boveda loyalties...

So I gotta ask the question and discuss. After the sham video slamming beads with the faked rhs, I notice on "another" puffing forum that boveda is in full game promoting. So they offered free calibration test kits. Ok I got one, my hygro was reading 4rh high. But my beads were holding 65. I was just like why the heck am I getting to 69 when my beads never did that. my salt test showed 77rh,I assumed 2rh high. Ok so they showed me its 4 high. You showed me my hygro was wrong but my beads were still after 4 years holding their setpoint. People are posting about dropping beads for boveda, several of these posters are with 2 or 3 posts. So its a strategic company move? Come on boveda, you guys pulled some ignorant crap slamming beads, when they work perfect. Ok you are losing business, due to the realization that you're in a crap spot. These are my thoughts. Find a way to recharge your packs and I'll switch in a heartbeat. Yes your packs hold true rh flawlessly thru science. Ok others do also, and I don't have to spend my sons toy money every 2 months. Boveda can pull this off, they're just like Microsoft blowing the new xbox release, get it together and realize common sense.
they dont tell you that because then they sell fewer packs.
put your boveda pack in a zip loc bag with a dish of distilled water for a week or so. that will bring that pack back to life.
ive done this dozens of times.
i use Heartfelt beads, Xikar humidity jars, water pillows and Boveda packs for humidity.
my 4 humidors have either beads or jars for the "permanent" humidity and then water pillows and boveda as supplemental humidity.
i have not seen boveda on other forums bashing anyone, but in all fairness i have not really been looking. but yeah... beads do work perfectly. i have used them for YEARS and i have never once had an issue.
i have one in my actual wood humidor that i have been recharging for a few years. i wonder if they changed how they make them since a few people found they could recharge them.
kinda makes me want to never use boveda again.
i have Xikar in one humidor as the primary humidification device and Heartfelt in another. both of them are never more than one percentage point away from 68%
they are pissing on my head and telling me its raining.