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boveda loyalties...

blurrblurr Posts: 962 ✭✭
So I gotta ask the question and discuss. After the sham video slamming beads with the faked rhs, I notice on "another" puffing forum that boveda is in full game promoting. So they offered free calibration test kits. Ok I got one, my hygro was reading 4rh high. But my beads were holding 65. I was just like why the heck am I getting to 69 when my beads never did that. my salt test showed 77rh,I assumed 2rh high. Ok so they showed me its 4 high. You showed me my hygro was wrong but my beads were still after 4 years holding their setpoint. People are posting about dropping beads for boveda, several of these posters are with 2 or 3 posts. So its a strategic company move? Come on boveda, you guys pulled some ignorant crap slamming beads, when they work perfect. Ok you are losing business, due to the realization that you're in a crap spot. These are my thoughts. Find a way to recharge your packs and I'll switch in a heartbeat. Yes your packs hold true rh flawlessly thru science. Ok others do also, and I don't have to spend my sons toy money every 2 months. Boveda can pull this off, they're just like Microsoft blowing the new xbox release, get it together and realize common sense.


  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    you can recharge boveda.
    they dont tell you that because then they sell fewer packs.

    put your boveda pack in a zip loc bag with a dish of distilled water for a week or so. that will bring that pack back to life.
    ive done this dozens of times.

    i use Heartfelt beads, Xikar humidity jars, water pillows and Boveda packs for humidity.
    my 4 humidors have either beads or jars for the "permanent" humidity and then water pillows and boveda as supplemental humidity.

    i have not seen boveda on other forums bashing anyone, but in all fairness i have not really been looking. but yeah... beads do work perfectly. i have used them for YEARS and i have never once had an issue.
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So I gotta ask the question and discuss. After the sham video slamming beads with the faked rhs, I notice on "another" puffing forum that boveda is in full game promoting. So they offered free calibration test kits. Ok I got one, my hygro was reading 4rh high. But my beads were holding 65. I was just like why the heck am I getting to 69 when my beads never did that. my salt test showed 77rh,I assumed 2rh high. Ok so they showed me its 4 high. You showed me my hygro was wrong but my beads were still after 4 years holding their setpoint. People are posting about dropping beads for boveda, several of these posters are with 2 or 3 posts. So its a strategic company move? Come on boveda, you guys pulled some ignorant crap slamming beads, when they work perfect. Ok you are losing business, due to the realization that you're in a crap spot. These are my thoughts. Find a way to recharge your packs and I'll switch in a heartbeat. Yes your packs hold true rh flawlessly thru science. Ok others do also, and I don't have to spend my sons toy money every 2 months. Boveda can pull this off, they're just like Microsoft blowing the new xbox release, get it together and realize common sense.
    I bet it's just an isolated indecent by some low level officials in the Cincinnati office ;)
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    Recharged boveda lasts a VERY short period of time. I've tried this with success, they last a week at best, if not days. A Wineador does keep them nice and healthy though as long as I keep them in there, they will last forever, but as soon as they hit a normal humi....dead in a week. The recharging thing is a myth.
  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    I've used boveda for a few years. They have been consistent, and worked well for me. The cost has been a non issue. Once a year I buy a twelve pack. I have seen a few issues where they mis-labeled packs, and that video they did with the beads. I heard they handled the first issue rather well, but that video was stupid. It's like it was aimed at people who know nothing. It's like anything else though. Buyer beware. The burden is on me to educate myself, and see through the hype, advertising, and fanboys. I use beads too, but I don't see myself switching to strictly one, or the other.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Recharged boveda lasts a VERY short period of time. I've tried this with success, they last a week at best, if not days. A Wineador does keep them nice and healthy though as long as I keep them in there, they will last forever, but as soon as they hit a normal humi....dead in a week. The recharging thing is a myth.

    i have one in my actual wood humidor that i have been recharging for a few years. i wonder if they changed how they make them since a few people found they could recharge them.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    Recharged boveda lasts a VERY short period of time. I've tried this with success, they last a week at best, if not days. A Wineador does keep them nice and healthy though as long as I keep them in there, they will last forever, but as soon as they hit a normal humi....dead in a week. The recharging thing is a myth.

    i have one in my actual wood humidor that i have been recharging for a few years. i wonder if they changed how they make them since a few people found they could recharge them.
    I've been able to recharge them for years, but they only last a week at most. They only recharge in a VERY stable environment as well. If they are the primary device, they will be suck dry in no time. I use the little 69's to bring my humis back up from time to time instead of spraying water. They go from wet as a new one to dry as can be in no time. The bigger ones seem to last longer, but not like a new one.
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Posts: 5,960 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm happy with my boveda packs and gel mix haven't had to replace them in over a year. I do agree with boveda in air tight situations just using gel/beads spikes my humidity. In a actual humidor I have no problems since they breathe. But since I use coolers and wineadors for long term and rarely open them I don't trust much more then boveda.
    Money can't buy taste
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Are you talking about the "Boveda versus the competition" video that I found on youtube?
  • CigaryCigary Posts: 630
    RH media is always going to be a chess game because everybody wants protection but we all have varying kinds of humidors. Some will have every kind known to man ( like me ) while others will only have 2 or 3 of them. Beads work well and I have used them in the past and in some humis I still use them. Mine are well past 5 years old and work just as well as they did in the first month. The problem I have with them is my collection is pretty big..5000 cigars and I need a media that will work w/o going broke so I went the route of KL. In some of my smaller humis I use the pillows and in a few others I've used DW in paradigm hygros so we will use what we are comfortable with in a way that makes us feel better and works. Boveda paks work as well but I don't want to keep buying the same media over and over when I found one that works for years and is virtually guaranteed. As has been said...to each their own.
  • Gray4linesGray4lines Posts: 4,691 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just watched the Boveda video... wtf? Lol! It's hardly believable when all BUT Boveda hit 99% + rh.... did they douse all of them with water or what? Kind of shady I dont think anyone has that bad of experience with other media.
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • brianetz1brianetz1 Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭
    Recharged boveda lasts a VERY short period of time. I've tried this with success, they last a week at best, if not days. A Wineador does keep them nice and healthy though as long as I keep them in there, they will last forever, but as soon as they hit a normal humi....dead in a week. The recharging thing is a myth.

    i have one in my actual wood humidor that i have been recharging for a few years. i wonder if they changed how they make them since a few people found they could recharge them.
    I trying this with one as of today and I will report. I only have wood so I will report back. The one I put in there was getting gritty.....we'll see
  • The_KidThe_Kid Posts: 7,869 ✭✭✭
    i , have a couple to charge as well, i think i charged one, a long time ago and dnt remember how long it lasted,,, i like em cause they take up little to no space and theres no maint required,, i use the 65's
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Assuming we are talking about the "Boveda versus the competition" video on YouTube,.... it gave me a bad feeling,...........about the executives at Boveda. They must be struggling financially to stoop to this level. I'm very suspicious that the heartfelt product was rigged to fail. I don't use heartfelt. But what I have learned from silica KL makes me know that something is fishy here. There was NO explanation as to how they prepped the beads. And if I were to prep those beads for an empty container I'm certain I could make them keep less that 70% RH. They may have prepped them as per the directions for a wooden humi with cigars. And I'm sure that that would make them fail inside a tiny Tupperware container. Who do they think they're foolin'? Whoever approved of this crappy attack ad should be demoted or fired. This is infomercial BS. I think boveda products work great. But this promotional stunt sucks. I don't think less of the product but I do think a lot less of the company now, and to that degree I'm less likely to buy any more of their stuff.
  • brianetz1brianetz1 Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭
    The Kid:
    i , have a couple to charge as well, i think i charged one, a long time ago and dnt remember how long it lasted,,, i like em cause they take up little to no space and theres no maint required,, i use the 65's
    I use them for the same reason Kid. I have 5 small humidors to store my stuff in and don't have the room for beads or KL. Once i get a big single humidor i will probably move to a KL container
  • RainRain Posts: 8,958 ✭✭✭
    Dumb people work at a lot of places I like...so I'll still buy from them. I don't think that video is new.
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dumb people work at a lot of places I like...so I'll still buy from them. I don't think that video is new.
    When a company fraudulently attempts to harm their competition, they can expect a backlash, but with fewer than 800 views in two months, this video will have little effect on any of these companies.
  • RainRain Posts: 8,958 ✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    Dumb people work at a lot of places I like...so I'll still buy from them. I don't think that video is new.
    When a company fraudulently attempts to harm their competition, they can expect a backlash, but with fewer than 800 views in two months, this video will have little effect on any of these companies.
    I doubt 99% of the companies in the world have not done some type of misleading advertising. What are you saying that they are misleading? He admits in the comments that they overfilled the beads to prove that Boveda is the only product you can buy, set in the humi and leave it alone. Now, he's also dumb because he claims that beads are not two way control.Keeping in mind I only glanced at the video, he is correct. Go dump a gallon of water in your beads (who knows how much THEY used for the experiment) and tell me how they work. His experiment is dumb, because it's set up, but it's not wrong. It's like a statistic...he can make it say whatever he wants.Edit - Having watched the whole video, the only part that irks me is when he says "As you can see, all that these others products do is give off humidity til they dry out." He is obviously wrong. Him being dumb does not mean I won't use a combination of beads and boveda....lucky for him. I don't really care that boveda made a misleading video, because McDonalds claims that their food does not make people obese. I know what works for my cigars.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    Dumb people work at a lot of places I like...so I'll still buy from them. I don't think that video is new.
    When a company fraudulently attempts to harm their competition, they can expect a backlash, but with fewer than 800 views in two months, this video will have little effect on any of these companies.
    that video is such BS.
    kinda makes me want to never use boveda again.

    i have Xikar in one humidor as the primary humidification device and Heartfelt in another. both of them are never more than one percentage point away from 68%

    they are pissing on my head and telling me its raining.
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, he (the guy in the video, Charlie Rutherford) didn't admit that he overfilled them. In the comments section he was replying to another guy who questioned whether they had over-filled the beads to rig the experiment. His partial reply - "The? fact that you can "over fill" beads proves that's it's not 2-way humidity control." That's not an admission that he overfilled them. I've watched it a few times now and there's no mention of how they prepped the Heartfelt Beads as far as I can tell. I know a botl here that says that 65% hearfelt beads will produce an RH at less that 60% right out of the bag. My favorite silica KL produces 60% in the jug it comes in. McDonalds didn't claim that Burger King would make you fat, but that's kinda what boveda has done here.
  • RainRain Posts: 8,958 ✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    No, he (the guy in the video, Charlie Rutherford) didn't admit that he overfilled them. In the comments section he was replying to another guy who questioned whether they had over-filled the beads to rig the experiment. His partial reply - "The? fact that you can "over fill" beads proves that's it's not 2-way humidity control." That's not an admission that he overfilled them. I've watched it a few times now and there's no mention of how they prepped the Heartfelt Beads as far as I can tell. I know a botl here that says that 65% hearfelt beads will produce an RH at less that 60% right out of the bag. My favorite silica KL produces 60% in the jug it comes in. McDonalds didn't claim that Burger King would make you fat, but that's kinda what boveda has done here.
    Ok, I mean I don't make Boveda....so I'm not going to lose sleep over how you feel about their advertising practices. Your hum is not air tight, I assume that plastic container he is using is. Have you ever used beads/boveda/kl in an air tight container? I have not, so how can I say the experiment is wrong? Lee commented above that, in his opinion, beads in an air tight container could spoke RH. You claim it's a fraud, but you also admit to having no idea how the experiment was set up.It would not be a Bob Luken post with a KL plug.I guess it comes down to everyone has their own opinions on how to keep humidity. Especially Charlie Rutherford ;)
  • RainRain Posts: 8,958 ✭✭✭
    I'm happy with my boveda packs and gel mix haven't had to replace them in over a year. I do agree with boveda in air tight situations just using gel/beads spikes my humidity. In a actual humidor I have no problems since they breathe. But since I use coolers and wineadors for long term and rarely open them I don't trust much more then boveda.
    I've never tried them in an air tight container.
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Posts: 5,960 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm happy with my boveda packs and gel mix haven't had to replace them in over a year. I do agree with boveda in air tight situations just using gel/beads spikes my humidity. In a actual humidor I have no problems since they breathe. But since I use coolers and wineadors for long term and rarely open them I don't trust much more then boveda.
    I've never tried them in an air tight container.
    and I think this would be a problem for most battling this whole debate...the test was done in plastic air tight containers! Not humidors. So until someone actually does these tests besides boveda and proves this wrong well there is no argument really in my head. It's what ever you have confidence in! Me I like my boveda packs and will keep using them till they prove me wrong. I don't care that much about price especially when they are helping protect collections that are far past the price of some packs. Plus I've never heard of a boveda pack growing mold on it even when a foreign object sits on it. So for my mental health why not use them?! But that's my .02 but who knows obviously others are pretty mad that boveda did a study and put the findings out there. Hhhhhhmmmmmmmm I wonder what they think of every car manufacturer that claims they are the best and have won the most awards? If you don't agree with the findings well don't buy it! If you don't like how the company has gone about things well then your just going to have a lot of issues with a ton of other things besides boveda packs lol.
    Money can't buy taste
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm happy with my boveda packs and gel mix haven't had to replace them in over a year. I do agree with boveda in air tight situations just using gel/beads spikes my humidity. In a actual humidor I have no problems since they breathe. But since I use coolers and wineadors for long term and rarely open them I don't trust much more then boveda.
    I've never tried them in an air tight container.
    and I think this would be a problem for most battling this whole debate...the test was done in plastic air tight containers! Not humidors. So until someone actually does these tests besides boveda and proves this wrong well there is no argument really in my head. It's what ever you have confidence in! Me I like my boveda packs and will keep using them till they prove me wrong. I don't care that much about price especially when they are helping protect collections that are far past the price of some packs. Plus I've never heard of a boveda pack growing mold on it even when a foreign object sits on it. So for my mental health why not use them?! But that's my .02 but who knows obviously others are pretty mad that boveda did a study and put the findings out there. Hhhhhhmmmmmmmm I wonder what they think of every car manufacturer that claims they are the best and have won the most awards? If you don't agree with the findings well don't buy it! If you don't like how the company has gone about things well then your just going to have a lot of issues with a ton of other things besides boveda packs lol.
    So people are “obviously mad” about it? And if people don’t like how Boveda has gone about this they “must have a lot of issues with a ton of other things”? Really? Who me? If it’s not me, then who? Hmmm? Do tell. LOL It’s me. Isn’t it?
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Posts: 5,960 ✭✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    I'm happy with my boveda packs and gel mix haven't had to replace them in over a year. I do agree with boveda in air tight situations just using gel/beads spikes my humidity. In a actual humidor I have no problems since they breathe. But since I use coolers and wineadors for long term and rarely open them I don't trust much more then boveda.
    I've never tried them in an air tight container.
    and I think this would be a problem for most battling this whole debate...the test was done in plastic air tight containers! Not humidors. So until someone actually does these tests besides boveda and proves this wrong well there is no argument really in my head. It's what ever you have confidence in! Me I like my boveda packs and will keep using them till they prove me wrong. I don't care that much about price especially when they are helping protect collections that are far past the price of some packs. Plus I've never heard of a boveda pack growing mold on it even when a foreign object sits on it. So for my mental health why not use them?! But that's my .02 but who knows obviously others are pretty mad that boveda did a study and put the findings out there. Hhhhhhmmmmmmmm I wonder what they think of every car manufacturer that claims they are the best and have won the most awards? If you don't agree with the findings well don't buy it! If you don't like how the company has gone about things well then your just going to have a lot of issues with a ton of other things besides boveda packs lol.
    So people are “obviously mad” about it? And if people don’t like how Boveda has gone about this they “must have a lot of issues with a ton of other things”? Really? Who me? If it’s not me, then who? Hmmm? Do tell. LOL It’s me. Isn’t it?
    lmao I'm not aiming anything at you! I'm just generally saying this. And yeah any company that claims they are the best but you think different and have a prob with it well that is every company I have ever ran into! This world is so money hungry it's sad!! But as stated use what you feel confident in and really what this whole debate is winding down to is petty politics and ethics which well is a loss in my book either way
    Money can't buy taste
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    I'm happy with my boveda packs and gel mix haven't had to replace them in over a year. I do agree with boveda in air tight situations just using gel/beads spikes my humidity. In a actual humidor I have no problems since they breathe. But since I use coolers and wineadors for long term and rarely open them I don't trust much more then boveda.
    I've never tried them in an air tight container.
    and I think this would be a problem for most battling this whole debate...the test was done in plastic air tight containers! Not humidors. So until someone actually does these tests besides boveda and proves this wrong well there is no argument really in my head. It's what ever you have confidence in! Me I like my boveda packs and will keep using them till they prove me wrong. I don't care that much about price especially when they are helping protect collections that are far past the price of some packs. Plus I've never heard of a boveda pack growing mold on it even when a foreign object sits on it. So for my mental health why not use them?! But that's my .02 but who knows obviously others are pretty mad that boveda did a study and put the findings out there. Hhhhhhmmmmmmmm I wonder what they think of every car manufacturer that claims they are the best and have won the most awards? If you don't agree with the findings well don't buy it! If you don't like how the company has gone about things well then your just going to have a lot of issues with a ton of other things besides boveda packs lol.
    So people are “obviously mad” about it? And if people don’t like how Boveda has gone about this they “must have a lot of issues with a ton of other things”? Really? Who me? If it’s not me, then who? Hmmm? Do tell. LOL It’s me. Isn’t it?
    lmao I'm not aiming anything at you! I'm just generally saying this. And yeah any company that claims they are the best but you think different and have a prob with it well that is every company I have ever ran into! This world is so money hungry it's sad!! But as stated use what you feel confident in and really what this whole debate is winding down to is petty politics and ethics which well is a loss in my book either way
    You're right. It's really not a big deal. Not compared everything else in our lives. But until now, the image I had of Boveda in my mind was a sophisticated company with precise products and seeing this ad was a shock to the image I had. I'm just dissapointed.
  • RainRain Posts: 8,958 ✭✭✭
    It's funny you say that Bob because I was thinking something similar. People that use their product know it works. So the only reason to make this video is for people that don't use the product. I will keep using their product despite this video, not because of it
  • VisionVision Posts: 9,237 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you like a product/company you should buy it. If you dont like it/them you shouldnt. I dont see it being tougher then that.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    my beads are in an air tight container. so is my Xikar jar. both are steady and have been for years. there is something very wrong with that vid.
  • RainRain Posts: 8,958 ✭✭✭
    my beads are in an air tight container. so is my Xikar jar. both are steady and have been for years. there is something very wrong with that vid.
    Congrats on 13K!
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    my beads are in an air tight container. so is my Xikar jar. both are steady and have been for years. there is something very wrong with that vid.
    Congrats on 13K!
    Not to get off track here but Congrats Kuzi.. And yeah the first time I saw that Boveda video I thought You have a good product, why resort to that B.S.
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