wanted me on the table that afternoon. I explained to him that I'm a paramedic, father of a small child, drummer, bass guitarist, guitarist, tattooist, body piercer and bike builder. My wife is a PTA, so I know the recovery process after surgery and that he wasn't going to take my livelihood away from me. So, to that effect, I'll grit my teeh, take my meds and soldier on until I can find a viable option.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
A friend of mine, a doctor, swears by Celebrex, probably couldn't raise his arms at all without it, and has had a few surgeries already, only step left is total replacement, which he's not into, yet.
For many folks, the final straw seems to be when they can no longer sleep in the bed, but have to sleep sitting up in an easy chair. Can't lay on the shoulder, laying on the other side doesn't help either, but sitting up is often a relief.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Seems like I'm just falling apart sometimes...
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain